A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return

Chapter 423 - The Chase

Chapter 423: The Chase

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Wei Shaoyin grabbed Xia Ling’s wrist and walked quickly towards the door in an irate manner.

With his long legs and wide strides, she had to jog to keep up with him and could not resist but complain. “Go slower! I don’t feel well!” She was now carrying a child and could not engage in intense activity.

Wei Shaoyin was taken aback and slowed down, but chided her. “What a wimp! You deserve being monitored so closely.”

Xia Ling was panting as she tried to catch her breath, one hand protectively covering her abdomen, and did not reply to him. Behind her, she could hear steps catching up to them. It was likely to be Chu Chen chasing after them.

Ah Wei gripped her wrist again and hurried her. “Quick, my car is just at the door.”

Xia Ling was dragged along and almost tripped over the steps outside the main door. Thankfully, Wei Shaoyin’s quick reflexes saw him steady her in time, though they ended up in a suggestive position with him pressing her onto the wall.

Xia Ling pushed him with her cement dust covered hand and said angrily through gritted teeth, “You’re really heavy!”

His pristine white shirt was immediately stained with her fingerprints, making him bristle. “My shirt!”

“If you don’t let go of me, I’ll kick you into the bushes to make it worse!”

“You’re grabbing onto my elbow! How am I going to let go of you?!”

They argued as they struggled to stand up straight, and in their disheveled position, they suddenly heard the sound of a shutter clicking, followed by a gleeful shout. “Ye Xingling! Wei Shaoyin!”

Wei Shaoyin’s reaction was quick and immediately swiveled to cover Xia Ling’s face. Xia Ling was first grateful before turning angry. “Are you an idiot?! That guy called out my name! What good is it blocking my face now?! Covering me like that makes our relationship seem even more suggestive!”

His expression darkened, but before he could retort, he was pushed away from her by a powerful force. “Aren’t you going to leave already?!”

It was Chu Chen in a furious tone.

Xia Ling turned and realized that he had chased them down, and not too far behind him were several excited reporters in full gear.

Wei Shaoyin was shocked by the entourage and hurriedly assisted Chu Chen to carry Xia Ling to the Ferrari by the door.


Chu Chen decisively shut the door.

Wei Shaoyin started the car in one swift motion, and they shot out of the driveway like an arrow.

Xia Ling was about to heave a sigh of relief, but Chu Chen turned to Wei Shaoyin and commanded. “Go faster! The paparazzi are following close on our tail!”

Xia Ling turned her head to look behind, realizing that there was indeed a car following close behind them. It looked like a modified Ford, and it was driving at breakneck speed, gaining on them quickly. She could not resist but jeer at Wei Shaoyin. “What use is this Ferarri? Can’t it go faster than a mere Ford?!”

Wei Shaoyin huffed in frustration, before stepping on the accelerator.

Xia Ling was taken by surprise at the sudden gain in speed, as her face hit the seat in front of her. “Slow down! I told you I don’t feel well! Did you learn driving from your primary school language teacher?!” She scolded.

Wei Shaoyin clenched his teeth and said with a cold expression, “Ye Xingling, shut up, or I’ll throw you out of the car.”

She immediately shut her mouth.

He increased his speed until the legal limit of the road they were on, but the person behind the wheel in the Ford clearly had better driving skills and was chasing them down fast. It was hard to create a wider distance between them, let alone shake them off.

“Go up the expressway! Up the expressway!” She could not resist but anxiously shout.

Wei Shaoyin grumbled. “So noisy!”

Xia Ling ignored him and continued, “Go up the expressway and drive towards the outskirts of the city. Make full use of your Ferrari’s functionalities! This is a sports car! A sports car!”

Wei Shaoyin furiously shouted back. “I know that you idiot!” Yet, he turned his steering wheel obediently in the direction of the expressway.

As the Ford behind followed them up the expressway, Wei Shaoyin pressed his gas to the limit, increasing the speed of the Ferrari. However, it was no use. The driver of the Ford was too good, and there was no way to shake them off.

“For a Ford to chase down a Ferrari, the driver is indeed formidable.” Chu Chen remarked impassively.

Wei Shaoyin’s face was almost black, and he turned the steering wheel sharply again. Chu Chen was thrown to the side, nearly crashing onto Xia Ling.

Xia Ling’s reactively avoided him, but lifted her head and shouted at Ah Wei. “You really have the skills of a primary school student!”

Wei Shaoyin was furious. “If you’re so good, you can take over!”

Xia Ling shouted back. “If I could, I would! If I were behind that wheel, we would have lost the paparazzi by now!”

“Then show me what you’ve got!”

“Sure, I’ll drive!” She pushed Chu Chen away with one hand and crawled to the front seat. She said to Wei Shaoyin, “Let me drive!”

Wei Shaoyin glanced at her in shock, clearly not expecting such a reaction. “Don’t joke around. You only learned how to drive after leaving Skyart, right? Driving on the expressway is not child’s play.”

“Who’s joking around with you?! Just because you can’t drive doesn’t mean I can’t.” In her past life, she was the Platinum VIP member of the sports car club. She used to own a fiery red Ferrari like this one, and she gave it the name “Wings of Fire.” Everyone said that she looked like she was flying when she was behind the wheel, and many people had issued her challenges after hearing about her speed. There was one time when someone issued a challenge for them to race near the cliffs, and while she had won, Pei Ziheng was furious with her. He rarely lost his temper with her, but that time he instructed his staff to destroy her “Wings of Fire” and forbade her from touching a sports car ever again.

Since then, she had not raced in a sports car again.

However, perhaps being spurred on by the paparazzi behind, or merely unable to take Wei Shaoyin’s lousy driving, she repeatedly said to Wei Shaoyin, “I’ll take over.”

Wei Shaoyin looked at her suspiciously. “Can you really drive?”

Xia Ling assured him several times over and rattled off Ferrari specifications and driving techniques to him. Wei Shaoyin was finally convinced and yielded the driver’s seat to her.

The moment she placed her hands on the steering wheel, nostalgia swept over Xia Ling.

She remembered the times when she would wilfully race in her Ferrari, never really scared of Pei Ziheng’s wrath. Then, he doted on her horribly, and even if she had gotten into the worst of troubles, he would never really hurt her.

However, everything was different now.

She was now more willing to be killed in a car crash than to be tortured so cruelly by him.

The steering wheel was in her hands, and her palm felt warm with adrenaline.

Wei Shaoyin was shouting something in her ear, and the Ford behind closed in on them.

Xia Ling turned the steering wheel, making the Ferrari change lanes instantly, squeezing between two large lorries. However, a small car materialized in front of them, having been blocked from their view by the lorries earlier. Wei Shaoyin shouted out in shock, and Xia Ling gave a jump, swerving the Ferrari away and narrowly missing the small car at the last minute. However, the Ferrari headed straight for the barricade in the middle of the expressway.

This time, both Wei Shaoyin and Chu Chen shouted out. Xia Ling’s hands tightened on the steering wheel as she steeled her line of vision in front of her, turning the steering wheel yet again. They swerved past the barricade, missing it by mere centimeters, before continuing down the expressway.

Cold sweat broke out over her body.

Wei Shaoyin’s shouted at her. “Are you crazy?!”

Xia Ling did not speak. There was a split second that she had wanted to just crash into the barricade and end it all — all the grudges, the promises, everything. However, Wei Shaoyin and Chu Chen were in the car with her, and their shouts had snapped her back into her senses. What was more, there was the child she was carrying — Li Lei and her child.

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