Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 31

Having said that, she paused for a while, as if she was remembering something, before she continued, “With that strength, there is absolutely no reason for him to participate in this! What’s his intention actually? To immerse himself in the cheers and applause of the spectators? Or just simply to make money?”

Those were important questions to her. With the resources that she had as the second daughter of the Dole family, as long as the price was not her body, everything else could be the chips on the table. A person who could use draconian aura to suppress low-level beasts would no doubt be the backbone of their Northern Reclaiming Unit. As long as the asking price was within her power, she would do anything to satisfy him.

“I’m not so sure about this. Perhaps he is a man with a dark past? Why don’t we just go ask him directly? Who knows? Maybe he knows that you’re coming today and he was just trying to impress you!” The black Soul Armature said in his previous frivolous manner.

“Well, what are you waiting for then? Let’s go! ” Undine said in a slightly agitated tone. The legs that was covered with black silk stocking jolted as her delicate body rose up from the sofa. That beautiful light blue hair was rustling in the breeze and the aura radiated from her body transformed the elegance and carefree temperament that an aristocratic person usually possessed to the ingenuity and grace of the Butterfly Saint of Swords.

At that moment, Baiyi had already collected the 1600 gold coins that belonged to him and they were all well-hidden in his stomach. That heavy weight plus the crisp clinking sounds of the coins filled Baiyis heart with a simple happiness. It was 1600 gold coins after all! Not something as meager as sixteen buns. With that amount of money, he could basically buy everything that Mia wanted, be it that beautiful dress or the dessert that she craved for or even a new plushie doll for her.

Currently, the Voidwalkers were fully engrossed in their debate on how to use their first real pot of gold. Althouse it was still far from enough to open an alchemy or a blacksmith workshop but it was entirely possible to temporarily rent a small shop to make some potions and equipments. With that method, they could generate more income by selling those things. And then, they could also buy a set of luxurious equipment for their beloved Mia-chan and watch her perform in the arena just like how Baiyi did a moment ago. Don’t you think it was quite the perfect idea?

“Please be sure to create my modified Cultivation Pill which I named the NINE CIRCULATION SUPER GOLDEN PILL 1 ! This pill is at least 5 times more effective than the average Cultivation Pill that you find in the market! We can just throw it in an auction and I’m sure those rich people would come flocking to fight for this pill. THIS IS OUR LONG AWAITED FAME GUYS! MUAHAHAHA!”

Well... It does sound plausible. And we could also use it on Mia-chan as well. This is quite a good suggestion actually, erm... except for that lousy name... By the way, don’t you think you’re a little too proud of yourself for coming up with that kind of name?

“Of course! Please call me The Medicine Elder ! As the saying goes, ‘every dog will have its day’! Now finally it’s MY turn to rule this world!” the Alchemist replied, unperturbed by Baiyi’s remarks.

Tsk tsk tsk! Another person who is poisoned by online novels 2

. I’ve said so much and you only heard my last sentence? Is that what they call selective hearing? Gee, remember that kiddo at the Soul Armature Appraisal last time? The way you’re acting now is exactly like him! And what a braggart you are! If you are that great, why don’t you show us some moves to prove yourself then?!Baiyi mercilessly attacked the Alchemist’s delusion of grandeur.

“Er... erm... I’M SORRY! I WAS TOO FULL OF MYSELF!” The Alchemist cried, while he ran away with his face covered from the embarassment.

“Let’s just forge some magical equipments then. But, we should abide the original promise we made, those equipments are NOT allowed to be sold to other humans.”

WHAT? SO WHAT IS THE POINT OF FORGING EQUIPMENTS THEN? This is the pan-human realm Isythre and not that realm of Marle that was full of all kinds of different living beings! What should I do with those equipments if I’m not allowed to sell them?

“Well, give it to Mia-chan of course! Or you can use it yourself!” the Blacksmith spoke with great confidence. “No matter what, you have already given your words to me. Does the virtuous and righteous Fifth Walker plan to go against his own words?”

Oh c’mon! As the greatest leader and liberator in the Dwarf’s history, why can’t you be more magnanimous? I know that the human beings had enslaved your people for as long as one could remember but under your leadership, didn’t you manage to break the shackles and lead your people to freedom in the end? The war between both sides have ended a few years ago. Your descendants have also been socialising pretty well with the humans today. Is there still a need to hold such deep resentment? What’s more, those human beings that enslaved your people were from Marle and not Isythre, isn’t it? Baiyi tried to reason it out with him.

“I don’t care what realm they are from as long as they are human beings. You would never understand the grief and pain that I was put through when they decided to slaughter my fellow brethren and threw my wife and kids into a furnace alive just because I refused to forge weapons for them. Such agonizing pain could not simply be passed on and felt through Memory Sharing!” The Blacksmith’s deep scar in his heart was opened up once again by Baiyi’s words. His tone had become much heavier, turning the atmosphere of the conversation gloomy as well..

The Blacksmith continue, “Let me ask you one question. What would you do if somebody did this to Mia-chan?”

I will make sure every single nerve, muscle and even every cell suffers from the most cruel and torment ever... continuously for every single second ofeternity... Baiyi replied seriously, I’m sorry, Sir Blacksmith. I was being too insensitive.

“It’s alright, Sir Hope. I’m sorry that my suggestion is not useful. Please listen to their suggestions instead,” the Blacksmith motioned to the other Walkers.

However, the previously warm atmosphere had already become heavy from the conversation between those two. Somehow it appeared that the words of the Blacksmith had made them recall their own sad memories. Soon, like a pandemic disease, a sad ambience enveloped the Void.

Seeing the mood of these Walkers that were suddenly dampened, Baiyi, the person who initiated the topic, quickly took responsibility by saying suddenly, Hey guys... let’s not be this quiet! We just earned a huge amount of gold, didn’t we? Erm, how about this? In order to celebrate this victory, let me build a massive online game for you all!

The proposal aroused the interest of most of the Voidwalkers. After all, such a large-scale battlefield would require a large amount of mind energy so Baiyi would only build it for them when he was in an extremely good mood. It was very rare for such an opportunity to present itself.

“YES! Let us play that game! You know.. the one where the police beats up the bandit? I’m going to play the police this time! And oh yeah, please make sure you prepare a karambit 3 for me okay?” The Devil immediately suggested.

Do you even know how much it costs to get that one weapon? And besides, that game is a battle between a force of well-trained anti-terrorists elites and the cunning terrorists! Not some police chase and crackdown game! And you are a devil for God’s sake. What sort of devil-police character are you going to be? I hope you don’t request for a chaplain or pastor character next time!

“Duh! Money is not a problem for me at all. Feel free to take however much you like when you open my treasure vault alright? But then again, that chaplain idea seems to be quite interesting... hmmmm... The game about the 20 greedy Adventurers who besieged an innocent man 4 that we played last time is interesting as well. I remember I played a warrior whose role was to protect the team but the chaplain and paladin refused to give me treatment after I was injured causing our team to lose the game that time! If we were to play that game again, I wanna be the chaplain instead!” The Devil said in a serious tone.

That time, the person who played the chaplain and paladin was no other than our Cleric and ‘Hentai’. Did you really think that they were gonna treat your injury? It was no wonder that the game only lasted for 10 seconds. This kind team combination should not even dream of killing the boss. Those single-player game would be much more well-suited for you people...

“Oh! That game was indeed very interesting. It was in line with my identity after all. I haven’t played it for a long time now but I can still taste the excitement of torturing the citizen... Hmmm... How I wish I could relive that memory again...” The Thane chimed in, reminiscing about the aftertaste of that unforgettable memory.

What a disgusting hobby! As a thane with the nickname Bloodthirsty Baron who went all over the realm to prey on the weak, haven’t you had enough of torturing the poor?

“Not including Sir Hope, we have a total of 32 Walkers right now. Isn’t this number just right to have a great tank war or a battleship war? Only the perfect creation of technology and steel is in line with the definition of men’s romance, don’t you think so?” The Merchant who was obviously upset just now suddenly proposed enthusiastically.

“OH OH OH! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT! Something like the Japanese battleship Yamato is the greatest weapon of humankind! This is exactly my type of game!” The Assassin quickly jumped in to support that idea.

The Cleric, on the other hand, had a different opinion, “Well, I would prefer the Destroyer Shimakaze 5 more. With that bunny ears, colorful stockings and the black undies, don’t you think she would be nice to lick?

“But what about the first tutorial character who shows up first in the game? The one who usually gives you Quests! I think she is extremely cute as well! She is probably the best woman out there in the world!” The Bard quickly retorted, “If possible, I really wish to marry this kind of girl one day!”

What the hell are you guys talking about? Do the three of you even realize that you are talking about three freaking different things?How can you just mix these unrelated things together? AND WHY ARE YOU ADDICTED TO SHIPS SUDDENLY ANYWAY? Baiyi snapped finally.

Still, he eventually made a decision for those indecisive geeks and created a huge battlefield over the great plains and began to shove every Voidwalker into their own tank, leaving them to kill each other in the game.

“GIVE ME THE TYPE 59 GOLD 6 ! WELL, IF YOU CAN’T, AT LEAST GIVE ME A RARE TYPE!” The Devil protested loudly and Baiyi immediately shoved him into an experimental prototype tank instead.

Translator’s Thoughts

asukatarilinn asukatarilinn

I literally wanted to kill myself when I saw this chap! A whole chap dedicated to MMOG is not a good news at all! Look at those games references! There is one that I really don’t get no matter how hard I Googled... erm... I really tried my best guys in finding all these references, please don’t throw banana peels at me *cries*

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