Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 86

“URGHHHH!” A cry of protest instantly could be hear coming from Mia as she tried to move away from Baiyi’s hand. After sometime of playing dodge, she became frustrated and without any warning, she grabbed Baiyi’s hand and tried to sink her teeth into Baiyi’s finger.

Haha, this girl is so cute! Baiyi chuckled and continued toying with her for a little while more before he finally dispelled the Silence Spell. Grabbing her shoulders with both arms, Baiyi returned to his usual stern image and continued what he was saying earlier, “Anyway, congratulations, Mia! You’re a golden-collared student now! Remember to continue to work hard alright?”

“Yes!” Putting her playfulness aside, she nodded her head before proceeded to change her clothes. “Oh, yeah, Mr. Hope! If you don’t have any place that you want to go during the holiday, why don’t you come back to my hometown with me?”

Seeing how the girl was taking off the purple robe in front of him without any hesitation nor shame, Baiyi quickly turned his head away and replied, “Sounds good! I can have a look at your hometown as well. But Tisdale’s match is tomorrow, right? Let’s wait for her to finish her match first and maybe you two could spend a few days together before going back to your hometown?”

“Eh? Oh, that’s right! I have a three-month break! Yeah, I can spend some time with Tisdale before I go back. I guess I’ll write a letter to inform my parents first!” Mia exclaimed as she changed into the usual white nightdress before letting her hair down and draped it behind her shoulders. Barefooted, she walked over to the desk and started writing a letter carefully.

“Dear Mom and Dad, how are you? I’m fine and I hope the both of you are, too! Mr. Hope is very kind to me and my sharkie is doing very well, too. My school holiday has just officially started and I intend to stay here for a few more days before I come back home...” The little girl wrote her letter in a serious manner, carefully noting down recent events that had happened and her plans for the holiday. After she finished writing her letter, she ended the letter with “Lots of love, Mia” before sealing it carefully and putting it in an envelope to be sent out the next day.

Why do you even write about your hammerhead shark doll to your parents? Baiyi chuckled inwardly.

After Mia was completely done with the letter, she suddenly remembered something, prompting her to take out her hammerhead shark doll from her storage pouch. Without caring that her doll had just killed a lindworm, she hugged it tightly and snuggled against the doll’s fluffy tummy before lifting it up to check for any deformities but somehow, everything seemed to be in perfect condition.

“YES! My sharkie is the best!” Mia lifted it up high in the air as she exclaimed,

“It’ll be even more powerful in the future and will always protect you!” Baiyi added by the side.

“SURE!” Mia nodded her head again.

Later on, in the evening, Baiyi moved the big bath barrel from the laboratory all the way back to Mia’s room. After heating up the water for her to enjoy the hot bath, he waited outside as she bathed. A few moments later, as he was resting outside of the room, he could see a worn-out Tisdale whose face was filled with excitement and exhaustion rushing towards him. When she saw him, the first thing she did was to hand over a few documents to him.

“Teacher, this is the patenting application form for the three formulae that you gave me earlier. It took me a whole day to get this done!” Tisdale said to Baiyi as she was trying to catch her breath.

“Alright. It’s a little tiresome now but soon, you’d be able to enjoy the fruits from the seeds that you’ve just sowed.” Baiyi handed the paperwork back to her.

“Oh, and this as well!” Rummaging through her storage pouch, Tisdale pulled out another document that looked like an agreement and handed it over to Baiyi, “This is the agreement for the earning distribution from the sales that will be generated from the three formulae. We’ll split the earning evenly, Teacher!”

Gee, this girl’s loyalty is really remarkable! To even think of splitting the profit in half with me... What a good girl! Baiyi praised silently in his heart. Refusing to take the agreement, he said, “I’m very grateful for your kindness but just keep the profit to yourself, alright? I’ve said before that this is a gift to you. Just accept it.”

“B-But...” Tisdale wanted to object but Baiyi interrupted her before she could continue her sentence, “Alright, that’s it! Be obedient and listen to me. I still have many formulae in my sleeves that are profitable so I don’t really care about such paltry sum of money. Or, maybe you can use my share of profit to add more equipments to your alchemy workshop? It would help us in making more money in the future. Just treat it as a dowry for you and Mia, okay?”

His words left a warmth feeling in Tisdale’s heart who had not realize that it was actually a sugar-coated lie coming out from Baiyi’s mouth. Want to get married while being under the tutelage of such a controlling teacher? Never ! Dowry? Yeah, right, keep dreaming!

Habitually, Baiyi reached out to stroke Tisdale’s head and when she realized what he was going to do, she quickly lowered her head and extended it towards Baiyi’s hand. However, halfway through his action, he somehow became conscious of his own action and found it inappropriate so he hastily retracted his hand.

Huh? At once, Tisdale’s heart was filled with disappointment.

At that moment, Mia’s voice suddenly rang out from the room, “Mr. Hope? Can you help me rub my back?”

Ahem! Even though the Void was once again filled with the cheers and applauses of the members of the Hentai Union, Baiyi would certainly never do that in the presence of Tisdale. Instead, he proceeded to say to her, “Mia’s taking her bath inside. Why don’t you go in and help her?”

“A bath? Inside?” Perplexed, Tisdale asked with a look of disbelief on her face. She remembered that there was no bathtub in the standard girl’s dormitory room.

“You’ll understand when you enter the room,” Baiyi said as he pushed the door opened. After he had let Tisdale in, he closed the door again and stood outside guarding the two of them.

Vaguely, he began to hear the conversation that was taking place inside Mia’s room.

“S-Sis Tisdale? Why are you here? Why do you look so exhausted? Come join me in the bath! You will feel much better after taking one! Awww, just come in Sis Tisdale! The bath barrel is big enough for the two of us!”

What followed next was the rustle of clothes being taken off and then the sound of water being splashed. In just a short while, the room was filled with the delicate and carefree laughters of the two girls that were seemingly having a lot of fun. Baiyi, on the other side of the door, stood motionless keeping an eye out for the two of them.

“Sir Hope! You sure you want to miss out on such a golden opportunity? Right now, as we’re speaking, the two lovely girls are in the bathtub clinging closely to each other, their soft limbs intertwined, sparkling drops of water splashing on the equally sparkling skin and their face flushed from the heat of the water! Imagine how beautiful this scene, this picture is! How can you still stand here?” The Paladin was basically yelling in the Void.

Instead of answering, Baiyi turned to the other Hentai Walkers who did not speak but were squirming with restlessness and asked, “How about you guys? Why don’t you guys just speak out all at once?”

After exchanging some opinions, the few remaining Hentai Walkers immediately shouted in unison, “Even if I was banned, I would also like to say... OOF!”

Leaving no room for them to say anything else, he cast a Silence Spell on all of them at the same time before he continued guarding them outside the door.

After the two girls was done with their washing, only did Baiyi pushed the door open and looked at them. What entered his sight first was Tisdale’s face which was flushed, her long golden hair that was draped behind her back was wet and dripping with water, making it look smoother and more supple. The skin that had just soaked in the hot bath revealed a faint pleasant pink color and more importantly, she was actually wearing Mia’s nightgown? Could it be that it was because the uniform that she was wearing just now was soiled with sweat and dust therefore leaving her with no other option other than wearing Mia’s clothes?

When the dress was worn by Mia, it fitted her perfectly and the skirt hem was long enough to cover her knees but when it was on Tisdale’s particularly tall figure, somehow it looked quite... seductive?The skirt hem was just about long enough to cover the lower half of her body while her top was hugged tightly by the skimpy dress, sketching out the elegant curves of her body. Her bosoms were wrapped so tightly that it gave off an impression that the dress would tear and the pair of lovely mound could just pop up to say hello any time... Perhaps, there was nobody else other than Tisdale who could put on an ordinary sleeping nightdress and bring out such blood-pounding effects.

At that moment, the girl was laughing and playing with the younger girl, her fair white limbs were all over the place, showing Baiyi more skin than she should. Sighing, he quickly turned his head over and his attention was caught by the pile of uniform that was thrown on the ground. Habitually, he picked them up using his Mana and soaked them in the body of water that he produced in the air at the same time. After infusing a Cleanse spell in it, he used his Mana to control the water and spin them rapidly, imitating the concept of a washing machine on Earth. That was how he usually washed Mia’s clothes.

After he was done, he dried and folded the clothes piece by piece before putting them on Mia’s bedside. Just as he was laying them down, he froze looking at the two of the items among the clothes. There were a set of black lacy underwear with sexy see-through pattern on them that was almostsimilar to the ones that he had accidentally stolen from Undine last time. E-Er... I don’t remember Mia having such sexy underwear... And the size seems to be a little off too...

At once, realization suddenly dawned on him that Mia did not wear her uniform today. So... Does this mean that this pile of clothes that I’d just washed is... T-Tisdale’s? Embarrassed, he turned his head around and the first thing that he saw was a completely flushed Tisdale standing right behind him. She quickly rushed over and snatched the underwear that was suspended in the air. After she had hidden them from sight, she muttered in a low voice, “T-Thank you, T-Teacher!”

NO SH*T! Does she think I am a pervert now? Ahhhh... I was just merely washing the clothes out of habit like how I usually do for MIa! Flustered, he coughed twice and instead of saying anything, he hastily made his way towards Mia’s desk and began to pretend to be busy by writing on some papers. Throughout the whole night, he did not utter another word.

When darkness finally descended, Tisdale accepted Mia’s invitation and stayed over for a night at the dorm. Looking at the two girls who were hugging each other tightly, crowding the small wooden bed and whose faces were lit with faint smiles as they entered dreamland together, he proceeded to lower down the temperature of the room by a few degrees so that the two of them would have a deeper and sweeter sleep.

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