Living in this World with Cut & Paste

Chapter 52-54

Since Aisha took care of me by making yesterday’s dinner, I thought that I would make today’s meal.

While feeling refreshed after washing my face, I started making breakfast.

When I had finished everything but the food arangement, Aisha woke up.

Seems that she cleaned until quite late last night, as it’s rare that she looks sleepy.

「Sorry for not helping with breakfast」

As I smiled while telling her not to mind it, she smiled as she silently started helping me arrange the food.

「It’s almost finished so you should take it easy. I was pampered by you yesterday, after all」

As I said that, she finished arranging the food.

As expected of 【Cooking Lv6】, she has good skills.

「I was thinking of discussing with the craftsman about the bath like I said yesterday after we finish our food.

Does Aisha know any skilled craftsman?」

「Uーn, there’s the dwarf who the guild requests for work, so why don’t we try visiting him?」

A dwarf craftsman! He seems like he’d be skilled!

He might have some good ideas, and there might be things we need to request of him after this.......

We have to try discussing with that craftsman!


Guided by Aisha, we arrived at the dwarf craftsman-san in question.

My house is also built at almost the edge of the town, but craftsman-san’s workshop is also erected really at the outskirts.

My house’s surroundings are nothing but empty land, so it feels lonely, though.......

There’s a few buildings like the workshop and a bar around here, it has quite some traffic, so even if it’s called the outskirts, it looks like a lively place.

「Craftsman-san, are you in〜?」 (TLN: Most of the word craftsman from here on is an honorific, can also mean master, but I don’t know if master would clash someday so I used craftsman instead, though it’s weird.)

Aisha opened the entrance and greeted.

As she did that, a female dwarf who was sitting at a reception-like place replied.

「Oh my, if it isn’t Aisha-san. Ya need something from Master? Wait a while, I’ll call him right now」 (TLN: I have no idea how to tl weird jp. Some kind of dialect)

The woman receptionist who had an unusual speech pattern ran? with heavy steps to the back of the workshop.

A short time later, a jii-chan with a face which was pitch black covered in a soot-like thing, probably from working on something, and a height tall for a dwarf came out.

「Oh, if it isn’t Aisha-chan! ‘ve heard that ya just quit the guild, was worried bout ya, ya know」(TLN: help. how to make english weird)

The one who called out to Aisha with a smile stretching through his whole face, seems to be this workshop’s craftsman.

「Eeh, I’m sorry for the sudden resignation. I’m getting married, so......」

As Aisha looked at my direction and said that, the craftsman became aware of my presence for the first time.

「Good morning! My name is Myne!」

As I gave my usual greeting, the craftsman seemed to be taken aback a little, but immediately gave a broad smile with his teeth showing.

Just as Otou-san and Okaa-san taught me, greetings are important!

「Ah see, ah see, so you’re Myne. ‘m Roku, this workshop’s owner. Remember that」

While Roku-san laughed heartily, he violently clapped my back.

......It hurts, but he seems like a good person.

Seeing my back clapped, Aisha smiled wryly and watched over me.

No, don’t just watch, I’d appreciate it if you could tell him to stop.

The craftsman clapped my back for a while, though he stopped hitting, probably satisfied, and stroked his splendid beard as he asked.

「And, what ‘ja come ‘ere for? Report yer marriage or somethin’?」

「No, we wanted to build a bath at our house, so we came to discuss」

As I said that, I told the craftsman about my idea.

・A largish bathtub.

・A few 3cm x 3cm dents on the side of the bathtub.

・Hot water making mechanism and water inserting mechanism are not needed.

・The drainage system will use a magic tool, and the water will accumulate in a filtration tank, and can then be re-used for domestic uses.

「Uーn, if yer leaving out them hot water making n’ putting parts, it’ll take ’bout three days, tho.......

Ya really kay with that? Putting in them water’s troublesome, ya know?」

It seems that usually, a dedicated magic tool is used to draw water from the well, or some water source. It will then be heated in a dedicated stove, which will then be poured into an iron pot.

Because of that, the installation cost and the price of the magic tools is ridiculously expensive, and the project will become large-scaled.

With that bottleneck, baths don’t spread to the general public.

「Yes, that isn’t a problem!」

Although the craftsman was perplexed, he said “If ya say so” and undertook the bath construction for my home.

Since it seems like it was leisure time for the workshop, they’ll immediately get into the drawing up of the bathtub from today.

Craftsman-san said that he will bring along a few of his disciples and come to my house, and start the work at the site.

The talk is progressing faster than I thought.

Like this, it might make it in time before Sylphy comes back.

I’m really grateful to Craftsman-san.


「What’s with this, ‘sn’t this Dyne’s house? ‘s Myne Dyne’s son?」

As I was guiding Craftsman-san around the house, I was suddenly surprised.

I’ve heard that he was Otou-san’s friend.

Otou-san, I knew you had a large circle of friends but.......

Butcher-san, Alchemist-san, Weapon shop owner-san, Armour shop owner-san ...... and also Craftsman.......

Isn’t this a little too wide?

Knowing that I am Otou-san’s son, Craftsman’s became tremendously pumped up.

I heard him muttering that he may tamper with Dyne’s house, but he will never tolerate any compromises.

As if he was another person, he called out to his disciples.

「List’n up! Y’all better make this yer best work!」

Aisha and I looked at each other and smiled wryly at his vigour.

Motivated by Craftsman, the disciples also seemed to have gotten pumped up, and in they completed the interior design in a twinkle.

Moreover, it evidently looked more extravagantly made than the previous arrangements.

「C, Craftsman-san...... this is grander than what we’ve prepared!」

Although I have some financial leeway, I have something like a budget, so.......

「Don’t worry ’bout that, ‘ll go by the previous budget.

Leavin’ that aside, ya should look forward ta’ it, ‘ll make an amazin’ bath which won’t lose even to them high grade inns」

Aah, Craftsman’s behaving recklessly.

I can’t stop it anymore.......

In the end, the construction proceeded until late at night, and everything was completed except for the bath heater.

Since he said that the bathroom is off limits for a while for hygiene purposes or something, I haven’t seen the completed bathroom, but it’ll probably become something amazing, huh.......

When the craftsmen including the disciples returned, their faces of men who had accomplished something looked strangely impressive.

I wonder if it’s okay, I have a feeling that it will go greatly over the budget, though.......

The next day, a disciple-san came over to convey the fact that the work will be suspended today since the drawing up of the bathtub is taking some time.

Disciple-san...... those bags under your eyes, don’t tell me that you guys had been going at it since you guys went back??

The day after that was the eighth day since Sylphy headed towards the capital.

If she’s coming back early, then it should be anytime now.

Until then, I want to surprise her with the completion of the bath someway or another.

Properly speaking, it was arranged for it to be completed today, but...... Craftsman acted rashly and will build a bathroom that will surpass even that of high class inns, so it’s difficult to say whether it will be completed.

However, I can’t possibly ask unreasonable things from the people who have been working hard to complete it in the workshop until they have eyebags.

Morning turned into afternoon, and Craftsman brought his disciples along to my house as I was relaxing.

「Ah’ve made the best bathtub!」

While saying that with a smile stretching across his whole face, he headed to the bathroom which is under construction.

He seems to have seriously planned on finishing it by today.

I heard this from Craftsman afterwards, but...... he said that making the best product and abiding by the construction period even if something happened midway is a craftsman duty.

While it may be true that he was acting rashly, Craftsman worked according to the plan of three days he had stated at first.

Aisha introduced me to a really good craftsman-san, didn’t she.

There’s also the matter of Otou-san, but this attitude is something I should learn a lot from.

......Well, I think the disciples surely had some suicidal thoughts, though.

I’m really sorry!

About two hours later...... the bath Craftsman put his all into had been completed.

「There’s some time fer hygienic purposes, so won’cha do me a favour and use it tomorrow? Ah, this really is a masterpiece」

The original price we agreed on was 800 gold coins.

However, looking at the completed bathroom, that would be inexcusable for its quality, even when a layman such as I look at it.

As I took a look at the competed bathroom, it was an extravagant bathroom, bigger than the bathroom at the Silver Bell Pavilion we stayed at in the Town Adol.

It being big is a matter of course, since I requested for a largish bathroom, but seeing it and hearing it is completely different.

Furthermore, according to Craftsman, the floor is made from something rock (I heard the name but don’t quite remember), a high grade material.

It seems that this stone is hard to slip on and water dries easily so its cost is high and definitely something used in bathrooms.

Moreover, the walls are covered with planks that let out a nice smell.

As if in a forest, the fragrance calms one’s nerves, and is also quite the expensive material.

And then there’s the bathtub.

This bathtub seem to be made of a different high grade material from the floorboards, and has a beautiful glossy black finish.

Furthermore, very small decorations are engraved into it, and looks like a work of art.

The holes I’ve requested for putting the pebbles in were also precisely made. It can be said that the workmanship doesn’t even lose to high grade inns’, just as Craftsman had said.

I expressed my gratitude towards Craftsman, and handed over 10 platinum coins for the cost.

Although it was more than the previous cost, I still felt that it wasn’t enough.

Although Craftsman firmly refused it, Aisha and I bowed as we said that it was our heartfelt gratitude, and he reluctantly accepted it.

At any rate, the long-awaited bath has been completed.

Let’s look forward to entering it tomorrow.


Thank you for reading as always.

Since there are various opinions on Regeneration, I will write a little about my idea.

Some people have pointed out about returning to materials, but actually, I’ve thought about this from the beginning.

I was thinking of explaining in the story from now on, but since I don’t know whether I can explain in it through the flow of events, I will write it here.

The starting point of regeneration is when a name is attached to the target object, in short, when that target object becomes that existence.

Because of that, equipment like “Steel Dagger” will have regeneration done until its name becomes “Steel Dagger”.

It is very close to what ShamNeko-san thought.

However, if this idea is brought to living things, they will return to babies.

Because of that, living things and objects at rest are treated differently when it comes to the starting point (Even I think it’s forced)

Because Cut is also handled differently, I will be grateful if you can think of it like that.

The starting point of living things are the condition without affecting growth.

In other words, they will return to the condition where they have no injuries nor loss.

Also, if the thing Regeneration is attached to is judged as “dead”, his heart has stopped, or brain has been destroyed will be starting point.

※Trolls are having their heart crushed and dying.

Regeneration will only regenerate body but cannot return severed souls.

Of course, there’s also a lot to be retorted here, but if it’s this, it can be understood.

Though it may seem like it will be revived if dead, even if body is revived, the mind will not, something like that.

One more thing.

It’s about magic water, since it’s fiction, there is no problem as drinking water nor bath.

I would appreciate if you can feel that the water contains magic power and will taste good.

This explanation should be put into the text, right.

※However, mina-san’s opinions are really amazing.

I am seriously admiring always (though I’m saying I am thoughtless......)

I am really thinking that wouldn’t it be better if everyone writes rather than me.

Thought this work is by such an author, please take care of me from now as well.

TL: Izzy

Finally the ban on bath is lifted!

The “hygiene waiting period” which was told by Craftsman is over, I can finally get into the bath at home!

As soon as I wake up, I decided to head for the bathroom.

Since Aisha is still sleeping beside me, I quietly slip out of the futon to avoid waking her up.

As soon as I had entered the bathroom, there was a nice fragrance of forest I cannot describe wafting in the air.

You can kinda relax like this!

Immediately, I took out five 【Continuous: Water】 pebbles from the storage bag and put them into the open dent on the top part of the bathtub.

Water accumulate at an amazing momentum by putting the pebbles one by one at each side.

I put a pebble with 【Continuous: Heat】 in the dent around the bottom of the water tub where water flows through.

Then, I pasted 5 【Continuous: Heat】 to the pebbles of each side.

Shortly after that, the water had steadily warm up and the steam rises.

Yosh, it’s a success! ......I was delighted for a moment but it was a massive failure.

Gradually, the water went pass hot bath and turned into scalding water, and when it was full, the water started boiling.

Not good! The heat is too strong!!!

I immediately cut 【Continuous: Heat】 and return it to the original pebble. I also take out 【Continuous: Water】 in the same way and toss both pebbles into the storage bag.

I was stunned looking at the bath tub that looks like a hellish iron pot from picture books.

「......Now I’ve gone and done it, what should I do with this...... 」

As expected, I have no other choice but to drain the hot water and dilute it, do I?

As I open the lid of drainage port attached to the side of the bath tub, the boiling water drained out along with an intense steam.

When the hot water level drop to half, I close the lid of the drainage port.

Since it’ll be troubling if I’m scalded by hot water, I did not forget to paste 【Regeneration】 and activated 【Fire Attribute・Resistance】 just in case.

After I closed the lid and confirmed that I’m safe, I return 【Regeneration】 to the original pebble. This time, I install 【Continuous: Water】x3 once more at the upper dent.

Phew, it seems that this time it went well.

This might be difficult for me until I get used to it.......

Well, in any case, the bath is hot enough.

Immediately, I removed my pyjamas and submerged myself till the shoulder.

「Ooh ♪」

......What a nice feeling.

Although the morning bath that I got in at the Silver Bell Pavilion was also very comfortable, this bath is even more comfortable.

I am not only able to get rid of my fatigue, somehow, I get a feeling that my power is also gradually increasing.

Furthermore, this fragrance of the wood is so nice too.

「Myne-kun, are you taking a bath?」

Hm, it seems something like this happened before.......

「U, un......」

As I answered, sure enough, a naked Aisha entered.

「Ehehe, I’m here」

Just like that, I entered the morning bath together with Aisha again and both of us got out together after we were satisfied.


Naturally, the topic that we discussed during breakfast is about the bath.

「Isn’t it an awesome bath? It feels even better than the one at Silver Bell Pavilion!」

「Yeah, somehow my body is still nice and warm」

「The craftsmen worked hard, didn’t they? We should really offer them our gratitude」

Just when we are about to get excited on the topic, I heard some voices from the entrance.

When I am about to stand up, Aisha said 「I’ll do it」, stands up and walk to the entrance.


......Hmm? Aisha rose a surprised voice, I wonder what’s wrong?

When I was about to stand up to go to see the the situation, Aisha came back with a troubled look.

I wonder why?

......Hmm? There’s someone behind her.

Ah, if it isn’t Slyphy! You’re a little early, aren’t you, tte, there’s another man I don’t know with her?

Who in the world is he? I’ve never seen him before......


「Danna, let me introduce my brother to you.」

「I am Alto・Augusta, you’re my sister’s fiance......huh」

This unknown man...... rather, the First Prince of the country, that is, the next King is sitting in front of me is observing me fixedly.

Aisha knows Ouji from before, huh, she seems to be shrinking back in fear.

「I’m sorry, Danna-sama...... Aniue asked to come no matter what......

I had told him to wait at the Imperial City until we were coming...... but as you can see, he was obstinate about it.」

Sylphy bowed her head apologetically.

「Actually my brother is something like a siscon...... He is not exactly pleased with the fact that I will be married off.......

That’s why he said that he wanted to see with his own eyes if my companion is a worthy one and come along forcibly」

「Um, ahem!」

He probably heard Sylphy’s whisper.

Ouji-sama unnaturally clears his throat.

However, isn’t it natural to be concerned?

If one hears that their adorable little princess sister will be married to a commoner like me, I think it is definitely normal to worry about it.

He’s not a siscon, it is just natural in this case.

Since I’ve decided to make both of them my family, though the wedding was decided through the turn of events, I’ll have to make him recognise it someway or another!

「......Come to think of it, why’s Sacred Bow-dono here?」

When I wanted to change the topic, Ouji-sama suddenly asked about Aisha.

If he is calling Aisha by her title, perharps they are also acquainted like Sylphy does?

「Hm? I didn’t tell Aniue huh, Aisha’s marrying Danna-sama together with me」

As Sylphy said that, I had a feeling that I saw Prince’s temple twitched.

Aah, he might be offended.......

Well, polygamy leaves a bad image, after all.

I wonder if by any chance his impression of me had just turned for the worst?

「......Well, that’s fine, I guess. By the way, you’re called Myne, huh.

If possible, won’t you show me your true strength? I’m entrusting my important little sister to you, after all.

My, there’s also Sacred Bow-dono, huh, I want to confirm as a brother and as a man, whether you have what it takes to protect the two ladies」

Un, when I marry Sylphy, he’ll become my brother-in-law.

I want to get along with him and have him approve of me.

Let’s do this!

「Yes! Please!」

I reply full of spirit as usual.

「Oh, excellent response. Let’s have a bout at once, then」


Race: Hume


Gender: Male

Age: 26 years old

Occupation: First Prince of Augusta Kingdom


One-handed blade・Saint LV7

Physical Strength Enhancement・Large LV6

Support Magic・Speed Increase LV5

Wow, amazing...... His skill configuration is almost identical to King-sama. No, he even possesses support magic.

Is this the reason that Aisha said about advantage of promoting marriage among royalty!?

But, if we are talking about Skill configuration itself, I think now mine is probably overwhelming one way or the other.

The problem is to what extent can I use my Skills, isn’t it.

I wonder if I should shorten the battle time as much as possible to limit my Skills and hide them.

......But, it is not good if he won’t recognize me as a man he can entrust Sylphy to.

Let’s fight fair and square even if it turns disadvantageous!

「Let me say this first, this is, in the end, a sham battle.

So, please understand that rash and excessive action is forbidden.」


「Umu, excellent reply! Now, display your power of soloing an Orc・King to your heart’s content」

Having said so, he bring out a dagger made of wood and throw to me.

When I received it, Prince-sama had already entered battle stance with a one-handed wooden sword.

Unwillingly, I also hold the wood dagger and take my stand.

In order to cope with Prince-sama, I activated 【Body Enhancement・Large LV3】,【Physical Strength Enhancement・Extreme LV2】 and 【Leg Strength Enhancement・Small LV3】.

「......Oh, I see, Why aren’t you coming at me?」

Perharps he knew that I strengthened myself. Ouji-sama’s body shone faintly and the stance became more intense.

Ouji-sama had also......used the Skills.

「If you are not coming, then I’ll go!」

Prince-sama suddenly came in at an incredible speed!!

Eh? W, what!? What’s with this speed even though he doesn’t have 【Leg Strength Enhancement】!?

Ah, I see...... So it’s【Support Magic・Speed Enhancement】!

While I was surprised by the movement, Prince-sama’s figure had disappeared from my sight.


While I haven’t realised what happened, my right side received a tremendously heavy impact.

Without any preparedness, I was blown off several meters away from where I was.

「W, what in the world happened......」

While I said that and tried to stand, Ouji-sama had brandished and swung down his wooden sword in front of my eyes.

I tried blocking it right away with the dagger in my hand but the remnant force sent it flying from my hand.

Ouji-sama’s one-handed sword then hit my right shoulder.


「You’re full of openings!! Read your opponent’s movements more!」

No good, he is absurdly strong......

Why is he so strong even though he doesn’t have as many Skills as I do.......

I applied 【Magic・Large Recovery】 as first aid for the damages and used 【Support Magic・Gradual Recovery Large (Vitality) LV2】.

『......Hmm ......This time he’s recovering...... Very interesting』

He seems to me muttering something, but I can do it if it’s now!

This time it is my turn!!

I activated 【Swift Feet (Small) LV2】 and charged at full strength to slip into Ouji-sama’s torso.

「Umu, that’s right! This fighting spirit is important! ......However」

Ignoring Ouji-sama’s muttering, I got close to Ouji-sama and swung my right arm aiming at his stomach in one go.

There’s also 【Grappling・Extreme LV4】, I won’t let you get away!

......but, my all out attack did not even graze Ouji-sama. On the contrary, his counter hit me, and blew me off again.

No way, why didn’t it hit.......

When I had been blown away, I probably hit my head, blood was flowing out from my forehead.

「Aniue, you’re overdoing it! Please stop!!」


I can hear Sylphy and Aisha’s shouts.

......A, as if I’ll lose.......

I stood up while wobbling, and tried to take some kind of stance.

「......You show quite the promise. But you’ll have to know your own strength more and refine your techniques.

Use this defeat to strengthen yourself!!!」

Ouji-sama’s words was the last thing I heard before my consciousness fell into the darkness.


Thank you for reading as always.

Please take care of me from now on as well.


ED/TLC: Izzy

「I’m Alto Augusta, you’re my sister’s fiance......huh」

The man my beloved little sister chose is this Myne or something, huh.

From my first impression of him, honestly, he doesn’t look that strong.

However, my little sister’s personally marrying into his family, so he should have quite the ability.

He’s even said to have defeated an Orc King, after all.

However, 15 years old...... I’ve heard that he just came of age, but I can see that he’s truly hasn’t undergo enough tempering.

......Can he really fight with this?

I’ve heard from reports that his Skills are 【Appraisal・Complete】 and 【Cut & Paste】.

Chichiue’s opinion is that he has some kind of secret aside from this, but.......

Well, whatever.

I have no interest in what he’s hiding.

However, is this lad a man who can really protect my little sister from now on?

If I don’t make sure of that, I will never be able to approve of this man, and it will only be a disaster for him.

As I pondered upon it, I thought that even Sacred Bow-dono is marrying into his home.

Fumu...... Let’s use this.

「......Well, that’s fine, I guess. By the way, you’re called Myne, huh.

If possible, won’t you show me your true strength? I’m entrusting my important little sister to you, after all.

My, there’s also Sacred Bow-dono, huh, I want to confirm as a brother and as a man, whether you have what it takes to protect the two ladies」

Yosh, with this, though it’s a little underhanded, the stage is set. (TLN: Sigh, underhanded here is not quite the right word. )

All’s left is literally to measure his ability.


There can’t be deaths in a sham battle, after all.

We decided to use wooden swords, not real ones.

He probably can’t come at me seriously with real swords.

If that’s the case, I can’t accomplish my objective of judging whether his true strength is worthy of taking Sylphy as his wife.

Also, it might be called a wooden sword, but it is constructed through charging magical power into raw ebony by the Royal Magician.

It is a much more powerful weapon compared to real but poorly-made swords.

Although nobody will die, there might be one or two injuries.

Well, Sacred Bow-dono is here, so they can be healed immediately.

......Now then.

Finally, he seems to be getting into it.

Hm? Did he just cast some kind of self-enhancement?

......There’s a faint luminescence on him.

Hmph, so this is the secret he was hiding. Certainly, if I take this lightly, I would be the one experiencing pain.

I’ll use 【Physical Strength Enhancement・Large】 and 【Support Magic・Speed Increase】 too.

「......Oh...... why aren’t you coming at me?」

Now then, let’s have a go!

「If you’re not coming, then I’ll go!」

I plunged towards his bosom with all my might.

......Is my speed out of your expectations? Do you think you have any time to be surprised in the middle of a battle!? You’re full of openings!

Making a feint, I went around to his blind spot.

I don’t know what self-enhancement you casted, but since you did...... you won’t die!!

I aimed at his right flank and swung my sword greatly.

He took the shock directly and was comically blown off.

......However, what is this feeling? It’s not like he used a Skill to defend or anything.

What in the world is it? I felt like this shock became excessively dull, but....... Is he wearing something?

Well, whatever.

I understood from that exchange.

His battle techniques are no doubt similar to a novice.

I understood completely from the way he moved and used something.

Though he certainly has quite the talent, he can’t make use of it at all.

......Let’s try cornering him a little more.

I moved to pursuit him who had been blown off.

「W, what in the world happened......」

He didn’t seem to have seen the exchange.

Standing right in front of him, I swung my sword right down on him.

Defending with a dagger? His situation assessment also seems to be naive.

If he receives a swing from a one-handed sword using a dagger...... See that?

You’ve lost the only weapon you have, you see? What are you going to do now? How are you going to fight without a weapon?

The wooden sword I wielded crushed his dagger, and hit his right shoulder tip.

「You’re full of openings!! Read your opponent’s movements more!」

With his level, there’s no way he can defeat an Orc King.

That is different from a low class monster which moves by instinct, it has intelligence, and has an abnormal strength.

There is absolutely no possibility he defeated that.

However, he did defeat such an Orc King.

Does that mean he still isn’t serious?

......Hm? What? Is he recovering?

I see, interesting.

『......Fumu......This time he’s recovering...... Very interesting』

Is this a part of the power he used to defeat the Orc King?

Interesting, show me your power! Use that power to defeat this magnificent me!

Oh, this is quite the drastic charge than before.

Is he going to use another Skill? That’s quite the movement.

However, I wonder how many tricks does he have up his sleeve.

That’s really something.

Furthermore, even though he already lost his weapon, his mental strength in not giving up the match is quite worthy of note.

There are even some among the knights who would give up at this point.

Well if he gave up with just this, there’s no way I’d hand Sylphy over to him.

While I was thinking that, his right arm was heading towards me at an outrageous speed.


I avoided it in a panic and countered.

My counter splendidly suceeded, and he was once again blown off to his back.

......That was close, I could somehow counter since he left a big opening, but if I took that, as expected, it would have been bad, even for me.

I’ve never heard of such a sharp wind cutting noise that was coming out from his fist.

「Aniue, you’re overdoing it! Please stop!!」


I heard Sylphy and Sacred Bow-dono’s shouts.

Aah, I see...... he got a cut on his forehead when he was blown off, huh?

They’re kicking up a fuss because blood is coming out from it, huh.

Although it’s a sham battle, Sylphy stopping it with just this.......

As expected, even the Princess General became soft when it comes to her fiance.

However, that doesn’t mean that he has lost.

He stood up, though staggering, and showed that he will fight.

It won’t look good if girls barged in here, and he stood up as a man desiring to seriously win.

Answering to that would be proper manners.

......Though I said that, as expected, he seemed to have received damage from the previous counter.

Though his attack was fast, it instead backfired.

The strength from the ebony sword, his own strength, and on top of that, my Skills 【Physical Strength Enhancement・Large】 and 【One-handed Sword・Sacred】.

He’s quite something to be able to even stand.

Fumu, he’s still inexperienced. No doubt with that.

However, if he really studiedbattles, he would probably become outrageously strong.

I could see that without a doubt.

His desire to win and him standing up, though wobbling, is also worthy of note.

I also don’t think he is bad, personality-wise.

I see, the person Sylphy’s marrying...... is perhaps a good person, huh.

It can’t be helped, I’ll approve of you.

「......You show quite the promise. But you’ll have to know your own strength more and refine your techniques.

Use this defeat to strengthen yourself!!!」

Let’s end this battle.

There’s a lot to talk about after that.


Thank you for reading as always.

Unexpectedly, I was honestly surprised by the comments.

As expected because of so many comments, I’ve uploaded my thoughts to those who reported activities.

Also, I hurriedly cut in today’s Alto’s POV which I originally cancelled.

Other than whether everyone can agree, I’d be happy if you can try to include it in the contents of the activity report.

Please take care of me from here on as well.

TL: Izzy

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