Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 516 - Farewell

Chapter 516: Farewell

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

While Baiyi and Captain Aegis conversed, Mia and Lulu were having a less awkward discussion in Lulu’s room. Lulu’s parents were still at the barracks treating the injured, so the girls were able to enjoy some privacy.

Lulu gave Mia a complicated look. Her eyes contained traces of shock, wonder, jealousy, and a sliver of resentment. Mia understood the sentiment behind that gaze, so she knew that she had to pin the blame on someone else.

“Okay; that was totally my Dad’s idea. He forbade from telling anyone that I am a sorcerer,” Mia said.

“So... a little village girl was able to befriend Little Miss Sorcerer, huh?” Lulu mumbled, looking a bit self-conscious.

Mia quickly hugged Lulu. “You’ll always be my friend; no matter what,” She whispered in Lulu’s ears. “I’m afraid I can’t stay here any longer. But, if you still cherish me as a friend, then, please...accept this.”

Mia pulled out a kitty plush doll and placed it on her friend’s hand. Lulu raised the doll up and noticed how worn out it looked. Its material and craftmanship were average, unlike the hammerhead shark plushie. The plush doll did not have fluffy back or snow-white underbelly. It was a textbook example of a hand-me-down toy.

“I, um, made this myself,” Mia murmured.

The kitty plush doll was once Mia’s famous kitty cat purse. When her finances improved, in that she had more coins than the purse could handle, the kitty cat purse became obsolete. Mia did not have the heart to throw it away, so she asked Attie and her other sisters to make it a stuffed toy, which she could carry around with her wherever she went.

The hammerhead shark plushie was a weapon of mass destruction being used as a toy by a little girl, but the kitty plush doll was just an average toy. It had not been enchanted, neither did it contain any hidden spells. It was just an oddly cute, hand-me-down toy. However, Mia had cherished it all the same, as it reminded her of her childhood.

Lulu was moved by the gesture, though. Mia’s words showed how much the plush doll meant to her. With her cheeks stained red, Lulu asked, “Will we see each other again?”

“If we keep our hopes up, I’m sure we will,” Mia answered vaguely. She leaned in and gently nudged Lulu’s cheeks with hers.

The moment was cut short when Baiyi called out to Mia from the other room. Mia flashed Lulu a smile before leaving the room.

Mia was reluctant to part ways with Lulu, but when Baiyi informed her of his plans earlier — in which he stated that they would go to the Imperial Capital to meet the Emperor — Mia had a nagging feeling that she would not see Lulu again.

There was also the fact that Mia was a sorcerer — the noblest social class in the Rohlserlian Empire — whilst Lulu was just a village girl, albeit one that would become the imperial consort in the future. The gap in their social standings was just too wide. Furthermore, Baiyi did not approve of the close relationship that Mia shared with the Emperor’s future bride; allowing the girls to be close friends was already bordering on his limit.

When Baiyi saw the sad expression on Mia’s face, he tried to console her. “We are just guests in this era, Mia.”

“I know, I know. ” Mia sighed. Unwilling to give up completely, Mia said, “But, you said that Lulu would one day become Royal Gramps’ wife, which is why—”

Which is why I don’t want the two of you getting too cozy often,” Baiyi replied, shaking his head helplessly. A moment later, he said, “She will not become his wife now. A very long time from now, her parents will rise to prominence, becoming the Empire’s best apothecaries; only then will she meet your Royal Gramps for the first time.”

“Oh.” Mia was emotional. By then, she would have long since returned to the future, so she would not get to witness what was sure to be a comical and awkward moment. This was a bleak confirmation that she would not see Lulu again.

“Alright. Get your head straight and start packing. You may want to dress up a little,” Baiyi said. “After all, we’ll be meeting your Royal Gramps very soon.”

Earlier, Baiyi indirectly implied that he had information about the Book Servitude. He did this because he knew that it was a surefire way to make the Emperor meet him as soon as possible. If Baiyi had continued to pretend to be a prophet, even if he kept making genuine prophecies, he would not meet the Emperor for a long time. After all, as the ruler of a large empire, the Emperor was always busy; he just did not have the time to meet with random people.

After his purposeful reveal, Baiyi expected a prompt response from the Emperor. He knew that the Archmage was naturally overconfident, so, despite knowing the danger it posed, the Emperor would still choose to meet with the prophet immediately.

Once Baiyi meets the Emperor, he would have to use techniques stolen from the Charlatan Walker, the Void’s best conman, to gain the ruler’s trust. Afterward, his plan should go smoothly, he hoped.

Baiyi was wary of lying to the shrewd Archmage. The old man always seemed baffled by the pranks that the girls — Mia, Attie, and the others — pulled on him, but that was just a farce to humor them. The old man was shrewd, and now Baiyi wished to fool the First Walker at the prime of his life. The chances of failure could not be any higher.

‘This is the first real challenge that the Charlatan Walker’s tricks will face,’ Baiyi thought.

In the evening, Captain Aegis arrived at the guest house. He came alone, and this time, he did not have his armor on. Instead, he was dressed in a good looking suit. It was almost as though he had just become the Emperor’s emissary.

‘How many balls does this guy have? Is he that confident that I’m not a sadistic killer that wants to rip him apart?’ Baiyi was bewildered to see Aegis’s calm demeanor.

For the Emperor to summon Baiyi on the same day that Aegis that came by to visit, that meant he considered Baiyi a subject in need of urgent investigation. If that was the case, why then did he urder Captain Aegis to lower his guard? Or did Aegis, who did not seem to fear death, choose to do this himself?

As though he had read Baiyi’s mind, Aegis said, “His Majesty believes that a powerhouse like yourself, who is bold enough to request an audience with the Emperor, would not sully their hands with an insignificant underling like myself.”

‘Wow, Old Geezer. Y ou’re quite bold to bet on that assumption.’ Baiyi snorted before calling Mia over.

Mia arrived wearing a long Rohlserlian robe adorned with an ensemble of dazzling jewelry and accessories. She could pass for a noble lady. Aegis was stunned, and a moment later, he joked, “Your daughter looks like a princess.”

‘That’s because she is, ‘ Baiyi thought. He waved Mia over, and she came to stand beside him and lock her arm around his, after which they both strode out of the guesthouse.

Parked right outside the guesthouse was a carriage without a horse. A squad of Praetorian Sorcerers stood stiffly beside the carriage like honor guards. These sorcerers were out of place, and their presence caught the attention of the people on the street. A crowd quickly formed, whispering amongst each other in excitement.

The Archmage had always been devoted to the highfalutin, and today was no exception. He managed to make the transportation of a suspected criminal a grandiose occassion.

To much surprise, Dante the hound was present, as well, having been summoned by the Emperor. The inexperienced centurion looked very nervous. He did not dare breathe out loud and did his best to calm his nerves.

“His performance last night was outstanding; it was him that got your help to end the demon invasion. Hence, His Majesty wishes to meet him too,” Aegis explained.

‘Or, he just thinks he’s one of my partners,’ Baiyi thought.

Baiyi maintained an air of mystery as he entered the carriage. Dante quickly got into the carriage and sat in front of Baiyi, his head hung low. Although no one knew what the poor centurion was thinking, his anxiety was almost contagious. He did not even raise his head to look at the dazzling Mia, who was sitting beside Baiyi.

The carriage did not move even after its intended passengers had boarded. The Praetorian Sorcerers all walked a few feet away from the carriage and began to cast a wide-area teleportation spell.

This was the origin of the ever-ubiquitous transporter portals, which the Sorcerers’ Association built in modern-day Isythre. While sorcerers in the future use many resources and strategic arrangements to remove the need for people to cast a teleportation spell, the sorcerers in Ancient Rohlserl did not have access to such materials and resources. Such a means of transportation was not as convenient as aeroplanes or highspeed trains. Furthermore, setting up the wide-area teleportation spell was bordersome. Only the Emperor, who had his own stock of scarce resources, could set up primitive teleportation portals for himself. Everyone else had to take the bordersome route of gathering sorcerers to form a human magic circle.

Using a group of sorcerers to cast a wide-area teleportation spell was how Captain Aegis had gotten to Highland City the instant he head about the invasion. Although the sorcerers around the carriage were having to go through much trouble, their movement made for a spectacle for the bystanders, who were watching in excitement.

Lulu was also watching whilst holding tightly onto the kitty plush doll. She stood beside her bedroom window, watching her best friend leave via a method that was beyond the comprehension of a village girl like herself. She was very sad.

Mia, on the other hand, was excited to meet the younger version of her Royal Gramps. She secretly nursed the thought of telling the Emperor who they really were, directly disobeying Baiyi’s order. To her, it was better than pretense and lies.

Mia had never been a good liar. The very act unnerved her, and she was terrible at it. Mia was sure that her ineptitude at lying would only cause trouble.

She would not dare disobey Baiyi, though. Thus, throughout the journey, Mia was torn between the choice floating around in her head.

After the teleportation, two sorcerers on horseback arrived. They harnessed their horses to the carriage, and the horses trotted towards the palace. The Imperial Palace of this time paled in comparison to the modern palace in Baiyi’s time.

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