Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 493

Chapter 493: Schemes (Part Two)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Eh? Jaban’s diplomatic ambassador?” Salon and Itra looked at each other. Salon slowly said, “It seems like they, too, are anxious. Do they already have an idea of what to do?” Salon immediately agreed. “Show them in!”

“Jaban’s diplomatic ambassador Shogo Matsutake will meet the two ministers.” A short Jabanese man walked in slowly. Although it was summer, he was still dressed formally, in a suit and tie.

“Welcome, welcome.” Salon went up to him smiling. “Mr. Ambassador is here because...”

“Because of the Mechanical Man,” said Shogo Matsutake without preamble. “I believe that both ministers have already heard about the Mechanical Man created by Heavenly State’s Hong Dali. Everyone has witnessed the prowess of this Mechanical Man. The emperor of our Japan empire hopes to hold a joint military exercise, and with the support of your country, put pressure on the Heavenly State government. At the same time, we wish to use the controversial Sea Turtle Island in exchange for the Mechanical Man technology. If your country agrees, our emperor will promise to officially recognize the Sea Turtle Island as undisputedly belonging to Heavenly State. Otherwise... I believe the two of you understand what I mean.”

“That’s not a bad idea!” After hearing what Ambassador Shogo Matsutake said, Salon was overjoyed. He laughed and said, “Using a controversial island in exchange for the Mechanical Man technology, you are really trying. What benefit is there in this for America? We can’t just hold a joint military exercise on a whim; there is a substantial amount of consumables involved.”

A joint military exercise referred to two or more armies or units joining up for a military exercise. It usually involved search and rescue exercises, anti-terrorism exercises, land exercises, etc.

Many military exercises operated under the guise of an aboveboard excuse, but in reality, they were a way of showing off military prowess as well as threatening a State with whom they might have disagreements with.

Now that Heavenly State had Mechanical Man, the strongest known individual soldier combat equipment, it was expected that Jaban would propose a joint military exercise.

Just that there were too many things involved in a joint military exercise, and Merika would naturally not be willing to do it for nothing.

“There’s definitely something in it for you.” Shogo Matsutake knew very well what Salon meant. He smiled and said, “We will share the Mechanical Man technology, how about that?”

“Good!” This was what they were waiting for. Salon slammed his hand down on the table. “It’s a deal, then!”

“That’s settled, then. Your country will decide on the date and we will try our best to accommodate it.” Shogo Matsutake said, “Due to time constraints, we hope that your Ambassador in the Heavenly State and ours can make an appointment with the Heavenly State’s Minister of Foreign Affairs to discuss the terms. If the Heavenly State is not willing to trade, we can hold our joint military exercise. If necessary, we can even have a landing exercise at Sea Turtle Island!”

“Hehe, great!” Salon laughed heartily. “So what if the Heavenly State says Sea Turtle Island is theirs? The island has been disputed over for such a long time. If they don’t agree, neither Merika nor Jaban will acknowledge their claim. In that case, it won’t be theirs!”

Itra smiled and said, “Yes, as long as we refuse to acknowledge it internationally, they cannot do anything about it. That’s when we will offer them a lifeline. If they hand over the technology for the Mechanical Man, we will acknowledge their ownership of Sea Turtle Island. I believe they will find the offer hard to resist!”

When they were done talking, the three men glanced at each other and burst out laughing together.

Using an island that originally belonged to Heavenly State to exchange for Mechanical Man’s technology was an extremely bankable idea!

“Chief Itra,” The secretary came in again and said to him in a low voice. “There is someone outside to see you. It’s James from Hollywood.”

“James?” Someone from Hollywood wanted to see him? Itra asked curiously, “Why would someone from Hollywood come to see me? Tell him I’m in a meeting and am not free to see him.”

“Minister,” The secretary said again. “He says he’s here because of Mechanical Man.”

“Eh?” Itra glanced at Salon and curiously said, “Since when was Hollywood concerned about this matter?” Salon replied, “They might have some good ideas.”

“Ask him in.” Salon nodded.

Soon, James entered the office. Once he stepped into the room, he smiled in greeting. “I’m James from Hollywood. I’m pleased to meet you.”

“Do you have something to say?” Itra asked flatly. “Please speak quickly, I don’t have much time.”

James smiled politely. “Hehe, it’s like this. I have heard of Mechanical Man and feel that it poses a risk to our military might. Therefore, in my free time, I have come up with a good idea. However, I’m not sure if Mr. Minister would be interested.”

“I hate being kept in suspense.” Itra propped his ankle upon the knee of the other leg. “You only have three minutes.”

“Okay, okay.” James smiled. “I feel that, since Hong Dali was able to create such a video, so can we. With Hollywood’s technology, it would be easy to make something similar. They call theirs Mechanical Man, so we will call ours Iron Warrior. As long as we can make a similar suit of armor, equip it with some weaponry, then add some special effects, I think the outcome could be pretty spectacular.”

“Oh?” Itra was suddenly interested in James’ idea. He slapped his thigh and laughed. “You mean, we will make a pirated version? Using the Heavenly State’s figure of speech, drawing a tiger with a cat as a model?”

“Right. That’s what I mean.” James nodded.

“Haha, good! This is not a bad idea.” Itra immediately came to a decision. “I agree. Say your terms, Mister.”

“I only wish to have the country’s support when ‘Magical Age’ screens.” James stated his request. To be honest, his request was not a hard one to fulfill.

“Going up against ‘Holy Warriors of the Goddess’ in the box office, right?” Itra understood what James meant and immediately nodded. “Okay, no problem. This matter will be fully handled by you, then. Don’t forget that you must act fast. We will be able to give special permission to use actual military equipment during filming. Remember not to make it too professional. The video quality must look like it was taken by an amateur. That way, it will look more authentic.”

“Of course, Sir. I will get going, then.” With the deal made, James took his leave.

“Hahahaha, it looks like we got a lot done today.” Salon laughed after James left. “I think we should adjust our strategy slightly.”

“Yes, adjust our strategy.” Itra stretched out his finger and drew on the coffee table. “The first step is to wait for the video to be done. Then we will promote it on all platforms. First, in Merika, then ‘very’ carelessly leak it to Heavenly State. Secondly, our Diplomatic Ambassador, together with Jaban’s Ambassador will arrange to meet with Heavenly State’s Minister of Foreign Affairs to make our request. Thirdly, if they agree to our request, it’ll be a happy ending. If they don’t agree, then we will hold our joint military landing exercise. What do you think?”

Salon nodded. “Right, just like this. No problem.”

Shogo Matsutake nodded as well. “Looking forward to cooperating with you.”


Shanghai Tianhai City, Door to Heaven.

Everyone had their own objectives, and the people participating in the Resource Chamber of Commerce were no exception.

At the same time, in a Presidential Suite at the Door to Heaven, two people were quietly discussing the information they had just heard.

Someone said, “Director Li, Jaban wants to exchange our island for our people. To think we were so happy about it. It really is... I feel extremely uncomfortable about it now. I feel like we are traitors.”

“Hehe, Xiao Zhang, this is not the case.” Director Li shook his head and smiled. “It’s actually very simple. The situation being the way it was, everyone was just looking after their own interests. Did you expect me to stand up and be the voice of justice? If I really did that, chances were that they would gang up and attack me. Do you think I obtained my current status by being a fool?”

“But...” Xiao Zhang said despondently, “Are we just going to watch Hong Dali get sold out and not do anything about it? He might be our enemy, but he is still a citizen of our Heavenly State. I still feel like a traitor.”

Director Li knew that if he failed to explain the situation satisfactorily today, Xiao Zhang would not be able to rest easy.

He smiled and turned around to tap Xiao Zhang’s shoulder, saying, “Come, sit down. Let me break down the current situation for you.”

“Okay.” Upon hearing that the Director was going to personally explain matters to him, Xiao Zhang quickly sat down and prepared to listen attentively.

“Right, you feel that our fight against Hong Weiguo should be an internal matter. In business, the winner takes all.”

“Yes, no matter how we fight, it’s still just our own Heavenly State people going against each other. Even if CEO Hong lost, it’s not a disgrace.” Xiao Zhang nodded. “But Jaban has now taken an interest and is meddling in our affairs. That makes me uncomfortable.

“I understand how you feel.” Director Li smiled and offered a cigarette to Xiao Zhang, then lit one of his own. “This matter is actually very simple. Firstly, why are we even going up against Hong Weiguo? Why are we trying to impeach him?”

This was something Xiao Zhang knew and understood. He answered immediately, “Hong Dali dabbles in way too many things and his luck is too good. It’s easy for him to become our rival. For example, the Spiritual Sword incident, he managed to bring down a super popular game within such a short period of time, completely deflating its popularity. Once his business clashes with ours, the consequences for us will be serious.”

What he had just said was the reason why everyone wanted to impeach Hong Weiguo.

Hong Dali’s luck was simply too horrifying.

“Yes, you are right.” Director Li took a light drag of his cigarette and said, “Think, if Jaban really exchanges an island for two people, what will Hong Dali do?

“He will...” Xiao Zhang considered before replying, “He will be put under house arrest?”

“No, no, no, the State will not be so stupid. Hong Dali is a talent. If we know something, how can the State not know as well?” Director Li shook his head. “He will be locked inside Heavenly State’s Technology Research Center, to fully concentrate on new research. I’m sure his safety will not be in question and they will also offer him comparative benefits. As long as he is not let loose on the world with his shenanigans, we would have achieved our goal.”

“But, why do we still have to impeach Hong Weiguo?” Xiao Zhang asked curiously.

He could understand why they had to deal with Hong Dali. Anyway, the state would not really lock him up, at the very most it would just be a change of environment for him. However, he simply could not understand why they had to impeach Hong Weiguo.

“The impeachment of Hong Weiguo is due to a personal grudge between Hong Weiguo and Qian Guangzhao.” CEO Li chuckled. “Qian Guangzhao was initially interested in setting up an internet search engine. Both he and Hong Weiguo launched their search engines at the same time. You can see what happened next. Sangle is the biggest search engine in the country now. Because of that, Qian Guangzhao views Hong Weiguo as his nemesis.”

“Because of that, we have to be his executioners?” Xiao Zhang’s mouth gaped open. It seemed there was more to this Resource Chamber of Commerce than met the eye.

“That’s all nonsense.” Director Li said disdainfully. “Do you really think that we will be so easily manipulated? If Jaban had not interfered, we might have still impeached Hong Weiguo to curb Hong Dali’s influence. But now, things are different. I’m sure that if the State agrees to the conditions laid out by Jaban and Hong Dali is brought into the Technology Research Center, our group will be dissolved immediately. So the current situation is, the trading of one island for two people has nothing to do with us at all. Everything we have done previously was just to get on Qian Guangzhao’s good side.”

“I see.” Xiao Zhang wiped cold sweat off his forehead. This group of people was complicated. “But to trade an island that originally belongs to us for two of our people and our technology... isn’t Jaban getting the better of us?”

“Better my ass.” Director Li scoffed. “Did you really think the State would give them the technology for the Mechanical Holy Garment? The State is not stupid. If they really go through with the trade, all they will give them is some outdated obsolete rubbish technology.”

“But, what if they find out that we have given them obsolete technology plans?” Xiao Zhang asked.

“If they find out, so be it.” Director Li said curiously. “By then Hong Dali would be interred in the Science and Technology Research Institute and we would have achieved our goal. As for Jaban, once those morons acknowledge internationally that Sea Turtle Island belongs to the Heavenly State, it will be too late for them to retract their decision. In this whole matter, it doesn’t matter at all if we are traitors. We get rid of the huge thorn in our side and Jaban doesn’t get anything out of the whole deal. Sea Turtle Island will no longer be disputed. As for Qian Guangzhao’s grudge with Hong Weiguo, what has that got to do with us?”

“This... this...” Xiao Zhang was shocked speechless. These people’s ability to put on an act was amazing.

That was why he was the Director and Xiao Zhang was just his assistant. There was a difference in abilities.

“Xiao Zhang,” Director Li spoke to him with a serious expression. “You have been with me for so many years. I have watched you grow. Remember, in business, nothing on the surface counts. It’s all fake! All of us have become accustomed to acting stupid, sneaking attacks, and currying favor. It’s very likely that one day, if you become more powerful than me, I will even say that your fart is fragrant. However, if you should become weaker than me, I will crush you underfoot.

“In business, everyone has their own interests to look out for. Everyone will always place priority on their own gain. On the surface, they may seem like brothers in arms, but secretly, they will stab you in the back. Pride? Pride has no use here. You will not lose anything if you curry some favor!”

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