Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 49

When she first opened the box, she saw there were two small pouches inside it. Instantly, Baiyi could sense the Extension Charm that was cast on the pouches. Looks like it’s the repayment from the Dole family. There was even a thank-you letter at the bottom of the box, which started off with “Thank you for your help. May we cherish our friendship forever until the end of time...” At the end of the letter, it was signed off with the emblem of the Dole family ‘$’, proving that the letter and gift was from the entire Dole family and not Undine alone.

Mia opened one of the pouches and turned it upside down, spilling all of the accessories out on the table— hairpins, ribbons, bracelets, necklaces and so on. Most of them had cute animal patterns on them which was undoubtedly suitable for a young girl. Mia’s eyes instantly lit up the moment she saw them.

“Oh, gosh! These are so beautiful!” Mia quickly picked up one of the pale blue butterfly hair pin and held it in her hand as she carefully examined it with joy. Delighted, she told Baiyi, “This seems to be the latest style that just came out this year!”

Just by looking at the edge of the hairpin that was mounted with a row of crystals was enough to show that even if it was just an ordinary jewellery, it was still an expensive one. It was a world of difference compared to the tacky red bow clip that somebody had chosen for Mia.

One could clearly see that the Dole family— or perhaps, Undine— really did their research on Baiyi beforehand. It looked like they understood his situation pretty well and purposely prepared such generous gifts to get into Mia’s good grace.

In addition to those little girl’s jewelries, there was a lilac silk robe as well— errr... is this really a sorcerer robe? But why is it designed to look like a dress instead? And why is this skirt so short? There are even two long side splits on the skirt? Won’t the whole thigh be exposed from the side? And what the hell is wrong with this upper body design? It’s obviously a tight round neck design so what’s the point of having a hole right there at the chest area? And oh my goodness, look at the back! There’s basically nothing at the back! Even the top of the butt crack could be seen with that design!

Even though it was such a provocative dress, Mia still held it tightly in her arms in surprise and even compared the measurements of the dress to her body. It was clear that the dress was tailor-made for her. Look at this little fellow’s excited eyes! No sh*t! She even wants to try it on?

My dear Mia! Don’t you know that if you put it on, your entire back, arms and thighs would all be exposed? And look at the hem of the skirt. It’s too short! Just a small movement and your little teddy bear will peek out to say hello to the whole world! This is too much for you! Baiyi chastised inwardly. He took the robe over from Mia and used his Psychic Energy to do an inspection. Just as he thought, there were actually three different spells that were enchanted onto the robe. One of them was an ordinary Level Three Defense Spell— it also included the energy absorption feature but as for the other two, even Baiyi had no idea what spells those were.

He quickly examined it again in detail. Through the runes that were embossed on the robe, he could roughly guess the function of those two spells. One of them had the function of absorbing sweat and retaining the dryness of the robe as well as emitting a faint aromatic scent from time to time and the other worked to hold the skirt in place so as to prevent it from being lifted up during rough movements. Even when it happened to be lifted up during vigorous action, it would instantly release a sharp dazzling light to blind the onlookers’ eyes temporarily.

What the hell are these enchantments? Is this even designed specifically for a sorcerer? It must be expensive to have these three spells enchanted on it, isn’t it? And to have the two of them wasted on such clothing? Baiyi was totally at loss for words. Is the fashion development in this world heading towards the wrong direction as well?

Needless to say, the robe undoubtedly won the unanimous praise from the Voidwalkers. Excited and animated voices could be heard chattering all at once.

“OOOOOOOOHH! THIS IS SOOOO GREAT! The fashion designer is surely the most cutting-edge figure in this world! Look at the bold but meticulous style! There is no doubt that this robe was tailor-made for our Mia-chan! Not only does it show off her soft, delicate and fair skin, it would highlight her perfect body proportions...”

Mia is still so young! Of course her skin would still be delicate and fair! And what’s with that ‘perfect body proportions’ description? She’s so short!

“Well, yes, of course! This robe is meant for a beautiful girl! The enchanted spells are amazing as well! Even us, Voidwalkers, have never thought of that! Wait a minute, come to think of it, the spell on the skirt hem is a little unnecessary. Sir Hope, you must remove that inhumane lighting and the anti-gravity feature of that skirt immediately!”

W-What? Why do we need to study and remove those useless spells? And hello! You guys are even more inhumane than these spells okay!

“But then again, don’t you think that this style would be more suitable for Undine or Tisdale? Mia-chan’s body is a little too flat! Her height is not tall enough as well. I don’t think she would be able to fully bring out the design of this robe! Erm... But then again, perhaps I could be wrong? Anyway, Sir Hope, how about you just let Mia-chan try it on first?”

I’m sorry but as long as I’m still alive, don’t even think about it! Baiyi replied coldly. Throwing a glance at Mia, he growled, “Mia, you’re still too young. This robe doesn’t suit you at all. It’s better to wait till you’re slightly older before trying this kind of style. And besides, isn’t it compulsory to wear the school uniform in the academy anyway? Give the robe to me first, I’ll store it away for you!”

“Ah... Okay?” Mia handed the beautiful robe over regretfully. It was obvious that she was really eager to try it on. However, as she dared not go against Baiyi’s words, she just nodded her head dejectedly.

In addition to those jewelries, the rest of the items that was in the storage pouch were all potions— the strawberry-flavored Mana Restoration Potion, the Cultivation Pill which would boost one’s cultivation speed, the Element Affinity Potion that helps the user to have better control of his element, the Cognitive Agility Potion that speeds up the casting of spells. It was basically every potion that a sorcerer could wish for to use in his daily live.

These are probably the only useful things, I guess? As expected from a family that started off selling drugs. These items are indeed very complete

“Hmmm, these are pretty useful,” Satisfied, Baiyi nodded as he put the potions back into the storage pouch before handing it over to Mia. “Use them on yourself. By the way, the space inside this storage pouch is quite huge. You can store some of your daily items inside.”

“Oh, yes!” Mia nodded. Even though Baiyi had confiscated the most beautiful piece of robe she had ever owned but those jewelries, hairpins, necklaces and other accessories were enough to make her a happy girl.

But then, she came to a pause suddenly and seemed to be lost in her thoughts before taking all of those jewelries out from the pouch again. She began to put them away in a small drawer of her closet where she usually stored her accessories. Just a moment ago, the acessories inside were just something that were simple and inexpensive.

“Well, these jewelries are not suitable for me to wear to classes anyway so I guess I’d better keep them for when there’s a festival or something.” Mia said in a well-behaved manner.

Oh she’s still quite sensible ...

“Are all these gifts from the others?” She asked again.

“Yes. I’ve helped repair a very expensive armor for a rich family today. Looks like you’ve gotten yourself quite a bargain today.” Baiyi teased her. At once, a cute flush of embarassament could be seen slowly creeping up her face.

“As for the other bag...” Baiyi said as he picked up the other storage pouch. He first thought that it would be filled with snacks, desserts, dolls those kind of things, but the moment he held it upside down, a clang of metal could be heard instantly. Suddenly, pieces of fragmented armors piled up in front of him. It turned out that it was an entire complete set of armor that had been disassembled.

It seemed like Undine had realized that the militia armor that Baiyi was wearing did not match his identity. That was the reason why she left so quickly after the repairing and then sent the gift later on at night. It looked like she must have hurriedly gone off to prepare the armor.

Wow! A child of a business family is indeed attentive... Without another word, Baiyi quickly assembled the armor using his Mana. In just a short while, a light gray body armor appeared in the small female dorm. The armor was beautifully streamlined and even though it looked simple, but in actual fact, the workmanship was actually delicate. There was no gap or edges that could be found on the entire surface. Every joint was polished very carefully. Even the interior was equipped with the additional weight of various organ models.

Without a doubt, it was a body specially tailored for a Soul Armature. It definitely belonged to the category of a high-grade armor. More importantly, the entire armor was forged from Mithril 1 — a material that was made easy for Mana to pass through. In other words, it was the most suitable body a sorcerer Soul Armature could have in that world. Even shallow groove was carved faintly onto the body to camouflage the runes that would show up when spells were cast. Along with the lines that ran vertically on the body which gave it an overall slimmer look, the armor exuded an indistinct impression of a sorcerer.

An armor like that would cost at least 10,000 gold coins or more. Coupled with Mia’s little but expensive accessories as well as the two storage pouches, the total cost of the gifts from the Dole family would roughly amount to about 30,000 gold coins or more

Indeed, this cash cow is truly a fat one. Looks like the rumored generosity of the Dole family does live up to its name after all

“What a handsome armor,” Mia could not help but reach out a hand to gently stroke the smooth surface of the armor. She became much more delighted than she was when she first opened up her gift. Beaming, she exclaimed, “Mr. Hope! You finally have a decent body!”

Having said that, her face immediately blushed slightly. After all, it was a normal reaction for a little girl when she came across beautiful things.

“Indeed!” Baiyi said as he nodded his head, “Help me change then.”

Although he did not mind his appearance, it did not mean that he would refuse to make himself look better if a chance presented itself.

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