That Person. Later on…

Chapter 156 (2)

Anyway, thank you as always for your comments and corrections. Keep them coming becuase I like to read them all and it helps me improve.

And finally, take it ease and just enjoy. ??


Chapter 156 – The power relationship of the monsters

As we continue inside the forest, some days have passed. I’m currently carring Mao in my arms and Tata in my back while I move. Since we met the bandits Purple-san and Blonde-san, for some reason it has been decided that it will be two and not one the number of people I’ll be carrying. Well, I really don’t mind, even with two I won’t get tired. A piece of cake!

… Is what I thought at the begining but now I’m extremely troubled.

When I was only carring people in my arms I just got to smell a really nice scent, but now the person in my back has to tightly grab onto me because I have my hands occupied with the person in front… in other words I can fully feel two soft things being pressed in my back and holding to my senses is taking my all. And when it was Kagane’s turn to be in front, she came to realize my dilemma.

“Onii-chan, I can feel a hard thing being pressed in my rear…”

Says Kagane with a happy grin. I turn my face while whistling just air and tell her “Isn’t it just your imagination?” but immediately realize that my actions just confirms her suspicion and I get a little depressed. And from that moment on, every time one of the girls gets on my back, she presses herself onto me more hoping to see my reaction. Please forgive me…

While that was going on, me, the girls and Freud finally enter the mountain. From around the middle of this mountain, the weather is completely unpredictable so we will rely in the magic barriers of Tata, Naminissa and Kagane to protect us while we advance. The placement of the barrier wil be done in two shifts Tata and Naminissa being in charge of the morning and afternoon shift and Kagane being in charge of the night shift due to her INT level breaking the limits and awakening a skill that allows her to keep the barrier up even in her sleep. Well, if the situation requires it, I can always use deification and place the barrier myself… or so I thought but it seems that thanks to the girls training, they became strong enough for there not being a need of me doing anything. We were able to continue without problems.

Inside the barrier it was quite comfy but outside the barrier whas a total mess with sometimes a scorching sun that threatened to wilt the vegetation, sometimes a mercilessly cold storm and sometimes a great downpour would come out of nowhere. But thanks to the barrier of the three girls we were able to fend it off. And besides the weather, there were lots of monsters that would chase us, but thanks to Kaganes magic, they were put down one after another. How’s that! My little sister is amazing! I felt like braging about her but there is nobody to brag to in the first place so I diverted my feelings into patting Kagane’s head instead. But when Haosui saw me doing that she puffed her cheeks and making his hand into a blade, started killing all the magical beasts that got in our way. How’s that! My wife is amazing! and abbreviating the rest I also started patting Haosui’s head. But now all of the girls started to pick up rocks and throwing accurately them against the heads of the magical beasts or creating magical barriers over the magical beasts to crush them. They started to strive to be the first to slay the magical beasts like a ferocious hunter. In order to calm them down I ended up patting everyone’s head. You girls got stronger… I started to put all the materials of the hunted monsters in Meru’s magical storage, I shall not let them waste.

As we kept moving, one day the weather outside the barrier got better so we were able to se farther, but that’s when I met those two again.

The Cat monster and the Fish monster.

This time, besides the two monsters there was another one.

A reptile that evolved and started walking in two feet with frenzied looks, a monster like a dinosaur was chasing the Cat monster. The Cat monster was desperately trying to escape from the Dinosaur. And the Fish monster was gazing at that scene hidden in the shadow of some trees. My feet stop and I start to watch de scene unfolding before me, and as I do so, everyone else stops to and gather around me and Mao who is in my back asks me.

“Otto-dono, what are those monsters doing?”

“Mh? Ahh, actually…”

I tell the girls about how I met the Fish monster and the Cat monster and they give me a look as if saying “… and?”. It’s okay, it’s okay. I didn’t expected you to understand me… only Freud puts his hand on my shoulder and starts to nod understandingly. Ohh… I don’t feel happy at all that you are on my side but I’ll at least thank you from the bottom of my heart. The girls join me and while we keep looking at the monsters we start our break.

As we were doing that, the Cat monster that was being chased around trips with a bump in the ground and falls magnificently. The Dinosaur doesn’t miss that chance and opens its fuaces wide trying to eat the cat in one gulp.

But, as if waiting for that moment, the Fish monster cames out from the shadow of the tree and jumps to the air, starts spinning around and when I thought it was gonna fall, it starts gliding in the air and with his… foot? fillet? …sends flying the Dinosaur.

The Dinosaur with its huge body falls to the ground with a ‘zuun’ sound, defeated. It seems that it passed out from that attack. And the Cat monster turns to the Fish monster with a face as if saying ‘I belived in you!’. The Fish monster lands with grace and recieves the Cat monster’s look with composure.

Eh? What was that?

While I was thinking that, the Fish monster helps the Cat monster stand up by biting the Cat monster’s neck and the both head to where the Dinosaur is. The Dinosaur is still unconscious but the Fish starts hitting it with its… hand? fillet? in both cheeks. And from the pain, the Dinosaur wakes up and confirming its own situation, rebuilds its pose and starts to attack again but the Fish monster once again sends it flying with the back of its… hand? fillet? It seems that this time it went easy on it because the Dinosaur retains its conscious. The Dinosaur helds its cheek with its short hand and looks at the Fish monster, and that Fish monster raises a voice like a roar to the Dinosaur, probably talking to it.

And then, the Fish monster closes its mouth and the Dinosaur lowers its head towards the Fish monster and like that the three monsters make the Fish monster their boss and disappear into a closeby forest.

After seeing the whole ordeal my only thought is that there was no need for the Cat monster at all… the Fish monster could have defeated it by itself, right? Or rather, Is it okay to assume that the Dinosaur got subdued? And while my mind was wandering I realize something…

Who cares!

It was a complete waste of time. The girls were pleasantly talking. I call out to them and once again start going towards our goal.

If I ever encounter those guys again, I’ll be sure to send them flying without a qualm. Or rather, hang in there Cat monster!

157 (Tomorrow)

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