Empire of the Ring

Chapter 470 - An Official Trip Abroad (2)

Chapter 470: An Official Trip Abroad (2)

The international airport in Copenhagen, Denmark was crowded with people who came to see the Kazakh Queen because there was no queen like Fatima who became a queen at such a young age in Europe, not to mention her beauty.

Leon was also popular since he was a cute interracial child who had both Eastern and Western blood.

Szechenyi and Princess Isabella were at the airport representing the Danish royal family. Countless reporters were competing to cover the scene where Princess Isabella and her husband were greeting the Kazakh Queen.

“Hyung, you’re here.”

Szechenyi greeted Youngho.

“Your Highness and Her Majesty are welcome to visit Denmark.”

“Oh, Princess Isabella, it’s only been two weeks since you gave birth to the baby. You shouldn’t have come.”

“It’s been 15 days already. I was going to bring the baby too, but I decided not to because of all the people out here.”

“Szechenyi, what are you doing? You should let her stay inside for some more. It’s not good for women to get outside wind after giving birth.”

“What are you talking about? She gave birth and took a shower the next day.”

Mothers in Europe did not seem to think too deeply about after-birth care, unlike in Korea. It was quite confusing to Youngho since Korean women usually would not go outside for a while and keep their bodies warm after giving birth.

“You’ve made a lot of noise in Moscow.”

“You already know what’s going on, don’t you?”

“Of course. The press has been all about it. It’s reported that the International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties lost its shine to the queen.”

“I gave a little warning in front of Putin’s face because he’s ignoring Kazakhstan. Don’t tell Fatima that, she won’t like to hear that.”

“She has no idea?”

“She wouldn’t have come to Moscow if she knew my intentions. She just thinks that we’re traveling around Europe. Moscow was just a connecting place, so she just had a lot of fun there shopping. Zeynep said she will join us here too.”

“So I heard. Zeynep will arrive at the airport tomorrow.”

“For the time being, the department stores in Europe will be plagued by those two sisters.”

“If I don’t let Fatima go shopping, she’ll say she’ll give up the queen’s position.”

“Well, they were always crazy about shopping since Baku. But by the way, Putin must be grinding his teeth by now.”

“Russia has also been the focus of the news thanks to Fatima, so it shouldn’t be too bad.”

“Hahaha... Sometimes, you can be a real villain. It’s a big issue that a queen showed up at a communist country. Who’s interested in Communist Party meetings these days? Moscow would be still talking about my sister.”

“You know how your sister is. Fatima caused a lot of scenes there.”

Youngho, who was satisfied to have turned Moscow upside down, was happily heading to the Danish royal palace. Curious about Youngho’s constant smile, Fatima asked,

“What’s making you so happy that you’ve been smiling since we left Moscow?”

“What are you talking about? I’m sitting solemnly as always.”

“You think you can fool me?”

“What? I’m not lying. I just love the fact that we can travel like this together.”

“Phew... I told you before, didn’t I? I don’t know anyone else, but your poker face doesn’t work on me.”

“What’s up with you? Nothing’s going on, I say. ”

Since Fatima would get upset for what she did to Russia, Youngho decided not to mention a thing about her Russian visit. If she found out, she would not let him come near their bedroom.

“If we go back to Kazakhstan after visiting Russia only, the Kazakh royal family will lose face. That’s why I rushed to plan a trip to Europe.”

“I heard there was a big event in Moscow. I’m afraid our visit might have caused a problem for the meeting.”

“Oh, there’s no way. Moscow will thank you for shining the Communist Party conference.”

“Are you sure? Then I should visit Moscow more often.”

“Why would you travel to another country so often?”

“So we can maintain a friendly relationship with Russia.”

“We’re already close to Russia. It’s a problem if we get too close to Russia. Russians will think that we’re subjugated to them.”

“Hmmm... Your face is telling me there’s something going on.”

“What are you talking about? I’m just saying we should maintain a certain distance with Russia.”

Youngho shut his mouth because he would get caught if he talked to her more.


The reception of the Danish royal family was markedly different from before.

It was because Fatima was the monarch of the Kazakh Kingdom now. In addition, the Kazakh royal family was not just a symbolic royal family of Europe, since it had actual power over the government. Denmark’s economic power was greater, but Kazakhstan’s land mass and land resources were far greater than what Denmark had.

Youngho was now meeting the Queen of the Danish Royal Family.

“Your Majesty and Highness’s visit brought Denmark into the limelight. We’d have more tourists in the future.”

“I’m sorry to bother you. We couldn’t go back to Kazakhstan right after visiting Russia only, so we rushed here. If it was rumored that we’re bending to Russia, it would only damage our reputation.”

“Any country around Russia is in the same position as you. Finland, which is an allied country of ours, is on the same page as you are. It’s understandable. But you made a bold move. Who would dare to think of disturbing Russia’s international event?”

“I didn’t mean to, but I did.”

“Russia must’ve noticed your intention.”

“It’s going to be all right. By the way, I couldn’t bring any present because I was in such a hurry. I’d like to give you another gift instead. How would you like that?”

“Hahaha... People in Europe don’t reject gifts.”

If the family-in-laws from a resource-rich country came empty-handed, it would be a disgrace to the Danish royal family.

“We need to consult with our government officials before confirming it, but I’d like to start producing Danish home appliances in Kazakhstan. Of course, it would be a plus if we had a technical partnership. If we can make them in Kazakhstan, we can target the Central Asian market as well as the Russian market.”

“If Danish companies could have a way to make their foray into your country, we will actively persuade them.”

“I will also try to hire Danish companies for as many constructions of infrastructure in Kazakhstan as possible.”

Youngho’s suggestion brightened the Danish Queen’s face.

Fatima began her tour of department stores in Copenhagen after her official schedule was over. Zeynep who flew in from Frankfurt also joined her as well as the Danish Crown Princess. The Crown Princess was well known for her vanity, but Fatima and Zeynep drew attention in a different way. It was because they were not shopping luxury brands but were buying plain, modest clothes and things. It was because they suffered poverty when they were young. Youngho felt sorry for them. However, the ordinary products they bought became so popular that they were sold out the next day by the Danish public. People thought that there must be something special about those ordinary products since the Kazakh royal family bought them.

“What do you want to do with so many clothes?”

“Honey, if you’ve traveled abroad, you should give gifts to your acquaintances.”

“Are you buying yours, too?”

“What do you think? Of course, I am!”

She was making headlines wherever she went since she was also spotted picking her entourage’s clothes during shopping.

“I hear you’ve caused sales here to explode.”

“It’s probably because of Zeynep. She had great eyes for picking good things.”

“Where has she gone to now?”

“I heard she’s having a meeting with a community service organization here.”

“She doesn’t mean to donate to people in this well-off country, does she?”

“People are having troubles because they’re well off. There are more people who are mentally ill with drugs and other things here than in poor countries. Just know Kazakhstan, though poor, has a higher happiness index than Copenhagen.”

It never occurred to Youngho that Kazakhstan had a happier index than wealthy Western Europe. The workers in Kazakhstan, whom he knew well, were living on less than average European’s paycheck. There was nothing great about Kazakhstan’s living environment, poor traffic conditions, and a slow Internet.

“I don’t understand that our people are happier than Europeans.”

“Eating well and having more things are not everything. It’s more important to be satisfied with small things. The reason why our happiness index is higher than the Europeans who are materially affluent is people’s small satisfaction. And there’s hope that you’ll live well in the future. I believe you’re going to make Kazakhstan that way one day.”

Youngho was so thrilled to hear Fatima’s remarks. It meant a lot to him that his dear wife had full trust in him. Unconditional trust was what gave people the strength to overcome hardships in life.

As Fatima’s outing was frequent during her stay in Denmark, the popularity of the Kazakh knights who accompanied her as royal bodyguards also rose. That was because they were quite handsome enough to shake the hearts of Danish ladies. Zeynep even complained that they were more popular than she was.

“Oppa, are you sure you pick the knights based on their ability, not their faces, and height?”

“What are you talking about? In order to become the royal knights, they need to acquire a certain level of the Serbian knight’s breathing skill.”

“They’re more popular than me.”

“Oh, I’m sure people care more about the most beautiful princess in Europe.”

“Then you should treat me like a princess. The princesses from other countries have boyfriends.”

“What? Do you have any guy in your mind?”

“What if I do? Would you allow me to have a boyfriend?”

“Do you already have one or something? Wait, I didn’t get any report from the bodyguards.”

“See? You’re watching me.”

“It’s to protect you, not to monitor you, sweetie.”

“Let me have the freedom to have fun like everyone else.”

“It’s your life and I can’t do anything to stop you. But I worry about what your older sister might think about that.”

Youngho doubted that Fatima, who was overprotective of her little sister, would allow Zeynep to have a boyfriend. It was a mistake to bring Zeynep on this trip to Europe since he could already imagine the sisters’ war of nerves throughout the trip. He wondered how Fatima would deal with her little sister since she would want the best man for her little sister.

In a royal family, a princess often times became a victim of a political marriage, even in the current time. Youngho never wanted such an unfortunate married life for Zeynep. She should be married to her true love. Of course, Youngho should like him too.

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