Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 44: It Takes a King

Chapter 44:It Takes a King

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When the men burst in making all that noise and Reth\'s weight and warmth disappeared, her first feeling was utter terror—she was about to be killed, torn apart by these people. But very quickly it became clear that the men were looking for Reth—who wasn\'t taking kindly to being interrupted.

Then Elia plunged into horror, bone-deep embarrassment. She scrambled to find furs to cover herself as Reth roared at the men and they all dropped in the face of his rage, clearly trying to keep him calm, but also deliver whatever message they had come to give.

Elia, blushing to her roots, managed to pull one of the furs completely around herself, then sat up. Reth was still crouched on the bed between her and the door, a strange noise in his throat—like a growl, only higher. It was menacing and the men in front of him didn\'t move.

"Reth, I\'m sorry. I\'m so sorry," Behryn said quietly, his hands up, palms facing Reth. "But… you need to calm down. Come back. We won\'t hurt her. I promise."

Reth shuddered and kept making that eerie noise. The muscles on his back jumped and twitched in odd ways, and she wondered exactly what was happening in his mind as he continued to make that noise, but not speak. Then he snorted, and Behryn startled, but didn\'t move, and still didn\'t make eye-contact with Reth. "We won\'t hurt her, Reth. We won\'t even look at her. Come back, brother. She\'s safe."

Come back? Come back from where? Had he gone into some kind of trance or something from the shock?

"Reth?" she said quietly and reached for his back.

But Reth just quivered where she touched him, then relaxed. Slowly, slowly he turned his head from the men in front of him, around to stare at her over his shoulder.

Elia\'s eyes widened and she gasped. His eyes were completely yellow and the pupils black pinpoints in the sea of gold that was near-white at the center, but a beautiful rich gold at the edges. And yet… there was no white in them. At all.

"Reth… what…?"

Then he blinked, and his normal, warm eyes stared back at her and her wide open mouth.

"Reth?" she breathed.

"I\'m sorry if I scared you. Are you okay?" he rasped, his voice husky and dry as if he\'d been shouting for hours.

"I-I\'m fine. Are you okay?" He huffed a breath out of his nose. "I will be," he said dryly. "After I kill my men for walking in here like that."

Behryn and the others, still looking wary, got to their feet, their shoulders slumped, as Reth turned back to them, apparently unconcerned about crouching naked in front of them.

"What are you doing here?" he snarled at his friend. "Unannounced."

"I\'m sorry, Reth—truly—but the patrols scouted a lone male a week ago and they\'ve been tracking him. He crossed into Wildwood yesterday, and has apparently picked up the scent of the females. He\'s been on a direct line for the city since lunchtime."

"Couldn\'t they deal with him?" Reth said through his teeth.

But Behryn shook his head. "He\'s huge. The biggest we\'ve seen. And after last time…"

"Yes, yes," Reth grumbled, shifting to sit on the edge of the platform, though one of his hands remained back, clasped gently on Elia\'s ankle. He stroked the thin skin there with his thumb and Elia had to hide a shiver. Everyone was silent for a moment and she realized the men were waiting for Reth to make a decision. "Very well," he snarled, though he was clearly in a foul mood about it. "Wait outside. I\'ll be out in a few minutes."

"Sire," Behryn said, bowing. It was the first time Elia had seen him so formal with Reth. What had she missed? What was going on?

The men all backed out of the room, then disappeared down the hall.

Reth sighed a huge lungful of air and his shoulders sagged. His thumb kept its slow slide over her ankle. She didn\'t move, uncertain what was wrong with Reth.

"Are you… okay?" she asked finally.

Reth ran both hands over his face and muttered something under his breath. "Yes. I will be," he said, but his voice sounded thinner than usual. "It was just a shock, that\'s all."

She nodded, but realizing that he couldn\'t see her, reached forward to put her hand to his broad back. When she touched him, Reth sighed again, then turned to crawl back up onto the furs, though he didn\'t press her down into them, just sat next to her, cupping her face, his thumb sliding against her cheek. "I am so sorry we were interrupted," he growled.

"You and me both," she said and grinned, which she hoped would bring some of his softness and humor back. There was something about him that was…sharper than usual. Darker. "Are you sure you\'re okay?"

He nodded and turned to look at the doorway where the men had disappeared. "For Anima, the moment of mating is… instinctive. The fact that they interrupted—it took me a moment to get myself under control. My instinct was to protect my mate," he said with a wry smile. "I probably just shaved five years off Behryn\'s life. He could see how close I was to attacking."

"You wouldn\'t attack him, surely?" she said, touching his chest. He shivered and his eyes closed for a moment, then he took her hand in his. "That feels wonderful," he croaked. "But I have to go… think. And be useful to people. That\'s hard to do when I\'m a walking erection." He grinned and kissed her fingers.

Elia smiled back. "How long will you be gone? Should I wait up?"

Reth\'s smile became a grimace and he bared his teeth. "Sadly, no. This may take a few days."

"Days?!" she gasped. "But—"

"I know," he said, his eyes locked on hers. "But make no mistake, Elia. I\'m going to take care of this as quickly as I can. And when I come back…" He let his eyes make a promise.

"I\'ll be waiting," she said, letting her fingers curl into the stubble on his jaw.

He nodded. "I hope so. There is much I wish to teach you." His grin was wicked as he leaned in to kiss her, long and slow—so slowly that Elia wondered if perhaps he\'d changed his mind about leaving. But as her skin began to hum again, and her breath came faster, he pulled away, groaning, as if losing contact hurt him.

"Will you really be gone for days?" she asked.

"I promise you, on my own throbbing member, it will be as few of hours as I can manage," he said. Then he sighed. "But yes… the animal we have to intercept is more than a day\'s travel away. It will be at least three days. Possibly longer if we struggle to locate him, or if he puts up a greater fight than we anticipate."

"Why do you have to go hunt an animal? Don\'t you have people to do that kind of thing for you?"

He smiled a lazy smile. "Normally, yes. But this is an issue of dominance. It takes a King to bring another King to submission."

Elia blinked. "What kind of animal are you hunting?"

"A lion, of course," he said, and winked.


"Don\'t worry, we\'ve done it before, and we\'ll do it again. We leave them alone until they create a threat—but if he\'s alone and he\'s scented our females, he won\'t leave unless a more dominant male makes sure he knows they aren\'t his to take."

"And… you\'re the more dominant male?"

"Yes, I am," he whispered, and kissed her again.

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