Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 95: Unexpected Meeting

95 Unexpected Meeting

"I finally have reached the east border," Jun Min looks towards the wall within her sight with relief. She had been going on horse for some time now.

Looking towards the north, Jun Min can barely make up some dust there. It seems the battle is still going on over there. The soldiers she dispatched northeast should be making their way up there. It\'s time for her to catch up.

Because her wounds are already healing, she can move around more freely than before. Jun Min chooses to pace up her horse to quickly go towards the north. It is then she noticed a few people are coming towards her way. They\'re still far away and it looks like a chasing after someone.

"Who\'s that? To actually escape so far away…"

Jun Min thought that it must be the enemy from Kai Kingdom with some of Soujin\'s soldiers chasing after him. There\'s nothing wrong with her joining the fray would it? Jun Min directs her horse towards their direction even faster.

Soujin looks towards the one who come with surprise. He would never expect to see Jun Min outside the border. Even if they have promised to go together and face Kai Kingdom, the other party should have moved inside the border and not outside like this. Not only that, Jun Min is alone, where is his soldiers?

Soujin choose not to think about it and continue chasing. With Jun Min martial arts, the possibility of defeating this person in short time increased and Soujin wouldn\'t let this chance to go away. He paces his horse even quicker which makes his soldiers fall even more behind them.

"Soujin!" Jun Min shouted. "He\'s going towards the cliff."

"Don\'t let him get down! There are several ways down the cliff," Soujin answered.

Jun Min maneuvered her horse to block that person from going to the cliff. Jun Min movement is swifter and faster compared to him and she quickly blocks the way to the cliff. With sword on her hand, Jun Min watches the person before him carefully.

"Out of the way, you little kid!"

Jun Min didn\'t move and perfectly block his attack and force him back. That person is surprised to see such a little kid, but already had so much power. Nevertheless, he didn\'t continue to linger about and attack back once again.

Jun Min welcomed the sword and uses her own to block it, then she turns to attack the other party. The horses are almost crashing with each other, but because of the good control from the two of them, they didn\'t.

The skill of this person is quite high and Jun Min feels troubled to keep him stays on his place. Nevertheless, she doesn\'t need to actually defeat the other party and only need to block his way for a short time. She needs to keep him here until Soujin arrived and finished him off.

As they are fighting, Soujin arrived and attacked from behind. Facing two attacks at the same time, that person jumped of his horse and rolled on the ground, suffering wound from the blades of Soujin in the process. Jun Min and Soujin also go down their horse and continue to attack that person. In a matter of seconds, Soujin manages to wound him fatally.

"Ugh…" that person coughed up and walked towards the cliff, but Soujin stabbed his foot to not allow him to move.

Jun Min sheathed her sword. "Who is he?"

"Seventh Prince of Kai Kingdom, he\'s also an assassin," Soujin answered. This person had infiltrated his camp a few days ago and if not because he\'s alert, he would have lost some of his capable soldiers.

"I see, he\'s quite something to escape from you this far," Jun Min nodded. This place is a few days away from the northeast border and to escape from Soujin, it\'s indeed an amazing feat.

"What are you doing here?" Soujin asks back.

"There are some matters I need to do on Mountain Kingdom, so I send my soldiers first. I was about to catch up with them when I meet you here," Jun Min answered vaguely.

Soujin nodded. He turned his attention back to the man on the ground. He had put his finger on his mouth and whistled loudly. The next moment, they see the horses run away.

The man sneered. "Since you have come here, let me deliver all of you to your grave!"

With that, the ground around them shakes. Soujin takes back his sword, only to find the man holds it firmly and his other hand hold Jun Min\'s feet, intending to drag the two of them down with him. The two of them kicked him forcefully, but that delay already enough to prevent them from reaching the safe ground and the gravitation drags them down along with the stones around them.

Soujin\'s eyes narrowed as he realizes that they must have built a fake ground near the cliff in order to trap their enemies. This area is near the Mountain Kingdom, so it\'s not weird for trap to be lying about almost everywhere. The problem is, they won\'t be able to get a hold of anything to prevent their fall with the steep and hard wall is all they could see in that split second of falling.

Hearing the sound of water from below them, they know that they\'re going to be alright, but the aftereffect of falling from such altitude is not without any impact. Besides, with the stone pieces all around them, they are bound to hurt badly from the fall.

Jun Min is about to panic since she cannot think of anything in that span of few seconds. This is her first experience in falling at such height, but then she feels an arm holding her waist. She turned to see Soujin already holding her and in the next second, they crashed to the water along with the stone falling around them.


With Soujin protecting her, Jun Min is mostly alright after falling from such height. The stones are crashing to them rapidly, but none of them hits her because Soujin is on top of her, literally become her \'meat shield\'. Soujin is still holding her despite already knocked unconscious, probably due to the stones hitting him on vital place. Trying her best to swim above, Jun Min manages to drag the big and heavy Soujin to the surface.

The air is truly refreshing and this is the first time she feels genuinely grateful for breathing. The water current is not really fast and she manages to get a hold on one of the low area of the wall. Dragging Soujin upwards, Jun Min rested her back to the wall, breathing heavily.

She is glad that they are alive. As for that prince, who cares?

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