Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 47

“No problem! It’s a natural for the descendants to help their ancestors! Well, it’s just that right now I can’t show my identity yet so this is the only way!” The Merchant replied confidently.

Alright, I’m sold... Turning back to Undine, Baiyi continued, “It’s a good thing that his consciousness still remains in his arm! This means that we’re got time for the repair. However, hmm... The process might be a little troublesome...”

A look of joy appeared on Undine’s face immediately as she quickly said happily, “Feel free to speak your mind, Master Hope! When the repair is done, the Dole family will be forever indebted to you!”

Although her uncle was a little unreliable but he was still one of the backbones of the Northern Wasteland Reclaming Unit. If the arm could be repaired and reattached, it would definitely be a great help to their family. Not only was Undine’s words filled with sincerity but it seemed to hint at something else as well.

“Alright then,” Baiyi nodded his head and gestured for the black Soul Armature whose name was Leo to come over. After casting a simple Earth-style Mud Wall to lift the iron felt that was by his feet to the right height, he motioned for the black Soul Armature to put his elbow on it.

As Undine and Leo were standing quite close to Baiyi, he purposely showed them the Magical Formations that apeared on his wrist when he cast the spell. Even though the speed was fast and seemed effortless— surpassing most sorcerers— but it was still not as good as Sven the Rogue Knight. Needless to say, Baiyi would never give himself away so easily.

“First of all, we’ll need to prepare enough Mana Restoration Potion,” Baiyi announced.

“We’ve already prepared that,” Undine replied and she instantly directed the coachman who was standing outside to hand over a Storage Pouch. Holding the pouch upside down, she spilled a pile of blue-colored Mana Restoration Potions and some other high-grade Mana Crystals on to a table nearby.

Why do you two fighters always bring this around with you? You’re like those potion-selling NPCs! Does Dole family actually run a pharmacy or something?

“Well, erm... Actually, our family started off as the channel’s distributor for these drugs. However, we have always been a decent distributor, definitely not like Amway or Nuskin, those

kind of MLM companies.” The Merchant quickly explained.

I haven’t even said anything yet and you’ve already rushed forward to explain yourself? Hmmm... Looks like there must be a history of selling fake medicines somewhere! Baiyi mused inwardly as he continued to announce out loud, “I also need another sorcerer’s help. Miss Tisdale?” Having said that, he glanced towards Tisdale. After completing her task as an intermediary, that girl did not immediately leave but instead she chose to remain there and at that time, she was playing with the kitty coin bank that Baiyi placed on the table with a gleeful look on her face. With a fond expression on her face as well, she reached out to stroke the kitty’s whiskers with her fingers.

What the hell is she doing? Why does her taste somehow seems similar to Mia’s? Ah, don’t tell me she likes little animals as well?

When she heard her name being called, Tisdale was flustered as she hurriedly put the coin bank back on the table in a flash. Returning to his side in a few hops, she queried, “Yes Mr. Hope? Can I do anything for you?”

Um... Didn’t you call me Master Hope just now? Why did you suddenly change the title now? Wow this girl really gets friendly with everyone she meets, eh? Baiyi thought to himself. “Do you know the Grade Two spell, Icebeam?

“Oh yes! I do!” Nodding her head, Tisdale beamed.

“Great. Then you’ll be casting the spell, right here!” Baiyi once again grabbed the severed arm using Mage’s Grip and put it by the side of the iron felt. “I’ll give you the trajectory point and instruction later. You MUST do it precisely according to my instruction!”

As he was speaking, a faint red miniature formation was slowly forming in front of his left index finger, emitting a tiny firebeam that fell on the point where the arm was cut off.

“Use icebeam NOW!” He suddenly ordered.

“Oh okay~!” Tisdale nodded her head as a series of runes could be seen slowly appearing on her wrist. Then, followed by the infusion of her Mana, the runes slowly turned light blue— a color that represented ice. Instantly, a beam shot out from her index finger, focusing on the same point as Baiyi’s firebeam.

Although her casting speed was not fast but there was no incantation at all when she cast the spell.Considering her Advanced level power, it was actually pretty good. Baiyi secretly assessed Tisdale’s innate aptitude and got a rough understanding on the level of those gold collar-pins students. Although she was much stronger than Mia, to him, it was only at an acceptable level.

After all, among all of the sorcerers in the group of Voidwalkers, the least powerful person, the Sorcerer, was already two times more powerful than her when he was about her age. Then again, those people were abnormal monsters so it was a little unfair to compare her to them

Baiyi put a halt to his irrelevant thoughts as he began to slowly move his finger along the open wound. At the same time, he instructed Tisdale, “Follow my trajectory. The black gold is a very special material, especially it’s energy absorption feature. Even though this allows it to have a tough powerful defense attribute but it also poses a problem when it comes to repairing it. In order to overcome this problem, we will have to take full advantage of the weakness of this black gold by constantly changing the temperature to weaken its energy absorption ability.”

Using the tone that he usually used during Mia’s lesson, he appeared to be like a real teacher. His statement also prompted Undine to nod her head secretly. That was exactly how that stinky bastard managed to cut off her uncle’s arm.

As Tisdale listened to Baiyi’s guidance in silence, she quickly controlled the rhythm of the icebeam to keep up with him. Not long after, beads of sweat began to appear on her forehead, the beam started to shake slightly as well. The speed and the control of the trajectory slowly began to slow down.

I guess it can’t be helped. She’s only a student after all. Continuously releasing this kind of magic will not deplete a lot of Mana but it can be very taxing on one’s Psychic Energy

Then again, she did last longer than I thought she would... Pleased, Baiyi nodded his head inwardly. Immediately, he reached out with his idle hand and grabbed on to Tisdale’s wrist that was shooting out the Icebeam. “You only have to focus on releasing your Mana, let me do the rest.” Having said that, he divided a small part of his Psychic Energy and infused it gently into Tisdale’s Mana, guiding the trajectory of her icebeam, just like how a teacher would do in class.

“I-I’m sorry, Mr. Hope...” In a small voice, Tisdale apologized. Undine who was sitting next to them immediately stood up and took out a piece of silk handkerchief to help wipe the sweat on Tisdale’s forehead away. She quickly unscrewed a Mana Restoration Potion and shoved it unto Tisdale’s mouth.

“Urghh... S-Sister Undine.. I don’t need... Urghhh... T-That’s bitter...” Tisdale mumbled as she scrunched her face up. Well, her Mana was still sufficient so naturally, she refused to drink such a poor-tasting potion.

“Ah? Oh gosh, I’m sorry Tisdale! I’ll go search in the carriage to see if there’s an orange-flavored one.” Having said that, Undine immediately rushed out of the door.

Huh? There’s even orange-flavored ones? No wonder the color of the Chi Restoration Potions last time were a little different than usual This girl even adds in flavoring to the potions to make it easy for herself to drink? Baiyi was absolutely taken aback.

Soon after, Undine came running back with several bottles of potions of different colors in her arms. As she stepped into the door, she immediately said, “I’m sorry Tisdale, but I’ve already finished the orange-flavored ones last time when I felt thirsty. Umm... I only have the strawberry and milk flavoured ones. Are you okay with that? Oh? Wait a minute... There’s another apple-flavored one here. Do you want to have a taste?”

Is this girl crazy? There must be something wrong with her right? That’s not a freaking F&N or COCA-COLA!

“Well, the Dole family has always been very user-oriented, especially when it comes to potion flavoring! This is our main weapon in beating all other competitors! When I was still alive, there was only three different flavors that was developed! I never expect we’d have so many flavors by now. Ha Ha Ha! Seems like my descendants have been working quite hard. I’m so proud of them!” The Merchant cackled proudly.

Why do I feel like somehow you guys are working in the wrong direction? No wonder she keeps drinking those potions! I think the reason behind it must be because she likes drinking these sort of sour and sweet things, right? Baiyi thought as he glanced towards Undine who was shoving a bottle of green-colored Mannoroth’s Blood... oh wait a minute... a peppermint-flavored potion into Tisdale’s mouth while saying, “Hurry! Try this new flavor that was just developed last month! You will feel a sense of coolness on your tongue after you drink it. This is so much better than those poor quality peppermint-flavored juice in the market.”

Oi, Miss Undine! If you keep going on like this, your image of sexiness will drop and you will head to Moe direction instead you know!

Poor Tisdale was actually not paying much attention to the taste of those ‘soft drinks’. Instead, a hint of red blush could be seen slowly creeping up on her face and the reason was no other than Baiyi. In order to have a better control over her Mana, his hand had already covered her whole fist, enveloping that small hand in the ox-leathered gloves. Even though the feeling of the cold, rough gloves was a little unpleasant, she could still feel a slight hint of warmth.

Mainly because in the process of guiding her to release her Mana bit by bit, it actually reminded her of her first teacher when she was still a kid— the feeling she had when her father first taught her magic. Unfortunately, after she’d grown up, she never got to experience such a heartfelt moment again...

For a moment, Tisdale even wished that the repairing process would last longer. It would be even better if Sister Undine was not by the side disrupting the moment...

Sure enough, Mia was right. Mr Hope is indeed gentle, his knowledge is wide as well... How I wish I can become his student too.... A funny idea suddenly popped into Tisdale’s mind.

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