The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 430 - EIGHT YEARS OLD

Chapter 430 - EIGHT YEARS OLD


The sound of that made Kace panicked even more, he hurriedly went back to Hope\'s bedroom while bringing a bowl of warm soup in his hand.

"Baby…" Kace crouched down beside Hope\'s bed and touched her scorching hot forehead. "How do you feel?"

"My head aching…" Hope\'s voice sounded very pitiful as a tear escape from her eyes, it wasn\'t because she was in so much pain that she was crying, but the heat from her fever that made her eyes felt like they were burning.

Kace wiped her tear, but her skin was very hot when he touched her, the feeling didn\'t settle well with him.

Lana was coming inside the room a while later. "We can\'t go out in this kind of weather." She said in regret. Her eyes flickered between Hope and Kace in the same anxiety.

"D*mn!" Kace cursed out loud as he gritted his teeth.

There was snow storm outside and no cars could make it through in this kind of weather with harsh wind howled and freezing cold, it was simply too dangerous.

"Where is Serefina!?" Kace snapped at Lana angrily. Not because he was angry to her, but rather because he couldn\'t keep calm in this situation, knowing there was only little options that left for him while the witch was nowhere to be found in this critical juncture.

"She left since two days ago." Lana informed him. "I don\'t know where she is."

Serefina had left the apartment since two days ago without saying anything like always and until now she had not yet returned. Usually, Serefina would come back after three days up to a week.

"Don\'t you have any medicine?" Kace rubbed his face harshly as he stared at Hope\'s face, which as red as tomatoes.

When he was calling this morning to talk to Hope, Lana told him that she was sick and when Kace heard Hope was crying over the phone, he ran for miles in his beast form in this bad weather because there was not transportation operated at this moment.

Hope stretched out her arms as her teary eyes looked at Kace, pleading.

Kace knew what she wanted and immediately pulled her up and hugged her. He sat down on her bed and leaned against the wall behind him with Hope buried her face on his chest and hugged his waist, just like a baby panda.

Hope felt better this way, the tingling feeling that she felt every time she touched him, helped to subside her aching joints.

She nuzzled her head, looking for comfortable position as Kace wrapped her in blanket.

"She needs to eat first before she drinks the medicine." Lana reminded him. "She has not yet eat anything since this morning."

That explanation made another waves of frustration rolled in Kace\'s throat as a growl vibrated from his chest.

Hope whimpered when she heard that.

"Baby, eat something okay?" Kace tried to persuade her, but she shook her head weakly.

In this condition everything that she ate would feel terrible no matter how delicious the food. Hope also had tried to eat a few spoon of porridge only ended up she threw up right after she swallow it.

Kace felt his chest caved in only by the sight how pale Hope now.

"How she could fall sick like this!?" Kace glared at Lana and she lowered her head, too afraid to look him straight in the eyes, as she could see the beast scampered on the edge of his mind.

"I think… I think…" Lana gulped hard. "I bring her outside to play yesterday and I think we came back late…"

His grip on the rail on the feet of Hope\'s bed tightened as it left a dent there because he couldn\'t contain his anger. The hand that still holding Hope was shaking.

Kace sighed a deep breath, if he let his anger consumed him now, he would end up hurting his mate and that was the very last thing that he wished to happen.

"How far the nearest hospital?" Kace asked with his eyes closed, focused solely on Hope\'s heartbeat, which thumping against his chest.

"It\'s around three hours walk from here." Lana fidgeted when she realized what Kace would do. "The weather outside is very bad, you will not make it through."

And as if on cue, Hope was vomiting again. She vomited right on Kace\'s body, tears started streaming down her pale face and she whimpered pitifully after that.

"I am hurt…" Hope sobbed while Kace cleaned her mouth. The stress on his face was clear to see.

"I know baby, I know… we will bring you to the Hospital, alright?" He gave Hope to Lana, so she wouldn\'t dirty herself with the vomit on Kace\'s front shirt.

However, Hope extended her arms, trying to reach Kace. She didn\'t want to be separated from him and the helplessness in her eyes made Kace\'s heart hurt badly.

Once Kace had changed his shirt and Lana had cleaned her up, he hugged the little girl tightly. "We will go to the hospital now."

Three hours by walking. Kace could make it one and half hours or two.

As a Lycan, their body temperature was unusually hotter than human, that was why Kace managed to run for miles in this kind of weather without freezing.

Kace put thick jacket on Hope and wrapped her in blanket before he strapped her on his back and zipped the larger jacket around their body so Hope could be protected from the harsh wind outside.

The warm that Hope felt started to form sweats on her forehead, yet once they were outside, the temperature would drop drastically compared to this room.


The ragging snow storm started to calm when a huge man walked into the hospital lobby along with a girl behind him.

This made the other nurses and people there stared at them blankly. How this two people managed to come to this hospital in this kind of situation?

"Where is the doctor!?" the man practically glared at everyone there, who were still in a daze.

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