Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 638 - A Woman’s Tears

He smiled at this.

The Realm of Devils was so desolate that even the air smelled of mud and dust, which was rather uncomfortable after a while.

Still, the players were working feverishly here, creating a flourishing feeling.

Players who were good at field warfare were outside wiping out the lone devils. These demons were strong, certainly much stronger than the professionals in the main plane, and much tougher to fight at the same level...

But the players were stronger... They had Elite base character templates and combat instincts and experience tempered by countless life and death battles. Especially the tier zero combat maniacs, if purely comparing combat instincts, even Roland wasn’t their rival, and only by relying on improved spells could he crush them.

A five-man squad of players with a normal configuration could fight twenty or more devils of the same level head-on.

Soon, there were no more devils roaming around the portal.

Then... some players began to grow drought-tolerant, less sun-demanding plants near the temporary capital city. This was just an attempt and wouldn’t necessarily be successful.

But it was always good to try; it was a farming instinct ingrained within the blood of many players.

When they saw a wasteland, they always wanted to plant something when they had a spare moment.

Also, they started trying to build roads outward.

This was the uniform decision of the vanguard command group.

After all, it was much easier to provide support if the roads were easy to traverse.

Roland returned to Delpon after that and focused on improving the contract spell.

At first, Roland didn’t pay much attention to this contract spell.

He thought that it was essentially a karmic


To bind both sides with cause and effect.

But after studying it carefully, he found that it wasn’t.

It was an abjuration spell.

It was incredible how a defensive spell managed to bind the actions of both parties.

Roland’s interest was piqued at once.

After analyzing and deciphering it, Roland found that there were many things in this contract spell that didn’t make sense, or rather, were contrary to human magic.

According to the ideas of human magic, these nodes connected wouldn’t unleash a spell.

But this spell just so happened to work.

It was quite interesting.

And vaguely, he felt the node arrangement of this spell was somewhat familiar, and after some contemplation, he compared it to the Nimbus Cloud Flight that he picked up in the Netherworld and was surprised to find that many of the nodes were the same.

Is this bloodline magic?

Wait... Nimbus Cloud Flight was learned from some elf in the Netherworld, and this is the succubus’s contract spell, so how can an unrelated race have almost the same node alignment!

Is there such a thing as convergent evolution for magic? In a way, the harsh living environment of the Netherworld was indeed similar to that of the devils.

It seemed plausible that two races would become similar at the core of their magic to adapt to more or less the same living


But Roland suddenly remembered something. He opened his browser, went to the forums, and then searched for a post that was quite interesting and also seen by many players as an eye-catcher.

A Lorewalker of some repute, after digging up a lot of monuments, said this which made many people laugh their heads off.

The elves and the trolls were both children of the World Tree.

The author also put up a lot of ancient murals that he “photographed” on the forum. But the evidence for this wasn’t obvious. At best, it was some elves and maybe some troll-looking things working together to offer sacrifices to the World Tree.

But the thing was, there were plenty of humans who worshipped the World Tree apart from the elves.

After all, the World Tree was too sacred, too ancient, and even had a special kind of beauty.

This wasn’t enough to prove that the trolls were a child race of the World Tree.

Then this Lorewalker also found many murals of trolls and elves living together.

However, these murals were so old that some of them were very blurry and there were no scripts, so they looked ambiguous.

It could be interpreted as living together or as conflicting

In short, decisive evidence was lacking. However, after a year or so, this Lorewalker added that the succubus seemed to have ties to the trolls as well.

Then the players didn’t believe him at all.

They thought he was just creating publicity.

Roland was only reminded of this matter when he saw that the elves who went to the Netherworld had a rather similar magic core to the succubus.

Then he tried to channel the cores of Blossom Acceleration and Summon Treant and other elven spells and tried to transfer them into human spell nodes. In the end, he was surprised to find that.... they had pretty much the same style of node arrangements.

There were even some nodes that were identical.


Roland compared several kinds of spells and analyzed them with big data, obtaining new data to substitute back into the big data.

After spending six days like this, he finally unraveled the succubus’s contract spell completely.

“I can’t believe that the elves, the trolls, and the succubi are actually related by blood!” Roland exclaimed.

The elves were pure and loyal, the trolls were foolish and rude, and the succubi were sexy and wanton (uncontracted)—three completely different impressions. Who would have thought that they could be traced back to the same origin.

Now that the spell was unraveled, he started trying to improve it, and for this Roland specifically went over to the Realm of Devils and took a succubus “captive” back to Delpon for testing Although she would be a lab rat, she wouldn’t be hurt.

After all, Roland’s database already had a huge amount of magic data, and improving spells was a fast process.

After two days, he worked out the most basic equality contract.

Roland then had the succubus learn it and had her use it on Douglas.

The spell was supposed to be used on Roland, but Andonara stood by with a sweet smile.

Even Roland felt a little chill run down his back.

This succubus was even shaking all over.

She didn’t dare to move.

In the end, he had to let Douglas do it.

As Roland’s admirer, Douglas accepted the offer rather happily.

One reason was that he was quite happy to be able to help his idol, and the other was that... if he succeeded, he would have managed to get a succubus for free.

What a wonderful thing.

Although he was a second-generation rich kid, it wasn’t his time to go fight in the Realm of Devils.

In reality, most Mages were unqualified to go to the battlefield in the Realm of Devils because they hadn’t developed competent combat abilities.

The Mage was a profession that required a long time to learn, practice, and progress. The average magic apprentice could only learn one or two attack spells after five years of study or more.

They didn’t have much power.

It took about ten years to develop a fundamental fighting ability of, for example, three to five long-range attack spells, two or three support spells, and one or two defensive spells.

This was what qualified them to travel alone.

They would probably be Elites by then.

But even so, Mages at this stage were still glass cannons, having decent attack power but remaining quite vulnerable. Sometimes enemies didn’t even need to make a move, they’d just blow themselves up. From the opening of the server till now, it had barely been three years. Player Mages were qualified to be glass cannons.

Using their immortality to casually travel around the main plane, they could also solve a lot of NPCs’ problems.

But now it was the Realm of Devils Expedition expansion, and the enemies were all devils, who were much stronger than the human professionals on the main plane. Mages who were still glass cannon Mages weren’t qualified to be on the battlefield.

So even when a Mage went to the Realm of Devils to help, they went there as construction workers.

Except for Roland!

As he didn’t want to do hard labor, Douglas stayed in the Magic Tower in Delpon and continued to learn magic.

Then Roland roped him in as a guinea pig.

The experiment was successful. It took the succubus two days to learn the new contract spell and then bind it with Douglas. Looking at the addition of a pink magic array on his arm, Douglas was quite pleased.

Then he noticed that something was wrong with the succubus’s expression.

Not only him, but even Roland, and Andonara felt that something was wrong.

This succubus kept stroking the pink magic array on her belly very gently as if she was caressing something extremely precious. At the same time, her expression contained joy and shyness, and she hung her head, but now and then she looked up at Douglas with affection, then hung her head down again with a happy smile.

Roland thought it was a little strange.

Douglas also thought so, and he couldn’t help but ask, “Lois, why are you smiling a little oddly?”

“I’m very happy.” The succubus looked even happier. “Why?” Douglas felt a little touched by her expression, which... carried the feeling of a young married woman’s affection.

“Because this is a marriage contract.”

Roland, Andonara, and Douglas were filled with question marks!

The succubus named Lois slowly walked over, put her arms around Douglas, and said in a clingy manner, “There is a legend among the succubi that occasionally our contracts mutate and then the contract we make with a man is a full equality contract. We don’t have to be servants. That is when it’s a marriage contract... It’s a blessing from the whole world. “So now I’m your wife.”

Roland was stunned.

Douglas twisted his head to look at the succubus beside him. He was going to laugh at her.... A succubus, talking about being a wife and marriage, do you want people to laugh their heads off?

Then he looked at the woman whose face was full of bliss and who had the aura of a virtuous wife. His mouth opened slightly, but he was speechless.

It was the first time he had seen such a woman, both in reality and in this world.

The women he used to meet, no matter how beautiful, felt like they were drawn to his status and position... He had lots of women, played with many, and could tell the difference.

But this... was truly different.

Even though she had a pair of tiny curved horns on her head, even though her tiny feet were goat hooves, even though she also had a long, thin, arrow-shaped black tail... None of that stopped the virtuous aura coming from this succubus.

He took a deep breath. “Come home with me.”


The succubus smiled gently.

Roland clicked his tongue. “This is a succubus? I’d believe it if someone said she was an elf.”

At this moment, Andonara suddenly grabbed Roland’s hand and led him back to the house, then wrapped her arms around his waist and said with shining eyes, “Use the contract on me, you definitely know how to.”

A marriage contract... any woman with love in her heart couldn’t possibly reject it.

Not to mention Andonara’s deep affection for Roland.

Roland thought for a moment and said, “I’ll use it for sure, but I’ll have to make the contract better before I use it on you.”


Andonara snuggled contentedly against Roland.

The man she acknowledged wouldn’t lie to her, and if he said it was going to be better, then it would be.

It took another three days for Roland to change the equality contract.

Then he bought a lot of beautiful flowers and spread them all over the room solemnly and romantically.

He also bought a ring and put it on Andonara before he used the improved equality contract. A white heart-shaped magic array appeared on the hearts of both sides.

The shape of the magic array could look like anything; making it heart-shaped was deliberate on Roland’s part.

This improved magic array was inspired by the dragon knight contract of the dragons.

Both sides shared each other’s life force, as well as some special abilities.

This was randomized because the two sides were of different professions, so it wasn’t always guaranteed that the abilities would be useful.

As a result, Andonara got both Roland’s Body of Magic and Fire Element Enhancement.

Although Andonara was a more physical profession, the use of the Hero’s flame required the consumption of magic power and was also a type of fire.

It could be said that it was a perfect match to take her strength one step further.

And Roland randomized to Tough Body.

Andonara sat on the bed, side by side with Roland, her head resting on the man’s shoulder, happiness spilling out of her smile.

Women, especially those in love, were defenseless against such formal rituals.

Even a unique woman like Andonara was no exception. She said slowly, “A contract similar to that of a dragon knight that works on a human, and it’s a marriage contract-sure enough, my man is the most powerful Mage in the world.” Even Andonara, who didn’t have high intelligence, was aware of what a terrifying spell this contract that shared the abilities of both parties was.

It could change the relationship between Mages and other professions in a fundamental way.

It could even change the relationship between the various races of the world.

Roland’s mind, however, was drawn to his new specialty.

Tough Body: Your physique becomes stronger and is less prone to injury (Legendary).

Then Roland laughed on the spot.

He laughed happily and wickedly.

This bit of wickedness between a man and a woman was just boudoir fun.

Andonara’s expression was one of considerable surprise as she was pushed back onto the bed by Roland.

A few minutes later, she was crying tears of joy and hugging Roland tightly.

Roland could break her defenses now.

The two were lovey-dovey for three days and barely got out of bed.

It wasn’t until three days later that Roland was urged to go to the Realm of Devils by a message in the guild chat room.

Schuck: “We’ve found a devil city. Come quickly.”

Roland immediately teleported to the Realm of Devils and rushed to the front line.

A huge black city loomed in front of him.

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