Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 717 - Magic Nuclear Explosion

The researchers looked at one another and didn’t say anything.

After a moment, the old doctor walked out and said solemnly, “It’s not a big problem. He’ll be fine after a rest.”

“But his eyes and nose ejaculated blood.” Not entirely reassured, the director asked, “Is he really fine?”

“It’s just a simple nosebleed. Some blood seeped out of his eyes too,” said the old doctor helplessly. “He vomited blood because he bit his own tongue. It was quite a large wound, which was why he passed out. It was too painful.”

Everybody looked at each other in bewilderment.

The director asked hesitatingly, “So, you’re saying that it’s just some external wounds?”

“Yes.” The old doctor nodded. “His pulse, his body exam, and the brainwave test all showed that he’s not gravely hurt.”

Everybody was greatly relieved.

If a serious accident happened to the only man with superpowers so far, their superiors would probably rip them apart.

But even though Roland was fine, they would probably have to write reflections on their mistakes.

The director said, “You continue your work and I’ll report it to the superiors. Hopefully, I won’t be transferred.”

Everybody put on a smile, because the director implied that he would take the responsibility.

It was a good thing for those subordinates.

After all, nobody was willing to walk away from a rarely-seen research project.

If anything came from the research, they would be the first people to enjoy them. They would definitely be very happy if they could cast spells too.

However, they could tell that the director didn’t look grim, which meant that the matter wasn’t serious. He might be criticized, but he probably wouldn’t be transferred.

The director quickly left.

The others continued studying the data.

They had recorded the whole process when Roland cast the spell.

About an hour later, the director finished the call and returned. He was all sweaty, but he didn’t seem anxious.

Seeing his expression, the researchers knew that the matter had been settled.

“Okay, let’s have a short meeting. No need to go to the conference room. We’ll just do it here.” The director waved his hand and gathered everyone’s attention. Then he said, “A serious accident happened to our experiment subject. How much information did you get? If you didn’t make any progress, I would’ve been verbally abused by my leader for an hour for nothing, and I’ll verbally abuse you for an hour in return.”


Looking at the teasing smile on the director’s face, they all smiled awkwardly. In the end, it was the researcher with scans who stood up and said, “According to my speculation, the extraction spell was beyond Roland’s capabilities, which was why he fainted and shed blood. Was that a price?”

“That sounds rather unbelievable, bordering on nonsense.”

“Yes, we need more reasonable data to support our claim.”

“But in science, you can make hypotheses first and then prove them.”

“Roland’s abilities are not fully explained by science. They may have a lot to do with the idealist philosophy.”

“Nothing that’s purely ideal is trustworthy.” “Do you dare say that the micro world completely abides by the known laws of physics? Like the conservation of energy?” “Oh...”

The researchers started arguing.

The director felt a headache as he listened. He turned around and asked, “Right, how much deuterium did Roland extract just now?”

“About three grams.”


Because Roland’s collapse was too frightening, everybody had been waiting at the infirmary and didn’t ask how much material Roland extracted.

Now that they heard the number, they couldn’t have looked greedier.

“Under normal circumstances, how much would it cost for us to extract one gram of deuterium?”

“It’s hard to calculate, but it’s true that the energy cost will be more than what the extracted deuterium can generate.”

Distillation and electrolysis cost not only energy but also time. There was a reason why the deuterium nuclear power plants were eliminated.

“So, Roland spewed out some blood, and he extracted three grams already,” remarked the director in surprise. “Besides that, he still has a lot of room for growth. If he becomes as strong as he is in the game, he can easily extract a hundred grams if given enough seawater. If he helps us make two to three kilograms every day, our country will never need to worry about energy.

“Now, calculate all the data about the transparent figure that appeared behind Roland, to four digits after the decimal place. Got it? Gather as much data as possible.”

Most scientific studies had no shortcuts. It was just a simple collection of data, inference, and more collections, until a formula could be established.

That was when a breakthrough was made.

It could take a couple of months, or maybe more than ten years.

Three hours had passed by the time Roland woke up.

When he sat up, he found that his mouth was very painful.

Seeing that he moved, the nurse nearby instantly asked, “Comrade Huang, you’re awake? Do you feel anything?”.

Roland was about to talk, but he felt such excruciating pain when he moved his tongue that his face became twisted.

He pointed at his mouth and made a gesture to ask for pen and paper.

The nurse was quite smart, or she wouldn’t have been summoned here. She realized Roland’s intention left. Soon, she returned and gave Roland a pen and a piece of paper.

Then, a few doctors, led by the old doctor, followed the nurse into the ward.

The last person to enter was the director.

Roland wrote on the paper, My tongue is too painful for me to talk, but did the experiment succeed?

The old doctor sat down and took Roland’s pulse.

The director nodded and said, “It worked. You extracted three grams of deuterium.”

Roland wrote, That’s great, boss, I’d like to ask for a three-day leave; my mind was greatly disturbed by the spell just now, and I have to postpone the experiments. “Okay, you have my permission. Take a good rest at home.”

The director accepted his request without hesitation.

Roland had been working in the underground laboratory for more than a month. Everybody could tell that he was a good, dutiful lad who never slacked.

If he said that his mind was disturbed, it was definitely true.

After receiving permission, Roland lay on the sickbed for another two hours and then drove home after he felt more comfortable.

His parents were quite shocked when they found him mute. Then, Roland wrote on a piece of paper, I accidentally fell during work and bit my tongue, it’s nothing.

They were finally relieved.

After several hours of rest, Roland entered the game again after it was reopened.

His body in the game was much stronger than that in reality.

A Lesser Benediction that was embedded in the spell in reality had greatly afflicted him, but that burden didn’t exist in the game.

Roland teleported himself to the sea and extracted deuterium from seawater.

The same spell achieved different results. He extracted ten grams in the game and nothing happened to him.

The side effects of Lesser Benediction couldn’t work on Roland at all anymore.

Deuterium was a gas. Roland didn’t store it in a container but merely sealed it in his hands with his mental power.

It was colorless, odorless, and flammable.

Roland then dispersed it in the air.

After that, he teleported back to Delpon and conducted new studies.

He spent all his vacation on those studies.

About four days later, his research results came out.

They were containers made of small magic power bricks, which was only one tenth the size of the regular magic power bricks.

They were hollow and each contained about one gram of deuterium.

Then, he engraved super tiny magic arrays on the surface of the magic bricks.

The purpose of the magic arrays was to transform the magic power in the small magic power bricks into blue fireballs with a radius of about forty centimeters, which would then explode in two seconds.

They were more like expendable magic items than simple magic power bricks.

He built three of those magic items and reshaped them into bullets.

Also, the three magic items were small, medium, and large respectively.

But even the large one was merely the size of a baby’s fist.

After everything was done, he took a break, teleported to the sea, and started a stream on the forum.

“I’ve made three huge bombs. Their power is being tested.”

Roland’s account on the forum had millions of followers, and none of those followers were bots.

So, ten seconds after he started streaming, the number of viewers in the channel soared at a crazy speed.

“Shoot! Roland has made some bombs? Is it what I think?”

“Are they going to be super large blue fireballs?”

“I think it’s more likely to be a meteor shower.”

“In any case, it’s definitely going to be a new


“Is this place an isolated area by the sea? Roland must be serious about this big experiment.”

“Let’s see how evolved the Mages have become.”

“No, you should ask how evolved THE Mage has become. The regular Mages are still trying to expand their range of damage to thirty meters!”

A lot of comments were flying in the stream channel.

Roland waited for a moment, and seeing that there were more than three hundred thousand audience members, he said, “I got inspired, so I designed an experiment. I don’t know if it will work. Let’s all find out.”

It would be very uncomfortable if he didn’t show off his major discovery or new ability to the public! Of course, that was just a joke. Roland’s real purpose was to intimidate his enemies.

Whether or not the experiment worked, he could intimidate certain players and forces with his ideas.

Besides, even if it didn’t work at this moment, it might work some day.

While the netizens in the stream channel were all curious, confused, and excited, Roland took the three bullets out of his system Backpack and held them in his palm.

“Those are my new inventions,” said Roland rather proudly. “Aren’t they beautiful?”

“Three bullets?”

“Are they ammunition for pistols, sniper rifles, or cannons?”

“What are they made of? They’re blue and look like glass, but they seem to contain abundant magic power too.”

“Has Roland invented bullets? That’s absolutely useless.”

“Indeed, it’s rather pointless. Magic can do everything that guns and cannons can.”

After the comments flew for a while, Roland said, “The three bullets are products based on the essence of my knowledge.”

There were a lot fewer comments in the stream channel, as everybody was too distracted by his interpretation to type.

“These bullets are made of special energy crystals that only I can make in this world.” Roland smiled and went on, “On their surface is a complex magic array that’s made of four sub arrays, one of which involves divination. It’s rather technologically advanced for the current age.”

Nobody could argue with Roland when it came to magic.

If Roland said that it was advanced technology, it definitely was.

If anybody had a problem with that, they could always refute his claim with a more advanced magic array.

“Also, I’ve sealed some deuterium inside the bullets.”

Two seconds after he said that, a lot of comments appeared on the picture.

Those who didn’t understand typed in question marks.

Those who did understand what he said also typed in question marks.

They thought that something was seriously wrong with Roland.

“Yes, it’s exactly the deuterium that you know.” Roland summoned a cloud and drifted to the sky on it. “So, my experiment is exactly what you’re thinking.”

Not just the netizens, but the researchers in the underground base were also watching Roland’s stream.

After all, Roland was their research subject, and his performance and behavior in the game had been gathered to generate a profile for him.

When Roland said that “deuterium” was sealed in the bullets, the director, who was drinking goji water, spat it out.

All the researchers gaped.

They knew that Roland was rather wild in the game, but they didn’t expect him to be so wild.

The cloud rose to the sky about one kilometer from the ground.

Roland put two bullets back and only left the smallest one.

Then, he turned around and said to the reefs not far away from the seaside, “Let’s test the power of the small bullet in that area.”

He snapped his fingers, and a transparent spatial bullet emerged behind him.

“It’s time to witness a miracle.”

With a smile, he put the blue “pistol bullet” into the spatial bubble.

Everybody who watched the livestream subconsciously swallowed.

The spatial bubble swallowed the bullet and spurted it out two seconds later.

A streak of vague blue light darted out at such a high speed that a sonic explosion was caused. Roland’s Magic Shield shivered. Several seconds later, dazzling light arose from the reefs in the distance.

Then, a blue fireball expanded at an unbelievable speed. The image of Roland’s stream was exclusively blue and red, and nothing but deafening explosions could be heard.

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