Back to the Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise the Cubs

Chapter 699: Side story five: Third, Zhou Gui Lai

Chapter 699: Side story five: Third, Zhou Gui Lai

Dark Mode

Eldest gone into the army. Second was in politics. The youngest son, Zhou Gui Lai chose to be in business.

When his dad opened a dumpling shop in the past, his wish was to open a dumpling factory by himself in the future and become the dumpling king.

But then his mind changed and he didn\'t make dumplings like his dad.

At the end of the \'80s, he opened the first wine shop in partnership with his second brother-in-law. Then he opened the second shop in partnership with his mom.

Both wine shops were very profitable. Especially after they got familiar with the operation. What\'s more, this kid had wide connections. Don\'t know where he got acquainted with some people in the society. He went to open a bar with others.

The bar was later blocked. Not for any particular reason. It was because of some fights. Still, Third didn\'t suffer any loss. The operation of the bar almost opened up a new world for him. This kid got into the bar industry.

He partnered with his second brother-in-law. If not, he started it by himself. In the 1990s, the money was really profitable.

It was just that his mom would clip his ears to lecture him from time to time. She won\'t recognize him as her son if he dared to get involved in wicked things.

Third grew up with a good education. There was indeed none of those wicked things in his bar. The bar was just a bar.

Even so, it was extremely profitable.

His wine shop chain had increased one by one. Before his parents knew it, there were dozens of chain stores in the capital.

His parents only knew to ask because they happened to see one here and one there when they were out. It was unknown when it began and end up opening so many.

This hooligan Third\'s romance was a bit messed up.

When he was in his early twenties, he thought about marrying a wife. But from the age of twenty-three, he didn\'t want to marry a wife at all.

Just wanted to play.

Even Lin Qing He and Zhou Qing Bai didn\'t know that he had a history with a certain \'90s actress.

This womanizer didn\'t settle down until he was thirty years old. He married a wife, which he found himself.

She was also from a big family in the capital. However, Lin Qing He and Zhou Qing Bai weren\'t very pleased. Because that family wasn\'t very good and the reputation was terrible. They came over after washing white.

Using the golden basin to wash hand was still using the golden basin to wash hands. Still, it was unproper to show.

It was just that the girl was indeed a good girl. According to Lin Qing He\'s words, she was eaten to death by her third.

The other party was still heiress. When they got married, her dowry was car. Besides that, there were a lot of other things. One can tell that they were very satisfied with Zhou Gui Lai as their son-in-law.

With Zhou Family\'s current financial resources and connections, they still can\'t shake Zhou Family\'s side even when they have some strength. Therefore, after Third\'s wedding both lived their own life despite in-law families.

Only Zhou Gui Lai and his would interact with both families.

In comparison, Lin Qing He was closer to her eldest daughter-in-law\'s family and second daughter-in-law\'s family.

Of course, Lin Qing He didn\'t treat this third daughter-in-law badly. All received equal treatment. It was just, she didn\'t socialize with her maternal family much.

Eldest and Second both have established career and adhered to the family planning policy. So they only had one child.

While, Third didn\'t have so many concerns.

He simply over-birth. The first child was a son. However, Third wanted a daughter, so the couple went for another child. Unfortunately, it was still a son.

In order to over-birth this son, they had spent more than 100,000 yuan. If not, they couldn\'t achieve their wish.

Third was envious of his second brother.

However, Third still benefited. Because having one more child, it meant inheriting more assets in the future.

Of course this was all matter of the future.

The two sons were also troublemakers.

Although they weren\'t as naughty as their eldest cousin brother, they weren\'t much better either. After the marriage, Third\'s family moved out. Although they would come every day, they still went out to live by themselves.

It was said that the parents in the community took their children and left when they saw the two boys from his family.

What should else could they do beside taking them away? It can\'t letting them stay and get beaten by the two?

Don\'t know who these boys of this generation inherited their genes from. They were really scary.

They will be sensible when they grow up. But before the age of fifteen, people and dogs disliked them.

The main point was that they were particularly able to fight. No matter whether it was Eldest\'s little Ye Ma or Third\'s two boys, they were the kind who dare to fight with two or three.

If such a kid wasn\'t suppress and educated a bit, he will surely cause havoc when he grows up.

Herding sheep ah! Herding one was still herding. Herding two was also herding. Eldest\'s little Ye Ma were sent over at the time. So Lin Qing He and Zhou Qing Bai went on a trip with these carrot heads.

They ate delicious food and had fun. They make them happy for a while. Once they come back, they\'ll remember travelling was very fun and want to go with their grandparents the next time.

Like this, they had a weakness. Not be obedient? Then they won\'t take them on their trip in the future. Let them play in the mud at home.

If a child was really naughty, the adults must educate them well. Not choosing to let them go wild.

Got to suppress a bit. When they grow up, they won\'t dare to cause all kind of havoc.

It was worth mentioning that Lin Qing He especially disliked Third Daughter-in-law\'s dad\'s method of teaching when it came to educating her Third\'s two sons.

Because she heard from her two grandsons that their grandpa praised them for beating people well.

Originally they were from black background. After washing white, it still couldn\'t hide that banditry.

It was enough that they were like this. And they dare to teach her grandsons the wicked ways! How could she agree? She just told Third Daughter-in-law to take two children back to her maternal home less.

For this reason, that side made a call over.

Third Daughter-in-law wasn\'t the only child, so the two grandchildren weren\'t actually scarce. What made them rare was that these two grandsons inheriting the good genes of Zhou family.

They looked pretty. Strong and healthy. In addition, they were extraordinarily cute. Zhao Family naturally favored these two grandsons.

Lin Qing He refused to budge a step on the phone. Although she wasn\'t so rude, she had directly told that side to not to interfere with the education of the children.

Zhao Family\'s position wasn\'t low, but Zhou Family wasn\'t someone they can look down on. So they admit that they were wrong and will definitely not say that next time.

But let the children go over.

Since Zhao Family corrected their attitude, she let the matter drop. However, in the end, Lin Qing He wasn\'t satisfied after all.

Despite her dissatisfaction, she didn\'t stop the grandsons from going to their maternal grandparents\' house.

Third Daughter-in-law probably sensed it. She basically didn\'t dare to talk about her maternal family\'s affairs in front of mother-in-law. In the end, her mother-in-law didn\'t have any prejudice against her. What her two sisters-in-law had, she also had.

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