Badge in Azure

Chapter 1379: Persuade to Stay (Part 2)

Chapter 1379: Persuade to Stay (Part 2)

“You mean really would have become Nailisi’s slave?” To Rafel, this was inconceivable.

“Yes. At that time I was only level-1. Even if Nailisi was down to her last breath, she could have still eaten me up. If she had exerted some effort, she could have defeated me,” Saleen said slowly as he recalled his first encounter with Nailisi.

“When did this happen?”

“Around 10 years ago,” Saleen replied. His answer was imprecise because of the century he spent in the temple and his stint in the Astrology Tower, where the passage of time was different from the Myers Continent. He could no longer calculate exactly when this happened.

“How enviable. In a decade’s time, you’ve attained power that poses a threat to me. Is this humanity?” Rafel sighed. She had already lived a few million years. If the gods hadn’t died, she would have continued to live on. As for the present, even if she could no longer advance, she could probably still live a few million years.

She didn’t understand the meaning of life. She knew nothing about struggle, pain, frustration.

The pair kept moving ahead. Saleen suddenly sensed a magnificent force within the power. It originated from the magical tower, which was connected to everything in the forest. No wonder Fycro’s attack had been so challenging. The forest was part of the magical tower.

When Rafel first arrived in this interdimensional space, she wracked her brain to design this magical tower. It was considered a miracle. For many years after its death, the forest grew, the magic beasts multiplied, the magical tower continued to fulfill its purpose.

Such calculation abilities embarrassed Saleen. Even though he gathered all the enchanters right now, he would not be able to arrive at this point.

Rafel also felt this peculiarity. The spear in her hands channeled a strange vibration, causing her heartbeat to follow the pulsing of the spear. She was thinking about rejecting it when strange objects resembling twigs began growing on the spear, gently twining around her hands.

A wonderful feeling permeated through Rafel’s body. It was like when the gods had just created her and she had not yet needed to battle. At the time, the angels all lived in a huge metal ball, like humans in their mother’s abdomen.

From the six eyes on the spear, godly power rushed to her insides. This was different from the Metal God’s godly power. Nature godly power was peaceful and inoffensiveness. It was godly power that was entering Rafel’s body. Not only did it not cast out the parts within her body where some of the Metal God’s godly power remained, it even restored body parts that had been injured in battle.

Rafel had experienced far too many battles: She lost count of how many she had fought in.

The Metal God was unique: It could evolve without consuming other gods. But the other gods would come to attack the Metal God’s divine kingdom. The position of the Metal God’s divine kingdom had been favorable, thus the Metal God would also let the angels clear out the dangerous divine kingdoms nearby at fixed intervals. Once there was a god who had evolved, angels like Rafel would rush over as quickly as possible.

Eliminating countless kingdoms—That had been Rafel’s life.

The Metal God was not skilled in healing. It was difficult healing the metal angels. Their tough bodies appeared to be perfect, but in reality, they were filled with scars from long ago.

The godly power of the Goddess of Nature was healing Rafel’s old injuries. She felt that her body was about to regain the status of a battle angel but strongly suppressed it. It was precisely in this state that she permitted the Goddess of Nature’s godly power to flow within her body and even modify her body structure.

The six sets of power became greater and greater, putting Rafel’s body into order one time. Because she had not regained the appearance of a battle angel, her body was strongly set into its previous state.

“Finally, I can stop changing back and forth.” Rafel smiled slightly, feeling the power in her body.

Though the power surge was not great, the godly power had not been wasted at all. It was stored in her heart. Her body also became more complete. Every inch of its structure was under her control. She could now mobilize the entirety of her power to engage in battle.

Born a battle angel, Rafel was sensitive to the structure of her body, because she knew that the Metal God would not give her any more power. Rafel directly changed her image into its previous appearance. Even the bones in her body changed accordingly. They had originally been silver-gray but were now permeated with green-tinged Holy Prose. These were the words of the Goddess of Nature.

Angels had no marrow in the hollow of their bones: they had crystallized godly power. Bones that had originally been empty were now brimming with greenish crystals.

“How do you feel?” Saleen discovered the transformation of Rafel.

“From now on, I can also tap on the Goddess of Nature’s godly power, but...”

“But you’re still an angel. Since you belong to a different godly race, you’ll be the first to be discovered by the Goddess of Nature. Isn’t that right?” Saleen asked.

“Mm.” Rafel felt a bit dejected. Humans could steal the gods’ power and it was hard for them to be detected, but she couldn’t do that. Once she stole a god’s power, she immediately incited a god’s wrath.

“That doesn’t matter. The Goddess of Nature won’t come looking for trouble with you. If she tries pulling a stunt like that, I’ll whack her,” Saleen jeered while smiling.

“Really?” Rafel looked full of disbelief.

“Have you ever seen a mage lie?”

“Alright, but, I don’t understand...”

“What’s there to understand? With this power, you’ll slowly be more enriched and able to many more things,” Saleen continued to tempt her.

“That’s true. Alright, I won’t leave for the time being. Let’s talk about that after we get rid of Fycro.” Rafel felt reinvigorated. Originally, when the gods had died, her heart had died with them. Now, another path was opening: to continuously steal godly power to obtain evolution.

For that to happen, however, she needed to stay with Saleen. Humans had many means with which to steal godly power, and the danger was also low. Most of the time, the gods would leave such matters unresolved. If she really was to steal godly power rashly, Saleen had said it nicely. Would he really kill a god for her sake?

Sigh, Saleen. He wanted her to stay behind and do battle for him. What was the difference between this and the gods? The gods had controlled her basically for their sake. Apart from battle, what else did she know?

Unknowingly, the sound of Rafel’s footsteps had become one with the sounds of the forest. This forest was not dead. It teemed with life. The winds blew. The creeks flowed. The magic beasts howled. These sounds combined with the sound of Rafel’s footsteps, becoming indiscernible from one another.

In the beginning, she relied on these sounds to cover the slight sounds released from her movements. Now, she did not have to do anything. In Saleen’s midst, it was as if she had disappeared.

It had often been said that the assassins who were the Goddess of Nature’s subordinates were the strongest. This was true. The Goddess of Nature’s assassins possessed the power to meld with nature. This was even more formidable than Saleen’s lone stealth skill.

Even Saleen hadn’t known there would be such a change. When he had injected godly power into Rafel’s spear, his only hope was that Rafel would be able to use her strongest combat abilities to make it slightly safer for them to ambush Fycro.

When they were five kilometers from him, Saleen stopped.

“Rafel, Fycro will focus on a distance of about two and a half kilometers ahead. After this distance is passed, the earth will hide all information from me and the effectiveness will be limited if you try to search for it. Let’s wait here. If there are any movements from Jason’s side, then we will make a move.”

“Five kilometers...”

“If he comes closer, say three kilometers, we’ll fall back according to Fycro’s speed. If Jason doesn’t make a move, we will.”

“Yes, my lord.” Before a battle, Rafel used an extremely respectful tone to address Saleen. Even if she felt he was weak, she also had to respect the battle. Furthermore, Saleen was really weak: he was a mage worthy of respect.

Saleen’s territorial power had not expanded. Once it did, Fycro would sense this. He was also making use of the forest’s power to figure out Fycro’s position. The clan badge was in his hands. No matter what time Fycro encountered Jason, he would be able to release the power of lightning at the fastest time possible.

Saleen was unsure whether Fycro could be killed. At least they would be able to destroy one of Fycro’s godly items.

That crescent moon-shaped weapon was too scary. If that weapon attacked him, what should he do? Saleen had calculated for a long time but still had not come to a conclusion. The best method was to use his clan badge to block it. The materials of the clan badge were the sturdiest of all the equipment Saleen had on hand. It would be difficult for any weapon to leave behind even a hint of a scar on its surface.

Fycro was destroying the forest at his leisure. Being part of the magical tower, the forest had already been comprehended by Fycro. That was why he was not anxious. What good would that do? No good, unless he could guarantee destruction of the magical tower alone; otherwise, he could only bring the army with him while violently attacking its magic net.

There would not be too many fatal magic spells within the magic net. It was possible to destroy the seals by using human lives to push it.

Once the army reached the mountain peak, he could deploy powerful divine spells to kill everyone above them. The power of sacrifice had to be done when the enemy was less than 500 kilometers away. If this attack could not be made within the magic net, the magic net’s existence would ruin the results of the sacrifice.

The distance between both parties was approaching three kilometers. Since Saleen had not received any news from Jason, he and Rafel retreated two kilometers and waited again.

One side advanced; one side retreated. Nearly two hours later, Saleen finally felt the news being transmitted by Jason—Attack!

Now Saleen and Fycro were only three kilometers apart.

At the same time, Fycro felt that his original body was suffering an attack and was about to summon him.

His Moon of Massacre was about to fly out. Only when that device was back in his hands would he be able to rush to his original body, wherever it was.

You finally couldn’t stand it anymore? The corners of Fycro’s lips lifted upward. The attack inflicted on his original body was from someone of grade-13 strength. But that didn’t matter. As long as he too went over, with two against one, he could efficiently slay that mage.

Zap! Suddenly he was hit head-on by a 10-meter-wide electric current that turned everything in its path to ash.

Fycro’s heart started palpitating nervously. What was this?

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