A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return

Chapter 944 - Abnormal Art

Chapter 944: Abnormal Art

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

When she woke, she was in a strange and unfamiliar place.

Xia Ling supported herself with her hands and lowered her head to stroke her little belly immediately. Fortunately, the child was probably okay. She breathed a sigh of relief, and as soon as she raised her head, she saw a handsome yet demonic man smiling at her—Li Feng. Today, he was rather beautifully dressed, a large red peony flower embroidered robe clinging to his slender body, a carnelian ring on his fingers, and bright red lips beaming happily.

His voice was as soft as ever. “Welcome to my territory, my dear little rabbit.”

Xia Ling’s chest tightened, and she could not help but shrink her body back. If there was anyone else in the world she was afraid of more than a mad Pei Ziheng, it was Li Feng. This was a true madman, a pervert, a devil who killed without blinking and even reveled in it. Falling into his hands was like going into Hell.

She could not stop shaking but tried her best to resist it. She raised her head and said, “What do you want?”

Li Feng smiled at her, his gorgeous phoenix eyes wrinkling together, devious yet enchanting. “Don’t panic, my dear little rabbit, you have already been unconscious for three days and three nights. It’s thanks to my care that you have woken. You make me sad by being so wary of me.” He touched his chest deliberately with his sharp fingernail, crushing the peony flower brooch hanging off his robe, twisting it into a broken shape.

Xia Ling’s expression changed. So, she had been unconscious for three days and three nights? Li Lei should be driven crazy with worry?

She asked anxiously, “What about Li Lei?! He saw you grab me into the car, he must have contacted you!”

Li Feng smiled very happily. “Li Lei? My brother sure is stupid, I’ve already escaped from the dungeons for so many days, yet he still has not realized. These few days, I’ve been following you, and I finally caught an opportunity... Ah, Chu Chen that idiot, so concerned about Pei Ziheng, so I conveniently slipped him information about my escape, and he couldn’t wait to give a call anonymously to Xiao Lei to divert him away from the hospital rooms. And then the rest you already know. I am very happy to be able to capture you in front of Xiao Lei.”

Turns out it was all him!

Chu Chen was used by him to pull the trigger!

Xia Ling’s heart undulated, and she scolded Chu Chen’s ignorance quietly. But things had already come to this, and there was no other choice. She kept her emotions in check and asked Li Feng, “Where is this place?” Looking around, it was a Chinese-style room, with streaks of sunlight pouring through the mahogany carved window frame. The dust in the air danced, and at first glance, it seemed as though nothing was out of the ordinary. However, she saw with her sharp eyes past the fine-grained curtain of the bed to the wall, where two glasswares were arranged neatly. One of them was as tall as a human, and the other was only one foot tall.

It was filled with an unknown, pale yellow liquid.

Li Feng let her look on, even pointing ecstatically at a few of the machines to her. “You noticed too? Aren’t they beautiful? No... No, they are not perfect yet. Wait for me to put you and your child inside as specimens, these two bottles filled with formalin, then it can be called art.”

He smiled charmingly, as if he were talking about something really wonderful.

Xia Ling, however, felt shivers down her spine. She remembered how many years ago, when she had visited the Li family headquarters for the first time and had been captured to the Snake Hall, this man in front of her had said that he would turn everything Li Lei cared about into specimens.

Turns out, even up to this day, he had still not given up on this.

What to do?!

A huge sense of crisis hit her heart, making it almost stop pumping. Her brain turned at a fast speed as she tried to think. How could she stop this crazy man?! Her blood shot up to her brain, and she forced herself to stay calm to grasp more information. “Li Feng, why are you so stubborn about specimens?”

“Stubborn?” He tilted his head, smiling. “Don’t you think they’re beautiful? Actually, I have never understood why Xiao Lei was interested in those weak, ugly creatures, like cats, dogs, and rabbits. Oh, that’s right, and... you.” He looked at her, a sinister look in his eyes, making her heart tighten as she looked on. His expression changed all of a sudden and he smiled. “However, when I made them into specimens, I could understand Xiao Lei a little... they are really beautiful,” he said in dreamy admiration.

Xia Ling almost vomited, not knowing if it was a side effect of the glass bottles or if it was a psychological effect. She only felt that the air was filled with a foul formalin smell that made it hard to breathe, just as disgusting as the man in front of her.

She forced herself to stay calm and said softly, “Li Feng, beauty is not like this.”

“What qualifications do you have to discuss beauty with me!” Suddenly, Li Feng exploded with rage, turning to grab onto her slender neck. “Ye Xingling, who do you think you are?! Xiao Lei likes you, doesn’t he! He thinks you’re beautiful, right! So let me see, after you’ve become a specimen, let’s see if he will still feel something for you!”

His strength was too great, and she was suffocated at once. She struggled weakly, but it was to no avail, the oxygen in her lungs was getting thinner, and her vision was getting blurry. Was she... going to die here...

No, she could not die...

She was still pregnant with her baby, she must bring her baby safely into the world...

Just before her consciousness slipped away, suddenly, her neck was loosened, and air started to flow into her lungs. She coughed, taking large breaths of air, weak and feeble.

Li Feng looked at her from a higher level, seemingly a little unhappy. “The things that Xiao Lei likes are always so weak. Just one touch and it breaks, so boring.”

She panted for a really long time, before finding her own voice back. “You... You’re not going to kill me?”

Li Feng laughed. “Kill? That word is too violent.”

He knelt down and lifted her chin with two fingers, his words as cold and smooth as that of a snake. “I just want to make you into a specimen, that’s all. My little girl, do you know what is called a specimen?”

Only a ghost would know what kind of specimen this sick mouth was talking about?!

She did not want to know at all! However, at the time of crisis, she had to ask despite herself, “What is it?”

Li Feng smiled again but still did not answer. He licked his red lips and stood up. He walked over to the square cassette in front of the table, pressed the button, and a red light flashed—it was then that Xia Ling realized, this thing that was disguised as an antique cassette was actually a camcorder!

“Hi, Xiao Lei,” Li Feng said to the camcorder joyfully. “I haven’t seen you in three days, have you missed me? The farewell at the hospital, that must have made it very unforgettable for you... Don’t be too moved, I have an even more unforgettable present for you, hehehe...”

He turned, taking a dagger from the shelf on the side and then walking step by step toward Xia Ling.

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