The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 371 - IT IS NOT A GOOD SIGN

Chapter 371 - IT IS NOT A GOOD SIGN

There were no tears or whining, there was something in the way Raine brought herself, she looked more resolute and fearless than ever.

Raphael stared at Raine\'s back, this attitude was the thing that he wished she would have one day, to posses the trait of the Luna, just like the way she showed him now.

Yet when she already had it, Raphael thought it was quite terrifying, as he witnessed how Raine had changed in this span of time.

Raine changed under his watch, from the girl who would easily scare and wouldn\'t talk a word to people around her to the girl who was able to kill her own friend and didn\'t even shed a tear for it.

Raphael knew, this was a difficult decision for her, not that Raine wasn\'t sad, but she controlled herself very well and knew what she had to do.

Raine no more needed someone to tell her that the decision he made was not something he could avoid.

Meanwhile, the other Lycans that came with Raphael and Jack saw their Luna in new light.

They should admit the first impression of Raine wasn\'t very satisfying. They just couldn\'t help but to think why a weak creature like guardian angel could be their Luna, they thought it was another curse from the Moon Goddess after she cursed their Alpha mateless.

Yet, they witnessed how their Luna\'s ability saved them from annihilation in the Blue Moon pack by issued an order to kill the witch, without batting an eye.

It was their Luna too, who had killed the child who was possessed by the dark magic and now the same thing happened again with her friend and she carried herself with conviction as she knew the right thing to do.


"Something happened." Romulus entered the room, where there were eight Alphas there together with Calleb and Serefina.

They were talking about the things that they would do once the other Lycans from red river city arrived there.

However, Romulus interruption made all the attention inside the room was on him.

"What is it?" Alpha Derek from Eclipse pack, was the one who asked. His dark hazel eyes scrutinized his fellow Alpha intently, didn\'t like to be disturbed when he was talking.

Yet, Alpha Romulus brushed the irritation gaze from Alpha Derek and fixed his eyes on Calleb. "Are you sure, you have been looking for Alpha Ryan from Blue Moon pack?"

Calleb frowned. What with that question? "Yes, I have." He replied, slightly puzzled. "What\'s wrong?"

A complicated emotion flashed on Alpha Ryan\'s face. "Because he is here."

"What do you mean he is here?" Calleb sniffed the air that action was followed by the other Alphas as they did the same thing.

Only then they realized there was weird smell, but not only one, it was like hundreds of strangers were approaching them.

All the people inside the room were not aware of this because there were a lot of Lycans and Werewolf around them from different packs at the meantime in order to gather their people to find their Supreme Alpha.

Calleb growled as he stormed out of the room.

How dare that trash came to show his face at time like this!? Calleb still remembered what that woman said, Ryan had forcefully marked her, though she wasn\'t his mate, and this fact disgusted the Gamma.

Outside of the house, in the front yard, a Lycan guard apparently was about to inform Calleb for Ryan\'s visit, but Calleb already been there, walking down the stairs to approach the traitor, who was standing a few meter away from him.

"Gamma Calleb." Ryan greeted Calleb impassively as he nodded out of politeness. The traitor didn\'t come alone as he brought another trashes with him.

Calleb and the other Alphas that followed behind him spotted Jenedieth and Gary, Ryan\'s beta.

"Who allows them to cross the territory!" Calleb roared, it was so rare to see the easy going Gamma was in his wits end.

"I did." Someone answered from the crowd.

All heads whipped toward the source of the voice and found Alpha Ralph stepped out from behind Calleb.

He sauntered the yard and stood next to Alpha Ryan and Jenedieth.

"What is the meaning of all this?" Calleb glowered at the traitors in front of him. Just like what Serefina and his suspicion, there was traitor among them.

Calleb just didn\'t expect it would be Alpha Ralph from Glory Wind Pack, as he was famous with his loyalty toward Donovan\'s family.

However, instead of answering Calleb\'s answering Ryan took that moment to make a devastating announcement.

Ignoring the hostility in the air, he spoke. "YOUR ALPHA IS DIED!" Ryan\'s voice thundered in that vast yard, made all the people there were able to hear him clearly. "PLEDGE YOUR LOYALTY TO ME AND I WILL SPARE YOUR LIFE!"

This statement inviting another loud thunderous growled from the Alphas behind Calleb\'s back as the beast that resided inside of them threatened to come out, to wreck some havoc.

Yet, before there was a move that could lead to a gruesome battle, Alpha Ralph stepped forward and Calleb almost clawed his face if it wasn\'t because of Serefina held him back.

"Listen to me my dearest fellow Alpha." Alpha Ralph talked in his sickening sweet tone as he opened his arms widely, trying to play the role of moderator. "Think about this again! Donovan\'s family had ruled our kind for as long as we could remember!"

True to his words, because Donovan was the first Lycanthropes that walked on this solid ground. It was understandable that they were blessed by the moon goddess for many things, yet in the three brothers\' case, they were cursed for their atrocity.

"This is the time to change it!" Ralph\'s eyes were ablaze with determination for every words that he said. "Torak Donovan has grown very weak as he has a guardian angel as his destined mate!"

With the mentioned of guardian angel, there was a change in the air and Calleb felt this wasn\'t a good sign.

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