Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 84 - Moving In

The woman shoved Hou Shi’s head with more force than Hou Shi had used on their child, then said, “What are you hitting your child for? Can’t you see that there are a lot of people playing with mud?”

Although she didn’t know why these people were all playing with mud, their child wasn’t the only one doing so, so wasn’t it likely that they were trying to do something?

With that in mind, this woman immediately knelt down in front of the priest and began to kowtow, “Thank you, thank you all, you are all really good people!”

The priest laughed lightly, “There’s no need for that... Hurry up and eat. After eating, bring the injured over for treatment.”

“Treatment?” These people were a little confused.

The priest laughed and didn’t explain. Someone next to the priest spoke up instead, “Our tribe has a priest, as well as a messenger from the Beast God. They can heal the wounds on your body!”

Was there really something so amazing? These people were shocked once again.

In particular, they were surprised by the fact that there was actually a messenger of the Beast God in this tribe.

They all knew of the Beast God, and knew that they were people of the Beast God, but they didn’t know that something like a messenger of the Beast God even existed in this world

“Are you the Beast God’s messenger?” Someone’s expression was full of awe as they asked this.

“I’m the Big Bear Tribe’s priest.” The priest replied, “The Beast God’s messenger is more powerful than I am!”

These people felt that this man in front of them already looked noble enough; but the Beast God’s messenger was even more powerful than he was?! They were about to ask again when the priest pointed to Zhou Ji who was lounging under a tree not far from where they were, “That is the Beast God’s messenger.”

Zhou Ji was lying down on recliner and had several plates filled with various fresh fruits set out on a small table nearby. From time to time, he would pick up some fruit to snack on.

Of course, the most striking things about him were his clothing and shoes, as well as his appearance.

Beastmen experienced both the scorching sun and drenching rain from childhood on up and were generally very rough looking, but Zhou Ji... had really been brought up well.

Anyone could tell at first glance that he had never done any hard work!

No wonder he was the Beast God’s messenger!

The crowd was filled with awe and respect. At the same time, they also noticed that the man who had fallen unconscious from fever had been brought over to the Beast God’s messenger by the great Lord who had led them over.

That man was about to die. Was the Beast God’s messenger really capable of curing him?

Also, this feverish person was both dirty and smelly, and they weren’t sure if that would annoy the Beast God’s messenger... They were rather worried, to the point where they even resisted the temptation of the earth egg and meat stew in order to watch the scene that was unfolding over there.

Zhou Ji certainly wouldn’t be offended by such a thing, but he also wouldn’t involve himself too deeply... After glancing at the man, he brought out a relatively sharp pottery shard that he had ground down to a sharp edge and handed it to Xiong Ye, “Cut off the rotting flesh from his body. I’ll go and bring back some herbs.”

While doing so, he also singled out some of the more severely injured people within the group of slaves, telling them to hurry up and finish their earth egg and boiled meat stew so that they could come over for additional treatment.

This so-called treatment unexpectedly required them to first dig out a portion of their flesh... The slaves who heard this idea felt a little confused, but it was the Beast God’s messenger who told them to do so. So there had to be a reason behind it, right?

While they were thinking about this, the people from the Little Brook Tribe who had been treated by Zhou Ji before spoke up and told this new group of severely injured people, “You are lucky that you didn’t collapse halfway and actually managed to make it here alive. The Beast God’s messenger is particularly powerful and will definitely be able to save you!”

Was the Beast God’s messenger really so powerful? The people who had originally just been waiting for death now had traces of hope in their eyes.

Zhou Ji liked these kinds of people.

Beastmen all had very good physiques. As long as their psychological condition was improved a little... These people wouldn’t die and may even recover very quickly.

Once the herbs were ready, and Zhou Ji had finished explaining what needed to be done to Xiong Ye, instructing him to wash the pottery shard in water and dip it in boiling water after scraping off the rotting flesh of each person in order to prevent contamination, Zhou Ji found another clean place to lie back down.

Although the sun was strong, and the heat emanating from the fire pit quite hot, the breeze was actually quite cool due to the lush vegetation. Now that he was lying down in the shade and enjoying the wind, Zhou Ji started to feel a little sleepy.

In any case, he had already secretly helped out a few of the escaped slaves who had been in danger of losing their lives. The pottery wouldn’t finish firing anytime soon, so he might as well take a nap first.

Zhou Ji closed his eyes and slept very comfortably.

After those slaves finished eating the earth eggs and boiled meat stew and drank the ginseng soup, their situation had already improved a lot.

Most of them didn’t know what they should do at the moment, but Hou Shi and his woman had already been pulled over to make pottery by their child, “The Beast God’s messenger told us to make bowls and pots with the mud. The surface must be very smooth!”

The child carefully instructed his parents on what needed to be done.

He really liked this task and could complete it very well, to the point where he had received several compliments for his work.

That only served to make him enjoy his work even more!

Hou Shi and his woman began to work seriously at this task. They also asked, “Have you been well recently?”

This child whose animal form was a lemur was named Hou Bao; he nodded solemnly, “Very well! There’s meat to eat every day!” In the past, he hadn’t eaten that well when they had still been in the Green Hill Tribe. After all, his family’s animal forms weren’t very useful.

His father’s animal form was a monkey and was also quite small. Even if he joined the hunting team, he could only help by scouting ahead and couldn’t do anything if they actually encountered dinosaurs, so their share of the meat would naturally be very small. Also, he had once had three little brothers and sisters in his family... Even if there was more to eat, he would feel too embarrassed to eat much more.

Hou Shi knew that his child hadn’t lied.

Their child had gotten fatter!

It had only been half a month since they had seen each other, but their child had fattened up!

At this point in time, he had thought that he would have to come to terms with the news of his child’s death, but unexpectedly the opposite was true... He was actually looking at a chubby son.

Hou Shi suppressed the tears that threatened to leak from his eyes and continued to play with the mud––no, continued to make bowls.

The people of this Big Bear Tribe were too strange, they actually used mud to make bowls and pots!

Hou Shi really couldn’t understand the people of the Big Bear Tribe.

Around twenty odd slaves had died on this journey, and ninety seven from the original group managed to arrive at the Big Bear Tribe.

If this was in modern times, nobody would feel that this was a significant number, but in this era... This was already considered a lot of people!

The priest and Xiong Ye spent a lot of time feeding and treating these people. By the time they had finished with everyone, three hours had already passed.

Zhou Ji also finally woke up, “The pottery is finished.”

The pottery had indeed gone through the firing process. And this time... It seemed as though they had managed to make some useful pottery?

Zhou Ji was quite looking forward to seeing it. After thinking for a moment, he said “Later, place the wood that hasn’t been burned up yet into one of the mud rooms in the area.”

Zhou Ji really wanted to have a house, and now that they had found a way to build houses, he figured that he should let people practice more by building a dozen or so mud huts in this area.

In fact, this area only needed a warehouse, but building a few more huts had been a good idea.

And now, these houses were coming in handy––they were completed just in time for these slaves to live in.

However, these huts hadn’t been used after they were built and were a little cold and damp and uncomfortable to live in... However, if they first heated the huts up with a fire, they should be fine.

The priest didn’t know why Zhou Ji had made such a request, but since Zhou Ji had said so, he would do as he said.

The fire in the pit where the pottery was being fired slowly burnt out, and the leftover firewood with red embers on one end were sent to the surrounding huts.

The slaves were completely at a loss when they saw this scene.

“What exactly are the people of the Big Bear Tribe trying to do?”

“I thought they were burning such a big fire in order to cook or perform some ceremony. But now they’re dousing the fire?”

“They even play with mud...”


Zhou Ji had been using his spiritual powers to observe these people and determined that there were no spies amongst them.

Fine, people from this era probably didn’t do things like inserting spies into other tribes...

Since that was the case, these people could be trusted. Of course, they would still need to adjust their mindset. As for how to make those adjustments... He believed that the priest would be able to do it well.

In fact, the priest had already begun.

Zhou Ji glanced at the priest and noticed that he was now wearing the robe that had originally belonged to Zhu Zhan as he preached about the Beast God.

“Our Big Bear Tribe is beloved by the Beast God!”

“The Beast God even gave us a messenger.”

“You just have to join the Big Bear Tribe...”

Even before the priest had finished speaking, these people had already grown excited, “Can we join the Big Bear Tribe?”

“How do we join?”

“Can we join right now?”

They all wanted to join the Big Bear Tribe!

“Of course you can.” The priest replied. Had it been a little too easy getting these people to join?

But now that these people had already joined the tribe... He just needed to find a way to make sure these people obeyed!

The priest continued to sell the Big Bear Tribe to them.

These people listened very carefully and believed in every word the priest said.

Zhou Ji: “......” These primitive people are so easy to fool!

And at this moment, the priest pointed to the pottery that had just been fired and said, “What we fired here is the gift that the Beast God has given us, pottery!”

These people still didn’t know what pottery was, but they felt that it was... very amazing.

The Big Bear Tribe was really different from the others.

Unexpectedly, the Giant Tiger Tribe really hadn’t tricked them––they were really able to eat meat and live well after arriving here!

Unfortunately, many of their relatives were still suffering in the Giant Tiger Tribe.

Could the Giant Tiger Tribe also send over their loved ones?

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