Back to the Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise the Cubs

Chapter 352 Pregnant?

But what happened tonight made Zhou Xiao Mei feel uncomfortable. Her fourth sister-in-law was very kind to this niece.

She brought her from her hometown and only had to watch the clothing store. The monthly salary was the same as Aunt Ma who washed the dishes, but food and accommodation were included.

The likes of clothes, quilts, electric fans, etc., had all been paid.

What was available was what she ate.

It can be said that Zhou Xiao Mei’s life in the county wasn’t as good as Xu Sheng Mei’s here.

In addition, her fourth sister-in-law wanted to train them. Er Ni and Hu Zi were sent to evening classes for further study and advancement. If Xu Sheng Mei wanted to, she could go.

All this got in return were Xu Sheng Mei’s these words tonight?

The more Zhou Xiao Mei thought about it, the angrier she became. She felt that this niece, Xu Sheng Mei was a bit of a white-eyed wolf. Not remembering the good!

Clueless to his wife’s mental twist and turns, Su Da Lin said: " bed earlier."

"Let’s sleep then." Zhou Xiao Mei understood that he would have to get up early to open a shop tomorrow, and nodded.

"I want... want it." To her surprise, Su Da Lin said.

Zhou Xiao Mei was taken aback. Then she gave him a light hammer. Su Da Lin, who had mutton, smiled and flipped over.

Zhou Xiao Mei fell asleep soundly after being distracted like this.

She didn’t tell her fourth sister-in-law about this. This was to avoid adding trouble for her fourth sister-in-law.

Lin Qing He was in a good mood recently. The mutton soup stewed by Zhou Qing Bai was really flavorful and tasty.

What’s more, he would separately cook a goji soup broth for her to have before going to bed.

"Eating like this, I will get fat." Lin Qing He muttered.

"It’s better to be plumper. You’re too thin." Zhou Qing Bai said.

Lin Qing He rolled her eyes. How was she too thin? She was just right like this. She could wear all kinds of clothes.

"Eat more." Zhou Qing Bai had a twinkle in his eyes.

Lin Qing He only drank the soup. She didn’t eat meat. Under Zhou Qing Bai’s urging, she nibbled a few and Zhou Qing Bai ate the rest.

The couple went to brush their teeth after eating and then rested.

Don’t know if it was because winter was here or they had much mutton since Zhou Qing Bai was always restless during the night. It won’t stop until Lin Qing He give it to him.

Lin Qing He basically left him in control. However, Lin Qing He suddenly remembered one day.

Her period was late by two days this month?

Lin Qing He froze. Zhou Qing Bai asked, "What’s wrong?"

"It’s nothing." Lin Qing He shook her head, but her mind couldn’t help but wonder.

Her menstruation was always punctual. After some counting, it actually hadn’t come today? It was two days late.

Thinking how active Zhou Qing Bai was in this while. Basically, it was every day...

Lin Qing He’s heartbeat slowed by a beat.

How could possibly Zhou Qing Bai know what his wife was thinking? He wanted to toss around again.

Lin Qing He quickly interjected: "I’m tired tonight. Let’s go to bed early."

Zhou Qing Bai glanced at her. Thinking that she was indeed tired these days, he said: "Then go to sleep."

So he hugged his wife and went to sleep contentedly.

Lin Qing He was a little worried. Was she pregnant? But it can’t be. She did the ligation. Was it possible that she can still be pregnant?

Lin Qing He kept on thinking until twelve o’clock. As for Zhou Qing Bai, he already slept like a pig. Worry-free.

Lin Qing He couldn’t help but squeezed his face. This baddie. He was clueless about the good thing he did and can still sleep so soundly.

"Wife." Zhou Qing Bai opened his eyes drowsily.

"Hold me to sleep." Lin Qing He said.

Zhou Qing Bai put her in his arms and the couple slept together.

Now the snow outside was a bit heavy. Still, it was warm inside.

Lin Qing He only had two classes the next morning. After these two classes were over, Lin Qing He quietly came to the hospital for examination.

"Menstruation delayed for three days does not necessarily mean pregnancy. Is there any discomfort in the body?" the doctor asked.

"No." Lin Qing He shook her head and couldn’t help saying: "It used to be very punctual."

Counting today, this was the third day. There was still no feeling of it coming. Lin Qing He was a little scared.

"How is your appetite these days?" the doctor asked again.

"I have a very good appetite. Always eat a lot. What’s more, I often get sleepy." Lin Qing He mentioned.

Not to mention the delayed menstruation, she had a good appetite and was sleepy. She can fall asleep on the table while preparing for class!

"It’s very easy to get tired." Lin Qing He continued on.

She used to have four classes in the morning,. It was all right. Today, she only had two classes and she already felt tired.

"It’s really possible that you are pregnant," the doctor said while looking at her.

"But I have been ligated." Lin Qing He couldn’t help but said. Her face showed her mixed feelings. She didn’t know whether she was happy or unhappy.

"There are chances of one in ten thousand that the ligation failed. Some time ago, someone who was similar to you came over. Her man was ligated but she was still pregnant. Fortunately, the relationship between husband and wife is good, otherwise, there would be family conflicts."The doctor explained.

"But... but my youngest son is already thirteen years old. Fourteen after the New Year. I haven’t been pregnant for so many years, so how come now..." Lin Qing He stammered.

"Have you eaten something good recently?" In midst of writing a docket, the doctor spoke without looking up.

"Eat mutton for more than half a month." Lin Qing He answered.

"Okay, let’s have a checkup." The doctor said after completing the docket.

Lin Qing He went for an examination in a panic. Then came over with a report, with a relaxed look on her face: "Look, doctor, I’m not pregnant!"

She was still a little afraid of birthing children. She was now thirty-five. If she was pregnant, she would be regarded as advanced maternal age (AMA). It was simply scary!

"You can’t say that." The doctor read the document and said, "It’s also possible that the time is too short to be detected."

Lin Qing He’s expression froze. The doctor spoke, "Your symptoms are very consistent with early pregnancy. I suggest you come back for a check-up again in a week. Of course, if you have menstruation during this period, you don’t need to come back."

When Lin Qing He came to the dumpling shop, she saw Zhou Qing Bai making mutton dumplings. She couldn’t resist the urge to beat him.

Zhou Qing Bai looked confusedly at his wife.

"Don’t pretend with me!" Lin Qing He snorted.

"What’s wrong?" Zhou Qing Bai raised his eyebrows.

Lin Qing He ignored him. She turned around and went back home. Zhou Xuan was writing a thesis at the desk on the second floor. Zhou Qing Bai yelled, "Second, come down and work."

"I’m busy." Zhou Xuan responded.

"Right now." Zhou Qing Bai said.

Zhou Xuan came down first. Zhou Qing Bai dumped his work to him and chased after his wife.

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