I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 574: Reality Anchor

Chapter 574: Reality Anchor

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The moment the machine was turned on, not only Chen Chen but even the psionicists in the Eco Science City also felt a sense of lag.

Still, this feeling was very subtle and only psionicists could feel it. Not only that but most psionicists only thought that it came from their own body without considering other factors.

It was only in a certain women’s changing room in the Biological Experimental Center that piercing screams suddenly erupted and a group of women ran out in their underwear.

Immediately before security arrived, Blake sneaked out with a cardboard box covering him, murmuring “superpower failure”, “caught in the act”, and so on.

At this time, Chen Chen silently perceived this stagnant weight. He closed his eyes slightly and soaked it in, and then directly teleported back to the ground.

On the surface, that feeling still existed, emanating from the 700-meter-depths of the Spire and suppressing all the psionicists in the entire Eco Science City.

Seeing this, Chen Chen picked one direction and flew into the distance.

One hundred kilometers, two hundred kilometers, three hundred kilometers...

Chen Chen kept flying but the suppression of his psionic powers remained even after he flew into the boundary of the Rainbow Nation.

It was not until Chen Chen flew out a full 1,500 kilometers that the feeling of being suppressed completely elapsed.


Chen Chen stood at an altitude of 1,000 meters and looked back solemnly. “In other words, such an instrument can suppress an area of ??7 million square kilometers... If it’s used against Consciousness Stealers, wouldn’t it be a sure win?”

However, Chen Chen immediately frowned because he still remembered that the dimension of Doom had pinned the entire Earth. If such a machine was all that was needed to solve things, they would not have to use so many giant needles.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen shook his head, turned around, and started to return but when he was still less than halfway through the flight, he suddenly felt that the suppression had disappeared.

At the same time, Little X’s voice came from the headset. “Sir Godfather, that instrument has run out of electricity.”

“Has the power of the supercapacitor run out?”

Chen Chen teased. “It seems to be another big power consumer.”

Upon his return to the Spire Experimental Base, Chen Chen looked at the device in a completely new light. He asked, “Can this device be replicated?”

“It’s difficult.”

Little X made a bitter face. “Some of the parts and materials inside aren’t things that can be made in our time, even though we’ve entered the fifth industrial revolution. Particularly its core — that zircon, the synthetic zircon, isn’t a big deal but the real difficulty is element 126.

“It can be said that the element 126 added in the zircon is the real core of this device. Only this element has the power to suppress psionic powers and the other mechanisms in the entire instrument are used to assist element 126.

“Not only that, but element 126 also requires the Large Hadron Collider to be manufactured and the output is extremely small.”

“We also have a collider.”

Chen Chen resolutely said, “Don’t worry, go ahead and give it a shot. Suspend other tasks related to the collider and devote all your energy to the synthesis of element 126.”

“Got it.”

Little X replied.

Hearing this, Chen Chen said nothing else.

If possible, Chen Chen also wanted to copy the method of the mysterious third party in Doom by inserting twenty giant needles into the depths of the earth to seal the Consciousness Stealer but to achieve this amount of work was temporarily beyond the scope of Blacklight Biotechnology.

If he wanted to test it out, Chen Chen could only take this reassembled giant needle to the dimension of his avatar to see if this instrument could seal the Consciousness Stealer.

Of course, this was still dangerous and the ability to seal his opponent’s psionic power was no guarantee of a victory. As far as Chen Chen knew, the Consciousness Stealer of that dimension had grown to the size of a mountain and it was by no means that much smaller than the blood cloud he saw in Doom’s dimension. Even if its psionic energy was sealed, it would be difficult for Chen Chen to kill it.

It was even possible that the machine would be damaged.

At this point, Chen Chen finally understood why that mysterious third party would wrap the machine in a layer of high-offset armor.

In view of the immense function of this machine, Chen Chen also thought about whether he should revisit the dimension of Doom and take back a few more machines, but this idea was quickly dispelled.

He had felt an indescribable pang of danger. The blood cloud was likely not much inferior to the Consciousness Stealer.

In other words, that thing was also equivalent to a kind of Consciousness Stealer.

However, just as Chen Chen was reflecting on this machine, another piece of good news finally came about. The time machine from the Terminator movie had been fully deciphered and could now be used.


Chen Chen slowly opened his eyes and crawled out of the cryogenic chamber.

Several Black Knights immediately walked in from the door and began to provide nutrition and hydration for Chen Chen in the form of various foods.

“Sir Commander, you’ve been asleep for a long while this time.”

X-112’s voice came. By this time, Chen Chen had once again come to the dimension of the end times.

“Prepare to contact the Joint Resistance Army.”

Chen Chen nodded. He started feasting on the food on the table while saying instinctively, “Bring me paper and pen.”

Immediately, a Black Knight brought over paper and pen.

Chen Chen took it and then he wrote down all the things in his memory.

“Frictionless bearing... Nuclear photon instrument, XTN android chip 2657... Superconducting electric-powered drive...”

Chen Chen narrowed his eyes. He spent more than half an hour and only stopped for good after writing four full pages.


Chen Chen exhaled and looked at the Black Knight in front of him. “Are there any of these in Blacklight City?”

One of the Black Knights immediately stepped forward. He took Chen Chen’s pen and paper and seemed to be scanning it with his eyes. After a few seconds, X-112 continued. “There are 1879 types of materials and electronic equipment you need, of which about 816 types can be found in the warehouse of Blacklight City, and 1063 types that aren’t in stock.”

“None at all?”

Chen Chen could not help frowning.

“If you need them, we can expropriate them from the private sector. There are millions of residents in Blacklight City, so we should be able to expropriate some of it.”

X-112 suggested.


Chen Chen nodded. “Publish all the missing materials and see who can find them. Tell the residents of Blacklight City that those who can find anything in the above list will be greatly rewarded! Not only that... Send someone to contact the other four forces in the Joint Resistance Army and see if they have the materials I need.”


X-112 promised without hesitation.

The following operations did not require Chen Chen’s time. Naturally, various departments of Blacklight City would carry out the tasks. After eliminating most of the corrupted class, this city of human survivors began to glow with new vitality.

In less than half a month, Chen Chen had collected most of the materials, but there was some valuable equipment that needed to be purchased at high prices from the other four forces of the Joint Resistance Army.

Of course, there was no unified currency system in the world today. The so-called high prices were just a large amount of survival materials.

Chen Chen was not stingy in this regard. After all, as long as the time machine was set up, Chen Chen could continuously transport supplies from reality. It was a very profitable business indeed to exchange only some survival supplies for the devices Chen Chen wanted.

Soon, all the materials needed by Chen Chen were collected.

A few days later, Chen Chen deliberately emptied a large warehouse in Blacklight City. He dismissed all outsiders, leaving only a few Black Knights to do the job.

Chen Chen walked to the piles of machinery. As his Field moved swiftly, the equipment was assembled into several piles by a few invisible hands and then they were put ??together bit by bit.

“Click, click...”

Under the control of Chen Chen, a five-meter-high pedestal, like an arch, was gradually built!

From beginning to end, Chen Chen kept working for two hours. After installing the last small screw, Chen Chen wiped off his sweat and heaved a sigh of relief.

Based solely on the memory in his mind, a time machine had been successfully built.

“This is the time machine from Terminator.”

Chen Chen said quietly. The next step was very simple. He glanced at the Black Knight next to him. The Black Knight controlled by X-112 immediately understood and carried over a thick cable from the side, then connected it methodically to the base of the time machine.

This optical cable was connected to the only nuclear fusion reactor in Blacklight City, which was also a generator that provided electricity to Blacklight City.

“Weooo —!”

Suddenly, a burst of sirens sounded across the city, and then a mighty voice rang from above the city. “Blacklight City is preparing for an electrical overhaul. The city will be powered off in one minute. All residents please be prepared.”

This notice had been issued a few days ago. After hearing this news, the residents in the city were not too surprised. Some important departments naturally had emergency generators.

“Thirty seconds countdown...

“Twenty seconds.

“Ten, nine, eight...

“Three, two, one!”

With that last countdown, the homes of countless consumers across the entire city, starting from the city hall in the center of the city, abruptly lost power. At the same time, all the electricity was supplied to the time machine.


On the arch above the time machine, a series of electric beams flashed quickly while the arch began to rotate at an increasing pace. In the end, it was practically creating afterimages.

“Crackle, crackle!”

Countless arcs flickered and the entire warehouse was illuminated by these arcs.

“Time adjustment starting.”

Following X-112’s prompt, the LCD screen on the time machine immediately lit up and the number displayed ??flipped quickly like a meter, flipping down from the number 2410 to the number 2029. At the same time, rows of red lights blinked at high frequency.


Suddenly, one of the red lights turned into a green light, and the number 2029 remained. Instead, the other numbers behind began to flip.

2029 was the year this machine had locked upon and next was to fix the month, date, hour, minute, and second.

“Beep, beep, beep...”

The green lights lit up and eventually, all the red lights had turned into green lights, which meant that not only on Chen Chen’s side but also in the other dimension, the time machine had made the connection. The two machines had completely unified the date and a dimension bridge had been quietly built...

“Time is locked, starting to dock...”

X-112 continued. “The docking is complete. The time bridge has been connected and it is ready to receive the teleportation...”

After this sound, suddenly, the electric arc surrounding the time machine expanded rapidly and even the frequency became higher. Suddenly, a dazzling arc exploded furiously. In the next second, a fully naked, half-kneeling man appeared on the platform of the time machine!


An invisible air current rippled outward. Chen Chen narrowed his eyes and looked up to the platform, only to see the half-kneeling man slowly straighten up. He looked at Chen Chen with a blank face and then walked toward Chen Chen step by step.

This was a Black Knight.

“Sure enough, the clothes disappeared.”

Chen Chen frowned. He recalled that in the setting of Terminator, although the time machine could perform teleportation, it could only teleport humans. Anything exposed outside the biological tissue could not be teleported.

Therefore, the robots sent by Skynet would have a layer of artificial skin because a robot without this layer of skin could not be teleported.

However, Chen Chen still tested it. On the other side of the dimension, Little X had asked a Black Knight to wear a GS Combat Suit and various weapons to be teleported to test whether this law could be broken. Nonetheless, now it appeared that the clothes and weapons had disappeared without a trace, so the rule from the movie still prevailed.

Even so, this did not stump Chen Chen. He first closed his eyes and allowed his consciousness to return to reality. After an hour or so passed, he returned to the dimension of the end times.

“Continue the teleportation.”

The moment he opened his eyes, Chen Chen ordered again.


There was then the flickering of another electric arc and Chen Chen closed his eyes slightly. When he reopened them, a large human skin package had appeared on the platform.

This was a package the size of a shipping container. From the outside, it looked like a square block of biological tissue, four or five meters high and two or three meters wide.

Several Black Knights walked up, carried the human skin package down, and then lightly swiped with a blade. A trace of blood seeped out and under the human skin, there was a normal steel container.

“To think that the artificial skin we developed at that time would be used in this manner.”

Chen Chen said with a chuckle.

Inside the container, there were a large number of instrument parts and materials. After this container was delivered here, several more containers wrapped in human skin were shipped over one after another. Countless electric arcs were glimmering rapidly.

These containers were loaded with none other than the device that Chen Chen brought from the dimension of Doom to suppress psionic energy.

Since this device could inhibit psionic powers, Chen Chen gave it a special name —

Blackwatch Reality Anchor.

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