The Strongest Gene

Chapter 733: Salvation and Damnation

"That old man..." Chen Feng curled his lips and said to Spirit, "Look, I knew he wouldn’t be willing to deal with this. After all, this is not as simple as cleaning up after someone’s mess like he has been doing."

Just as he finished his words...


Duma’s voice sounded, "Chen Feng!"

Chen Feng was somewhat astonished. "Huh?"

Duma spoke calmly. "I truly can’t help you with this. While both the primordial dragons and I are considered primordial races, the dragons innately counter all other primordial life-forms. If I truly go over, I will almost certainly be turned into some sort of tonic for the dragon."

"Mhm..." Chen Feng sank into silence. He gave it some thought and agreed that turtles could indeed be a rather nutritious food.

"In short, I am not able to help you with this. However, I can give you some advice on how to deal with this," Duma muttered.

"Please tell me," Chen Feng said solemnly.

"I sensed the rise of a god. Apart from the Luck Goddess, I think a different god has also reappeared. From the location and the scope of the aura, I reckon it is the Forest Goddess. If you can get her to help, perhaps that dragon can be dealt with," Duma said.

Chen Feng rejected this notion without any hesitation. "Not possible." What joke was this? After inserting the pen into her, now he had to go looking for help? Chen Feng was sure that he would die miserably if he did that. Moreover, he would probably get killed in an extremely creative manner. One ought to remember that this Forest Goddess had been fierce enough to be able to kill even the Luck Goddess. Him being the main culprit who had inserted something into her... Mhm... The mere thought caused Chen Feng to tremble in fear. Life was a beautiful thing. He still wished to continue living on.

"Fine." Duma found this understandable. After all, gods were not beings one could easily meet. "Well, you’ll have to think of something else, then. Earlier, I asked the deputy president about this. Originally, there was a little town there on the East Coast. With the help of awakened ones, the residents there have already been relocated. Therefore, we can transform that place into a battlefield for the dragon to fight the lizard, so as to not cause any disturbances to the mainland.

"How goes the battle?" Chen Feng asked. He had no communicator. As such, he could not check himself.

"Rather intense." Duma spoke calmly. "Although the lizard is already seriously wounded and is in a rather sorry state, the lizard is still capable of holding on. After all, his lizard bloodline is one of the primordial races, the descendant of the primordial dragons that abandoned all other draconic abilities, leaving behind only the restorative ability of the dragons. Moreover, the lizards even developed further in this aspect. As such, their present restorative ability has already exceeded the dragons’. Therefore, the more of a beating it takes, the stronger it will get. Perhaps we can give the lizard some assistance. So long as he can survive the attacks of the dragon, he will grow stronger as the fight goes on. Ultimately, the dragon might be the one defeated instead. This is also a good opportunity for us."

"Mhm..." Chen Feng found this agreeable. Duma’s reasoning was very acceptable. However, Chen Feng had an odd feeling. "Even with such great restorative ability, can a lizard even defeat a dragon?"

Duma explained, "Indeed, a regular lizard would not be able to do so. However, this particular lizard is rather unique. He has an extremely unique bloodline and absorbed way too many lizard-related genes during the Genetic Era, causing his primordial bloodline to undergo numerous transformations, making him sufficiently powerful to contend against a primordial dragon."

Chen Feng gained understanding. "I see."

"It’s good that you understand," Duma said.

Chen Feng rolled his eyes. "Understand my ass. Who do you think you are tricking?"

These words could be used to trick others. However, wasn’t it somewhat excessive to use them on Chen Feng as well? The hell with the so-called primordial bloodline. How big was the gap between a dragon and a lizard? It was so big that the moment Long Yue saw the dragon, he had fled without any hesitation. Yet now Duma was trying to tell him that after going through numerous transformations, the lizard was now similar in strength to the dragon? Was this supposed to be a joke?

"I am telling the truth. It’s just that Long Yue himself is not aware of this fact," Duma said with a sigh.

Chen Feng sneered. "How did you find out, then?"

For Duma to be clearer than Long Yue himself on Long Yue’s strength? This was totally not believable.

Duma let out a bitter smile. "I know this because... I am the one who modified Long Yue."

"What?" Chen Feng’s eyes went wide. Holy shit!

Chen Feng had an incredulous look. "You modified him?"

"Ah." With a sigh, Duma said, "The Primordial Era had already ended, and a friend of mine from the Primordial Era had died. Right before his death, he gave me the essence of his life force, something he had created after years of painstaking research, something capable of allowing the lizards to fight primordial dragons. He had entrusted me with looking for someone with a dragon bloodline to pass this on to for him. And so, on that fateful day when I was out and about, I stumbled upon Long Yue..."


Chen Feng was speechless. In short, after his battle with Long Yue back then, Duma had come? And next... he had transformed the dead Long Yue into the current Long Yue?

Chen Feng rubbed his head. "Fine. Even if it is as you say, that you gave Long Yue a sufficient amount of strength, how are you so sure that he will not come looking for either you or me for revenge?"

He recalled how Long Yue’s relationship with both of them wasn’t exactly harmonious.

"I left my own imprint within him." Duma was filled with confidence. "Back then, in order to hasten his absorption and recovery speed, he not only absorbed the inheritance of the lizard. He also absorbed my blood... As such, his life is well under my control."

Chen Feng nodded. "That’s good, then." Since the plan had been decided, it was now time to act on it. They would assist Long Yue in killing that damnable primordial dragon. However, before Chen Feng could even arrive, he could already see numerous streaks of light shooting toward the East Coast.

Swish! Swish!

The auras emanating from these streaks proved the identities of these people. Each of them was a resonator.

Chen Feng frowned. "These people again." He pondered the matter before asking, "Duma, I have a question I have always wanted to ask. How many resonators existed during the Primordial Era?"

"Resonators? Let me think about it. During the Primordial Era, there were a lot of gods around. Each of the gods had a huge number of resonators. In total..." Duma started thinking deeply, trying to figure out what the total number was. At this point, Chen Feng had already sunk into silence. In short, there were so many resonators around that being a resonator was in fact nothing special?


"Although the resonators are powerful, they are nothing in face of the myriad species existing during the Primordial Era. With such a huge population, it wasn’t odd for there to be a lot of resonators around as well, right?" Duma answered Chen Feng doubtfully.

"No, not odd." Chen Feng rubbed his head. True, he had nearly forgotten that during that era, any life-form could ascend... An example was Duma, an ascended turtle...

"There are a lot of resonators awake now. However, there are more of them still in slumber. With the awakening of the Forest Goddess and her godly aura reappearing in this world, I reckon a huge number of resonators will yet again awaken. The ones who are rushing over now are probably those who awakened recently, during the Forest Goddess’s awakening. These fellows are impatient to regain their strength. As such, they will most definitely get involved in this battle, trying to gain some benefits for themselves," Duma said with a solemn expression.

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes. "Is that so?" The plan that was supposed to proceed smoothly had descended into chaos thanks to these resonators. Despite that, a smile formed on Chen Feng’s face. Chaos was exactly what he loved most.


A faint godly power pulsed out of him as Chen Feng instantly vanished where he stood. Wherever he walked, a world of two halves was left behind. In one half, everything flourished, even the weeds growing up to five meters tall. In the other half, everything withered, transforming into a land of death.

Salvation and damnation, so sharply defined.

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