Back to the Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise the Cubs

Chapter 590: Giving birth and post-natal confinement

Chapter 590: Giving birth and post-natal confinement

Lin Qing He\'s birth was originally estimated to be around the National Day. She was still a little worried because it was getting lively and crowded.

However, this one in her stomach was obviously very calm. They couldn\'t celebrate the National Day. She just started to have labor pains on the morning of October 10th.

Probably because the first three were born, they saw red after the labor pains. The birth was over after ten o\'clock in the evening.

Lin Qing He truly let herself experience the difficulty of being a woman. This life was almost complete.

"Wife, you worked hard." Zhou Qing Bai, who got his long desired daughter, wistfully said as he looked at her exhausted expression.

Lin Qing He shook her head. She didn\'t have much energy and fell asleep shortly after eating the brown sugar congee.

Other matters were naturally left to Zhou Qing Bai and Zhou Si Ni. Zhou Qing Bai was a little new to this. Fortunately, he had sat down and did his homework. He often uses pillows as practice. Even so, when he saw his as precious as pearl daughter\'s small appearance, he was still a little bit hesitate to move his hands.

Zhou Si Ni was an experienced person. What\'s more, the newborn baby was very quiet. She was sleeping there with her eyes closed. Nothing to worry about.

The weather at the moment was just right. It was not too hot nor too cold. It can be considered very suitable.

Lin Qing He stayed in the hospital for three days. Old Madam Jiang, Xue Mei Li, and Jiang Geng came to see them all. They visited every day.

Lin Qing He recovered a lot in three days and really didn\'t need to stay any longer.

The old saying wasn\'t wrong. Golden nest and silver nest weren\'t as good as one\'s own grass nest. It was still home that was the most comfortable.

She strictly wrapped up by Zhou Qing Bai. He was pushed her out in a wheelchair and carried her into the car. He called his niece who was holding his youngest girl. Then the family drove home.

Like this way, Lin Qing He began her post-natal confinement and milking the baby days. Zhou Qing Bai worked hard to become a house daddy.

Have to say, as long as one put their heart to learn, there was nothing impossible.

He gave his youngest girl a little tacky name. A single forename, Mi. Zhou Mi.

Originally he wanted to call her Zhou Mi Mi, but Lin Qing He disallowed. Just one word Mi was enough. Don\'t call Zhou Mi Mi.

However, the nickname was Mi Mi. The little Mi Mi was really easy to take care. Eat enough, she sleeps. Sleep enough, she eats. When she woke up in the middle of the night to drink milk, Lin Qing He can\'t persist. Zhou Qing Bai handled it all.

He changed her diaper and cleaned it. Then he came over to give his wife a head up before giving her their youngest girl to breastfeed.

Lin Qing He continued to sleep when it was about done. The rest like burping his daughter and coaxing to sleep was left to Zhou Qing Bai.

During the post-natal confinement period, Lin Qing He consumed a lot of supplements. However, one can\'t say that she became plumper. These nourishments were directly taken by little miss Mi Mi.

In just a few days after she was born, the little girl was completely different from when she was born.

She was milky white. This skin seem to be inherited from Lin Qing He. Not only the skin was inherited from Lin Qing He, but the eyebrows too. Even when Lin Qing He look at her, her heart melted.

Zhou Qing Bai took the camera and came in. It was that time of the day, picture-taking. This man was simply unreasonable. He took five photos a day.

"Just take pictures of your daughters, but don\'t take me!" Lin Qing He warned him.

Needless to say, she knew how sloppy she looked at this time. She won\'t allow her picture to be taken. Zhou Qing Bai didn\'t answer. In fact, he secretly took a good few.

"What do you want to eat today?" After taking pictures, Zhou Qing Bai asked his wife in content.

"It doesn\'t need to be so rich. About it is fine." Lin Qing He waved her hand.

Though she said that, Zhou Qing Bai brought in an extravagant meal. Sesame sprinkled poached eggs with ginger pieces inside. This ginger was made by old Madam Ma. It was chopped fresh ginger dried under sun. Then it was ready for use at this time. Can be scrambled in eggs.

After giving birth, it was necessary to eat ginger for dispelling wind and dampness. This was a custom here. Lin Qing He didn\'t have it in her hometown. But obviously this custom was good. On top of that, it was the elderly\'s thought. So Zhou Qing Bai used it for his wife.

Lin Qing He liked to eat it.

Lin Qing He didn\'t eat a lot of other stuff like stewed chicken and pork. Still, she would eat some. As for fish, she would drink a bowl of fish soup. To make sure that little Mi Mi has enough rations. She didn\'t want to let herself gain weight during this post-natal confinement.

After Lin Qing He finished eating, Zhou Si Ni came in to take out the dishes. She washed the dishes before she came over to chat with her fourth aunt: "I didn\'t know that Fourth Uncle is so capable. No wonder you don\'t have to call us. This is nothing for me."

She had nothing to do, no? Washing, cooking, minding the baby, mopping and sweeping, etc. He can handle it all. Sill, she can\'t come in vain, so she taken on a share of it.

It was still leisurely. The weather now was a bit cold. A lot of diaper had been prepared. Still, the daily output was large. She washed it first, then put it in the washing machine to spin dry, and hang it dry. No need to worry about changing.

But in addition to these things, there was mopping the floor and occasionally helping out. And that was it. Her fourth uncle was really an all-rounder!

Lin Qing He took it all in. Her Qing Bai was really a daughter-con. No escaping this fact. With this kind of spoiling, Lin Qing He was ready to be a strict mother. Otherwise, what will she be like?

Still, her Qing Bai was indeed a successful house dad. Even if Zhou Si Ni didn\'t come over this time, he can handle it all. Not boasting at all.

Even old Madam Jiang said that she had never seen a man so caring about his wife\'s post-natal confinement. She had married to the right person in this life.

During the confinement, Lin Qing He hadn\'t abide to the rules. She did according to the modern standard. Washing hair happened after the half month mark. At the same time, it was necessary to keep the room ventilated. Just don\'t let wind blow into her face.

After five days, she was able to get off bed and walk around a bit. Everyday she was lying down all day long.

Lying down like that was really unbearable. The whole body become stiff from lying.

Zhou Qing Bai didn\'t agree with the hair washing point. Let alone him, old Madam Jiang also didn\'t approve. In the end, he couldn\'t win against her, so he had to boil water with mugwort leaves for her. After washing it, he used a towel baked on the lid of the pot to dry her hair in hope to dry it quickly and not let the moisture get in.

Regardless of what Zhou Qing Bai said, Lin Qing He felt that she had come back alive after washing her hair. Her whole body was more comfortable.

As for the bath, she took one after twelve days. It was extremely comfortable.

In this blink of an eye, one month passed. Lin Qing He was able to regain her freedom completely. On the day of her confinement release, she comfortably washed her hair and took a bath before basking in the warm sun.

"If Mother knows, Mother will definitely nag you." Zhou Qing Bai said while wiping her hair.

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