Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 50: Interruption

50 Interruption

All the girls stood up and greeted the emperor and empress. Behind them was Princess Hui who wore a captivating smile. The emperor and the empress didn\'t stay long and only appeared as formality. They talked about one thing or two before leaving Princess Hui on her own.

When the two of them left, Princess Hui smiled towards the other.

"Let\'s go to the garden and hold a little contest. I\'m sure that as noble girls you all have good knowledge in poetry."

Jun Hua felt like hammering her head to the wall. She never learned about poetry at all. It seemed that the tag of useless would always be attached to her name.

On her side, Fan Lanying\'s face also drained of color. She wished that she could just disappear from the place. If it was music, she knew that she was a bit inferior. But, poetry? When did she have the time to learn about it?

Despite the two darkened faces, the other girls all happily headed towards the garden and started to create poetry for Princess Hui. Listening from the side, Jun Hua could not understand most of it but she knew that the contents must be praising Ming Hui.

"Third Sister, why don\'t you try to make any poetry?" Lin Yuan asked politely.

Jun Hua face turned even darker. Did you forget about my resounding name? Have you ever heard of me making any poetry?

Lin Yuan started to get alarmed when she saw the dark expression on Jun Hua\'s face. She hurriedly tried to apologize. She had forgotten that Jun Hua was the worst in terms of womanly skills and talents. If not for that, how could there be a lot of people secretly whispering about it?

"Third Sister, I\'m sorry. If you don\'t feel well, you should have said so," Lin Yuan hurriedly attributed it to Jun Hua\'s condition. There was no way she would blatantly say that Jun Hua didn\'t know poetry.

Lin San sneered. "Third Sister, what if I help you? Maybe you need ideas for making poetry?"

Jun Hua politely declined before finding a good spot to hide. She didn\'t want to join in this activity and it would be better to hide far away. On the other hand, Fan Lanying stayed by Ming Hui\'s side. Ming Hui said that Fan Lanying didn\'t need to make any poetry, which helped the girl go through this event safely.

When Ming Hui had heard most of the beautiful poetry, she asked them to watch a performance. This time, she asked Jun Hua to sit beside her and Fan Lanying.

"Princess, is it alright for someone like me to sits here?"

Ming Hui smiled. "It doesn\'t matter, looking at from this place is far better than from afar."

"Jun Hua thanks Princess Hui."

The servants prepared the cake and divided it to the guests. Since it was birthday party, naturally there was a cake. Jun Hua started to eat the cake. It tasted so good.

"The cake is really good. Princess Hui truly has good eyes to employ talented chef," Jun Hua praised. She had learned from the other girls\' interaction to twist her words a bit. Although it was still plain, at least she won\'t praise by pointing out straightaway.

Ming Hui smiled. People always enjoy hearing compliments from other people. Normally, Ming Hui would hear thousands of insincere praises, but Jun Hua only said what she thought and didn\'t add more to it. It was what makes Ming Hui prefer straightforward girls.

Fan Lanying nodded her head. "Princess Ming Hui is indeed great."

Ming Hui smiled become even brighter. She gestured towards her servants. "Reward the chef who made the cake today."

The servants nodded and remembered it.

Seeing the two getting closer with Ming Hui, the other girls also praised the princess to the heaven with countless beautiful words. Even Jun Hua had to admire them for thinking so many ways to praise someone. It would appear like the first skill a woman needed to have was the skill to praise other people.

After a round of praises, they focused their attention towards the play on the stage. The play was about two people from different status who met under special circumstances. They fell in love and fought hard to let their parents agree. In the end, they lived happily ever after.

Jun Hua wondered if this kind of play was alright to be shown to unmarried girls like them. She didn\'t really like watching plays. However, she still endured as she needed to give face to Ming Hui. As she expected, a lot of girls began to fantasize about their own happy endings.

Jun Hua didn\'t really care about what they thought, but she personally didn\'t think such a story could happen in real life. What "fall in love at first sight\' and \'fight against the law\'? The marriages here were determined by their parents and social status. She as a concubine born could not really hope for much. Despite \'her brother\' was someone at high status, she was still just someone of lower status.

"What do you think about the play?" Ming Hui asked.

Jun Hua stared at Ming Hui and somehow she could understand why she would show them this kind of play.

"It\'s unlikely to happen, but it\'s still possible."

Fan Lanying tilted her head. "I never once heard there was anyone who can marry if their parents didn\'t arrange it. Of course, I don\'t include the emperor\'s decree."

"Really?" Jun Hua was not really knowledgeable in this field, so she could only stare at Fan Lanying.

"Yeah, girls can never get the chance to fall in love with other people other than the one their parents chose for them," Fan Lanying said. "Good for my parents though, since they fell in love first before getting married."

"I see."

Ming Hui smiled at the two conversations. She wanted to add a few things but then she saw a eunuch coming.

"Your Highness asks for the member of imperial family to gather in the hall as soon as possible."

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