I Found A Planet

Chapter 384 - Li Dong

Li Dong was a student from a normal vocational university. He was 21 years old and was slightly taller than 1.7 meters. His looks were average, although his appearance could be almost charming sometimes. He came from a normal family and his biggest hobby was gaming and animation. He had no experience with love and, naturally, he was still single.

Inside the messy dormitory number 302.

Wearing a VR helmet and holding a video game controller in his hand was Li Dong. He was on the Wanxiang VR Treadmill fighting an intensive battle with two roommates in an online game called “Homeland VR.”

Alternatively, it would be better to say that they were fighting a very challenging defensive battle.

Li Dong and others were on the defensive side.

In the game.

In the vastness of space, the enemy’s main battleships loomed like giant elephants, and their countless space fighter jets were like locusts.

Thick and thin yellow-orange beams of light illuminated the entire vacuum. Missiles rained down, and the warships that were hit constantly ignited.

Their ships were destroyed one by one.

Their line of defense was about to collapse.

Their main planet, the resource planet and the industrial system that all lacked defensive ability, would soon be exposed to the invaders like a sheep that had been sheared naked.

Sweat dripped down Li Dong’s face like rain.

The corner of his mouth twitched vigorously.

“This is abominable!

“We’ve been playing this game for three years! The homeland that we’ve built with countless amounts of blood, sweat, and time is about to be taken away!

“Is this guy who came to fight us insane? Although I didn’t pay much for this warship, I invested a lot of time into it, building it up level 83. It has risen in the ranks to, at the very least, be in the top one percent for this server. Even if other top grade battleships want to fight me, more than half of their main ship would sustain damages. This is the price that they would have to pay to give me a fatal blow.

“The construction of a main battleship is slow. A S-grade dock can only be completed in one week. When more than half of the main battleship is damaged, it means that it will take at least one year to recover. It may also be targeted by other players in a direct attack on the homeland.

“The average player would not dare to attack an account like mine. Unless he buys more than a thousand main battleships directly from the system mall at a price of 1,000 yuan a ship. Only then would he have the confidence to destroy me.”

Li Dong looked at the dark battlefield across from him. The main battleships built in the style of the system mall appeared in dense numbers. There were definitely more than 1,000 battleships here.

He felt a bit crazy. This was so hateful! Just where did he provoke or offend this kind of player who would spend his hard earned money to destroy him!

“Boom, boom, boom...”

Under an intensive attack.

He had started out with 600-plus main battleships. Now most of them had been turned into space garbage. The remaining ships were enshrouded in raging fires.

A portion of the enemy warships penetrated the line of defense and rushed towards the interior of the star system in its invasion.

Defeat was certain, there was no ability to recoup.

Both of Li Dong’s hands hung low in defeat.

He heard a few voices from his headset.

His roommate Cai Qinghai said, “Li Dong, persevere for a bit more! My main fleet has already defeated the enemy’s interceptive fleet, and we will be able to support you immediately.”

“Li Dong, my fleet will probably take 15 minutes to defeat the enemy’s interception force, and will soon enter the main battlefield!” roommate Liu Yichen said.

At this time, a female voice could be heard in the headset. “I am sorry, Commander. My fleet is still on the way. I will arrive in an hour or so. Please hold on for a while!”

The online game, “Homeland VR,” was not a solo game; it had an excellent society system, where most players belonged to a guild.

Li Dong had initiated the establishment of a small guild called “City of the Eastern Sea.” The members who joined the guild had, at one time, exceeded 20 in number, but they were later poached by other guilds. There were only four people left today.

Only his three roommates in dorm 302, as well as an off-campus girl with the ID “Mu Wanqiu,” still remained in this small guild.

Of course, Li Dong, Cai Qinghai, and Liu Yichen were all skeptical about whether Mu Wanqiu was a girl. One, there were not many female players in sci-fi interstellar games like the “Homeland VR.” The proportion of female players was even less than one in ten. Two, voice-changing technology had become so developed, and, with so many crossdressing experts eager to be a young and beautiful girl, Li Dong and his roommates knew pretty well just how few of that ten percent of female players was actually female.

Therefore, the four usually interacted as normal friends, exchanging gaming tips and experiences. They helped each other and got along very happily.

They did not expect that the guild would encounter such a major challenge today.

As the Commander with the strongest abilities, Li Dong saw his main battleships completely destroyed, his main planet and resource planet occupied, and the industrial system fallen into the hands of the enemy. He would be forced into exile and had to start from scratch.

Their guild had basically gone cold, and it would soon be swallowed up by the surrounding forces.

They had to launch an all-out rescue!

“No need! Quickly retreat, don’t worry about me!”

Li Dong said loudly, “You are not his match. This guy has spent at least a million in order to defeat me. Haha, a rich gamer! No matter how well I understand this game, I can never defeat money.”

He looked at the endless flames in front of him and laughed at himself. “In the first place, maybe I shouldn’t have held out that little bit of hope that I would be lucky, thinking that I could occupy a space for myself with my own efforts... It seems that I am too naive.”

“Withdraw! You have to withdraw quickly; don’t abandon your main battleships. Preserve your strength and join a stronger guild.”

Li Dong was somewhat discouraged. Three years of blood, sweat, and tears were all in vain. This blow was devastating for him... Although this was just a game! But was this not part of his youth as well?

Yet he had collapsed at the first blow by the nouveau riche.

“Li Dong, what are you talking about?”

“We are brothers, comrades in this guild. How can we abandon you?!”

“Commander, my fleet is flying at full speed, and we’ll be at the battlefield soon! I will fight side by side with you, just like in the past, when you have sent your fleet to support me many times. I will never give up on you!”

Mu Wanqiu spoke with determination.


Li Dong was a little stunned. He advised helplessly, “Our opponent is a player with money. Don’t rush over to be cannon fodder. Once your main battleships are gone, you will be reduced to becoming a logistics supply fleet, even if you rely on support from a large guild. You will not be able to continue playing the game.”

“This game has already become the realm of players with money. It can’t be played anymore. Even if we don’t come to save you, he will still attack us one by one. It’s better to have an ultimate battle to the death here.”

“You are an ordinary player if you invest less than a million into playing this game. Let’s create more damages for him. Destroying a main battleship is equivalent to burning $1,000. We’ll bleed him.”

“Yes, Commander; even if we lose, we have to let him know that we are not to be underestimated!” Mu Wanqiu said.


Li Dong’s was touched; his heart filled with warmth. He quickly adjusted his state of mind and took over the command of the battlefield. He clenched his teeth and issued a series of suggestions and orders, holding onto the mentality of inflicting the maximum amount of blood loss on the enemy. The battle went on for more than two hours.

“Boom boom~”

The last main battleship of the guild was reduced to flames.

Thousands of warships from the mall that the invaders had invested heavily in were also basically destroyed.

In terms of money, the value of the resources lost in this battle was at least 2 million... This could enter the server list of famous military campaigns.

Naturally, it was announced that the guild “City of the Eastern Sea” had lost. The main force of this small guild carried out the scorched-earth policy to its full extent. Li Dong, who refused to surrender—if he agreed to surrender, the other party would give a certain amount of gold coins as compensation, and allow him to carry his scientific data along with him into exile—had blown up his main planet and destroyed all industrial facilities... The invaders only had meager gains.

Li Dong never entered the game again and was in a depressed state for a long time.

Until this day, when he received a call and heard a crisp and nice female voice.

“Commander, I am Mu Wanqiu. I want to meet with you.”

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