Immortal Path to Heaven

Chapter 359 Do You Trust Me?

Chapter 359 Do You Trust Me?

The five Imperial Elders’ faces were a metallic shade of green. Woo Lejia and the others’ declaration were no different from renouncing the imperial palace.

Throughout all these years, the imperial family was like an immovable mountain that had towered over the rest of the families and oppressed them, forbidding them from showing even the slightest trace of defiance. However, that was no longer the case. With the power of Ou Yangming’s Simulated Spiritual Fist and the hundred of Supreme Great Ancestors he had created, his presence alone had begun to shake the very foundations of the imperial family’s reign.

Wu Xuanji’s expression sank. He wanted nothing more than to retaliate with everything he had. However, once he saw the conviction within the Supreme Great Ancestors’ eyes, he started to have second thoughts.

His opponents were not just the hundred Supreme Great Ancestors alone, as he needed to consider their families as well. Although relations between the imperial family and the other aristocratic families had deteriorated over the years, not to mention the complex web of relationships that had formed, if Wu Xuanji were to declare war against the Supreme Great Ancestors, all forces would unite to deal against the imperial family.

As such, the problem before him was almost impossible to solve.

Just as the five Imperial Elders were at a loss of what to do, a mellow voice suddenly rang out, “Are you doing this for her, Ou Yangming?” Wu Hanning stepped out of the shadows and into the square. Her face was covered with a veil as usual, but everyone could tell that her eyes were razor-focused onto Ou Yangming, to the extent that the hundred Supreme Great Ancestors meant nothing to her.

Ou Yangming froze. After giving a bitter chuckle, he greeted, “Greetings, Your Royal Highness.” Wu Hanning slowly stated, “So... You ARE doing it for her.”

Ou Yangming’s refusal to reply had made his intention as clear as day.

Everyone was aware of this. However, upon Wu Hanning’s appearance, Woo Lejia and the others had instantly sensed the change in atmosphere.

If one were to call the previous atmosphere tense and precarious, then the atmosphere after Wu Hanning’s appearance could be regarded as charming but awkward.

Despite that, it was good enough of a change that everyone on the scene had mentally heaved a sigh of relief.

“You! You heartbreaker!” Wu Hanning snorted and slapped her palm across his face. Deep vehemence could be found within the slap, as the air around the two had instantly turned chilly.

The Supreme Great Ancestors present exchanged quizzical glances at one another.

On the other hand, Ou Yangming was deeply surprised, and his eyes were wide open.


‘Since when did I become a heartbreaker...’ Ou Yangming was clueless as to what he had done to make Wu Hanning misunderstand him to this extent. However, before the slap had managed to land on his face, Ou Yangming rapidly retreated. Although the lady before him was unbelievably strong, as a man, Ou Yangming refused to retaliate against her.

Fortunately for him, with all the Supreme Great Ancestors present, someone should be able to help him.

Much to his chagrin, however, no matter where he retreated, the Supreme Great Ancestors on that spot would immediately back off without lending him a hand.

It was as if these Supreme Great Ancestors who had defied the Imperial Elders in the face were more afraid of the princess than the elders themselves!

Worse still, he noticed that there were three-or-so of them who wanted to leap into action but were held back by their peers as if the Supreme Great Ancestors had unanimously made the decision.

While mentally cursing them, Ou Yangming shouted, “Brother Woo...” Woo Lejia immediately faced off against Ou Yangming and yelled, “What did you say, Brother Ou? I can’t hear you!”

Ou Yangming was mad beyond comprehension, but no matter where his gaze landed, the people would immediately avoid his eyes. Worse still, it looked as if they were trying to stifle their laughs.

Upon noticing this, Ou Yangming instantly understood that he had thought too highly of them.

Ou Yangming glared at Wu Hanning. The unified atmosphere he had so painstakingly created was shattered by her in an instant.

However, Ou Yangming had also understood that this was only a lie he told to console himself.

After heaving a sigh, Ou Yangming activated his abilities and slipped away from the square while avoiding the princess’ attack like a slippery fish. The imperial elders glanced at one another. They were all equally relieved at the turn of events.

Chen Yilian whispered, “Brother, are we correct in choosing such a course of action?”

Chen Yixian spat back in response, “What else did you expect? Do you really want to risk your life over the petty squabble between lovers?”

Woo Lejia nodded in agreement. “Indeed. Brother Yilian, did you not see how Her Highness attacked him? It’s clear that she only wishes to teach him a lesson.” After a slight pause, he then added, “Master Ou is a good man, though I do wish that he can do something about that womanizing side to him.”

He Xinfang laughed out loud. “Indeed, I’m sure we’ve all seen Master Ou’s abilities first-hand. Despite that, he’s still no match for Her Royal Highness. Hehe, in my opinion, Master Ou is probably enjoying this quarrel.”

The others nodded with smiles on their faces.

Qian Yuxing laughed boisterously. “Master Ou’s still young after all. It’s normal for the young’ uns to be brimming with energy!” A wan smile appeared on the Imperial Elders faces as well. Usually, if anyone were to spin up fictitious rumors that were potentially harmful to the imperial family’s dignity, the elders would pummel the person senseless. However, since it was gossip between the Supreme Great Ancestors, and since they had linked both Ou Yangming and the princess together, not only did they not object to their words, they had even hoped that they would say more.

However, what surprised the five elders the most was the fact that Ou Yangming had planned all this without the imperial family’s prior approval. This proved that he thought little of the imperial family.

Especially since he could force Wu Hanning to call him out as a heartbreaker in front of so many people...

The elders dared not think any further. ‘If this punk so much as dare to abandon the imperial family, we shall eliminate him, regardless of his immense talent and potential!’

The elders’ gazes shifted to the Supreme Great Ancestors who were gathered on-site, and suddenly, anxiety plagued their hearts.

Wu Xuanji cleared his throat and snorted. “What are you guys lingering around for? Are you guys planning to revolt?”

Woo Lejia and the others immediately bowed and dispersed like a flock of wild animals.

However, their hearts were at ease. After all, it seemed that they had plenty more to expect from Master Ou and Her Royal Highness.

Ou Yangming sprinted forward non-stop. Naturally, although he could detect Wu Hanning’s overwhelming aura, he could also tell that there was no malicious intent.

Moreover, upon recalling how Wu Hanning had stood up for him back when he had accidentally barged into her room, his heart went soft, and he could no longer muster the will to fight her to the death.

Although they moved at breakneck speeds, they did not stir up any commotions while they ran through the city.

Suddenly, Ou Yangming’s heart froze, as he could “hear” a voice in his mind.

“Let’s stop, Brother Ou.”

Ou Yangming flinched. He was certain that it was one of the imperial family’s ultimate techniques, usable only by those who possessed an extraordinary amount of talent. Although Wu Hanning’s mental power was inferior to Ou Yangming’s, compared to the average martial artist, it was far superior.

However, that was not the part that surprised Ou Yangming. Rather, it was her calm “voice” that had caught him off guard. There was no anger to be found within it.


As such, after giving it some thought, Ou Yangming decided to stop. After all, he was also curious as to what grave sin he had committed that prompted Wu Hanning to chase after him so shamelessly.

A moment later, Wu Hanning caught up to him. There was a complex look in her eyes, and it looked as if she still harbored some hate towards Ou Yangming.

Ou Yangming cleared his throat. Upon noticing how conflicted she looked, every ounce of anger within him evaporated.

“Your Royal Highness... You scared me earlier.” Ou Yangming chuckled.

Wu Hanning calmly replied, “Brother Ou, let me ask you something. Had I not appeared earlier, how would you have dealt with the situation?”

Ou Yangming thought long and hard. “I don’t think the decision lies with me, but rather, the five Imperial Elders, no?”

Wu Hanning responded without an ounce of hesitation, “To preserve the imperial family’s honor and dignity, the elders would never have backed down in that situation.” She then turned serious and continued, “Should the standstill proceed any further, humanity would have lost several assets.”

Ou Yangming snorted. “Had it not been for His Majesty’s decree, none of this would have happened in the first place! Heh, although I might not be strong, I shan’t allow anyone to restrict me!”

Wu Hanning responded, “I understand, I’ll make sure this never happens again.”

Ou Yangming raised his brow in surprise. In his heart, the imperial family was a powerful force that was not to be reckoned with. As such, the moment he heard Wu Hanning’s apologetic-like words, he was caught off guard.

Wu Hanning continued, “Brother Ou, since you’re so adamant about leaving, I’ll try to convince my father to retract his decree. However...” She raised her head and looked into Ou Yangming’s eyes. “Do you trust me, Brother Ou?”

Ou Yangming stared into her eyes that glittered like the stars and realized he was unable to say no.

Furthermore, he could also feel the sincerity and warmth within those eyes, as there was not an ounce of malicious intent to be found from it.

It was in that instant that Ou Yangming felt truly connected to the lady’s heart. It was to the extent that he could even feel a connection between their mental conceptions.

He believed in her wholeheartedly, and there was no rationality behind his trust.

It was a situation where only those with immense mental power and who had voluntarily put down their mental barriers could trigger.

Without a shadow of a doubt, Ou Yangming declared, “I trust you!”

Wu Hanning narrowed her eyes and grinned. “Follow me then.”

Ou Yangming followed along, and together, they headed towards the palace.

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