Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 45

Better yet, all of those rewards were given voluntarily. From the beginning to the end, Baiyi did not utter a word about monetary issue at all One had to admit that the Merchant really did have his own unique method of grasping the consumers psychology.

“This is a very good start! The progress is really smooth as well. The consumers willingly set the minimum payment threshold for your service. This undoubtedly had managed to relieve your worry and burden, at the same time it wont create any bad reputation for you. Even though this amount is still too little for your status but this is only the beginning. When youve found a reasonable excuse to stop providing repairs, cash cows will come knocking on the door automatically and that will be the time when real money comes rolling in.” Through Baiyis sense of hearing, the Merchant listened to the clinking sounds of the coins as he exclaimed in a satisfied manner.

You unscrupulous merchant! I knew it! From the very start, youve been thinking of this cunning plan, havent you? By the time Mia came over to the blacksmiths workshop to find Baiyi during her lunchtime, the table was already filled with more than 1000 gold coins plus all kinds of other presents. The line of Soul Armature outside the workshop who had not been repaired dispersed automatically to let Baiyi take a break.

After Mia had shut the door of the cabin, she did not even bother to have her lunch as she rushed over to the table and started counting the gold coins excitedly. Delighted, she exclaimed, “Waaaaah! Waaaah! Theres so much gold and presents here! Are these given to you willingly?”

“Yes, correct.” Baiyi nodded his head, “This is why theres a saying that says knowledge is wealth. Do you understand it now, Mia?”

“Eh Actually, I first planned to slowly save up myself. I-I-I didnt expect you to be so amazing, Mr. Hope” At once, Mia felt dejected. Taking out the little kitty purse that was already filled with gold coins from her pocket, she stared at it. There was quite a lot of gold stored in this purse but it was obviously so much lesser than the amount that Baiyi managed to make in just half a day.

“... I suddenly feel like Im so u-useless. I-I-It seems like you dont need me after all, Mr. Hope” Lowering her head, she mumbled gloomily as she felt like she had suddenly lost her goal to work hard now.

“Mia! I forbid you from saying such things ever again!” Baiyi went around her and lifted up his hand to stroke her head. At the same time, in order to cheer her up again, he used his Mana to control the gold coins on the table, arranging themselves to a shape similar to her cute kitten purse. After he had managed to attract her attention to the table, he continued saying, “Mia, I dont want you to worry about money issues at all. All you need to do is concentrate on your practice and work hard to become stronger! That would be the greatest help that you can do for me.”

“And believe me Mia, theres nobody else who needs you more than I do,” Gently, Baiyi encouraged her. Then, pinching her soft cheeks, he continued, “Alright! Now that we dont have to worry about monetary issues anymore, lets go have our lunch!”

“Okay! I promise I will work hard!” Nodding her head hard, Mia quickly picked up her lunchbox that was completely filled with food and ate them while discussing with Baiyi how should they use the money. And of course, her main idea was still to use the money to replace Baiyi’s body.

To be honest, Baiyi was not interested in that matter at all— well, unless he could get the black gold armor. To him, the rest of the armors available in the market was all about the same, so it would be just a waste of money to change it. Then again, it would be another story if he could get a fat cash cow Erm.. No... a generous lord, then he would not mind changing his armor to a better one. Still, how often could one meet a cash cow? It was clear to Baiyi that he would need to have enough patience to wait for that day to come, which was why he did not really have too much expectation.

The next day, after sending Mia off to her classroom, he walked over to the workshop with a kitty coin bank in his arm. The coin bank was bought by Mia after her class yesterday. Seeing now that her little kitty purse no longer fit all of the money, she bought several animal coin banks at once so that it would be convenient for them both to save up their money.

But, he soon realized that something was wrong. Usually, at this time, there would already be a long queue waiting outside the workshop but somehow, there was not a single person to be seen? Well, the reason was certainly not because of Baiyi but instead, it must have something to do with the black wooden carriage that was parked near the cabin. Even though the appearance of the carriage was nothing out of ordinary but the luxuriously dressed coachman who was standing straight with his head high up was more than enough to prove that the person sitting inside the carriage was exactly the cash cow that Baiyi was hoping for. From the way the coachman was chasing the curious onlookers away, there was no doubt that the cash cow must be quite a fat one!

Because he was curious, Baiyi decided to walk up to the carriage to have a look. When the coachman noticed Baiyi, he quickly notified the passengers inside before opening the door. The first person who got down from the carriage was no other than the black-colored gold mine Erm The black Soul Armature that Baiyi had fought with last time. One of his hand was holding the other broken arm.

What cash cow? This is basically a golden pig! Baiyi had never thought that this fellow would come again to give him free money. In fact, the person who broke the arm was no other than Baiyi.Tsk tsk What a willing victim!

But of course, at that time Baiyi was not Sven the Rogue Knight but the high and mighty Master Hope instead. Not showing any other expression, all he gave was a composed glance towards the priceless black gold armor.

The black Soul Armature no longer had the frivolous and boorish behaviour. Instead, he was all polite and modest and after giving a light bow to Baiyi, he opened the door of the carriage from the other side. In a gallant manner, he offered his right hand and a small hand that was covered in a lavender tulle gloves gently held on to the hand before a long slender leg could be seen stepping out from the carriage, showing the deadly beauty of the owner.

The owner was none other than the beautiful Butterfly Saint of Swords, Miss Undine. Although today, she seemed to have given up the sexy knightwear and opted for a more demure look with her beautiful pale blue hair swept up in a big aristocratic bun, showing off her elegant swan-like neck. She was dressed in a lavender aristocratic dress that generously revealed her round shoulders. The height of the dress was right at her chest, showing just the right amount of cleavage, neither too revealing nor conservative.The exquisitely designed waistline flawlessly exhibit her powerful curves that was formed over long periods of training while the lower half of the dress was a long skirt made by translucent tulle. Even though no skin was exposed from the long skirt, an outline of the straight long legs could be seen vaguely, creating an obscure sense of beauty. Coupled with the elegant temperament that she possessed, she looked exceptionally stunning.

Look at this lassie! Shes quite beautiful after all Now, this way of dressing is more like it! Baiyi could not help but applaud Undines beauty inwardly. This dress is way better! But I wonder how much exactly did she spend on maintaining her youthful body? Not only does she look like a young girl theres no trace of scars or wounds that was left by sword practices on her body!

And just when the rest of the Voidwalkers were captured by Undines stunning look, a third figure could be seen suddenly coming out from the carriage. Wait a minute, wasn’t that Tisdale whom Baiyi had run into once before? That signature long golden hair of hers was still as dazzling as the sun. She was wearing a student uniform and by right, she should not be able to compare with Undines beauty. However, that particularly beautiful features of hers, as well as the vibrant and energetic posture, allowed her to look as gorgeous as Undine. With her own unique charm, she exuded a grace that was exclusively hers.

A stunning lady and a beautiful girl. The emergence of those two gorgeous women immediately painted some colors to the quiet little garden.

As an honor student of the Celestial Fortress Academy, it was natural for Tisdale to start the conversation first. Giving a slight bow towards Baiyi and with a wide charming smile on her face, she greeted politely, “Good morning, Master Hope.”

“Good day, Tisdale. I have often heard Mia talking about you,” Baiyi replied. He had quite a good impression of the girl, not because she was an outstanding beauty but because she had once saved Mias life when they were young. Had she not appeared in time, Mia would have gone through a huge trauma and Baiyi would not have been summoned at all

Inside Baiyi’s mind, the group of Voidwalkers had nothing but absolute fondness towards those two beauties...

“Ahhhhhh Undine is so beautiful! Tisdale is so pretty as well! And Mia-chan is cute too! Sir Hope youre so lucky to be surrounded by these three cuties!”

“Well If I had to choose between them, I would choose Tisdale! Look at that blonde hair! As expected, blonde hair is always the best! And that unique vibrant and vitality she possesses? Ahhh, I need not say more! Pero Pero!

“Undine is gorgeous as well! She can be considered as the ultimate form of a beautiful woman. But hmmm why did she dress so conservatively today? I still prefer the knightwear along with the black silk stockings!”

Leaving those guys aside, even the Scholar whom Baiyi had perceived as normal could not help but say, “What beautiful ladies! Sigh... I envy them...”

Erm, theres nothing to be envious of, is there? You were once known for your beauty too, werent you?

“But I basically spent my whole life in the Mage Tower. In the end, I didnt really get to see many men that I like” A hint of bitterness could be heard in the Scholars voice.

Ahem! Can you please dont mention this kind of ultra-ancient virgin story anymore?

Translator’s Thoughts

asukatarilinn asukatarilinn

SHOCKING NEWS! SCHOLAR IS ACTUALLY A FEMALE??? And here I thought all of the Voidwalkers are male! Why didn’t she voice out when they made all those ero comments about the little girls? Mr. Author, you have an explaining to do! But still..... 32 guys and 1 female? Ooooohhhh.... I sense reverse harem right there! Oh wait a minute... Perhaps there are more female Walkers in the group? Hmmmmm intriguing!! Long imprisonment in the Void, dark black space, so many horny males.... ahem ahem ..... INTERESTING!! Let’s continue to find out more, shall we?

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