I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 87: Gantz Suit Analysis

Chapter 87: Gantz Suit Analysis

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The analysis experiment on the Gantz Suit went on for two days.

After two days, the components and features of the Gantz Suit were finally revealed.

“Mr. Chen Chen, allow me to explain it to you.”

Passadin stood on the stage and turned on the projector as well as the curtain. “We’re at the final stages of the analysis on this never seen before body armor. The results we obtained are extremely fascinating.”

Passadin took a glance at the Gantz Suit tattered beyond recognition as he cast a picture with the projector. “After countless dissections, we finally managed to extract a smoother section of the material. This is what the first layer of the cross-section looks like after being magnified a thousand times —”

Chen Chen raised his head and saw countless densely weaved together black threads on the screen. They formed a clothed shaped pattern after being weaved together.

“Do you see it? This material was woven from nanowires. The reason we couldn’t notice traces of the weaving pattern is that the thread is far too thin. We’ve measured its diameter at 100 nanometers, which is one-fifth of the diameter of a regular strand of hair.”

“What material are these nanowires formed from and is it possible to manufacture them?” Chen Chen asked.

“After running our tests, we’ve discovered that it belongs to a class of carbon fiber. It’s a high-performance carbon fiber processed with specialized technology. ”

Passadin explained, “Carbon fiber is the toughest known fiber material in the world. It possesses excellent modulus performance and impact resistance and can withstand temperature up to 1300 degrees Celsius without being damaged. However, you may find it extremely difficult to achieve such thinness using ordinary technique.”

“And this is only the first layer.” Pitken added. “Even though the entire combat suit is no more than 5 millimeters thick, there are five measured layers within it.”

“That’s right. The second layer is made of a layer of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber that’s also woven together delicately. Its strength is second only to carbon fiber, but it’s of a softer quality.”

Passadin explained, “The third layer, which is the middle layer, consists of the liquid-form layer you mentioned. We’ve settled on the terminology ‘liquid armor’ for now.

“After running our experiments, we found that the bulletproofing qualities of the liquid armor are several times more superior to that of the shear thickening fluids commonly used in the industry. Upon sustaining impact from a significant amount of kinetic energy, it instantly dispersed the energy absorbed in the form of transmission. All at the same time, it transmutes from a liquid form to a solid form which grants the material extreme sturdiness.”

“Apart from that, we’ve noticed that the liquid armor undergoes a drastic change of form upon receiving mild electric currents. We also found a large number of electrode patches in the armor along with an electrical spine hidden in the back. It appears that it can control the liquid using the electrical signals originating from the human nerves. This way, it was able to strengthen the user’s physical capabilities.

“Unfortunately, the equipment in this laboratory was not able to deduct the specific composition of this liquid armor.” Passadin expressed with a hint of remorse.

“It’s alright, tell me about the rest.”

Chen Chen was not bothered by that, considering that this was an equipment extracted from a movie. According to the plot, these were originally alien technology that was gifted to the governmental bodies on Earth. It was no surprise that it could not be wholly analyzed using present technology.


Passadin continued. “Moving on to the fourth layer of the body armor now. This is also a layer consisting of carbon fiber which is incorporated to strengthen heat and impact resistance. The innermost layer is the inner lining which serves the purpose of absorbing sweat, providing a comfier overall experience for the wearer. There’s also a large number of electrode chips attached which links to the electrical spine located at the back of the armor.

“Regarding the electrical spine, I’m afraid it’s beyond our field of ??expertise. If you want to know more about it, you may need to refer to experts in electronic systems,” Passadin informed.

This meant that the key to solving the issue with the biometric authentication restriction of the Gantz Suit lay in the electrical spine...

Chen Chen nodded and pondered silently.

Passadin took a sip of water before explaining further, “Do you see these button-like devices on the jacket? We noticed that these circular devices shaped like buttons are a safety measure design.”

“What makes us say so? Because after putting on this suit of body armor, the average person could only withstand a certain amount of kinetic impact. If the kinetic impact surpasses the threshold which the human body could withstand, the wearer will be crushed by the sheer amount of pressure.

“This brings us to these buttoned designs located on the limbs and neck. Upon absorbing a certain amount of impact which surpasses the before-mentioned threshold, the pistons in these buttons will discharge an amount of liquid based on the pressure. This makes it so that the user can survive in such a scenario where the impact sustained is greater than which the human body can handle.

“Naturally, this failsafe feature only works once.”

Passadin added.

“Simply put, this body armor can withstand bullet-force impact up to 1000 to 1500 Joules, which is around the range of pistols and mid-range rifles. Its defensive rating is close to that of a modern high-end body armor but it allows the wearer to be more mobile along with a larger surface area of protection.

“In addition, this body armor performs excellently against forms of sharp and blunt weapons. And that’s the full detailed analysis of the body armor.”

Passadin released a drawn-out breath and nodded at Chen Chen’s direction. “I hope Mr. Chen is satisfied with our analysis?”

“Very satisfied, thank you all.”

Chen Chen applauded. “Thank you for your hard work over the last two days. As promised, the ten thousand U.S. Dollars will be transferred to your respective bank accounts shortly. I hope that you’ll honor the agreement and keep this experiment a secret. I don’t want to hear a word of anyone else learning about the existence of this body armor.”

“Of course.” Pitken nodded. “Since we’ve signed the non-disclosure agreement, we’ll naturally abide by the contract.”

The other two nodded in agreement.

After Chen Chen waited for the three of them to pack up the devices and erase all traces of the experiment, he collected the tattered remnants of the Gantz Suit and announced, “Alright, why don’t we take a group picture to commemorate our collaboration.”

“Group picture?” the three of them came before Chen Chen and looked at each other quizzingly.

“Yes, a group picture.” Chen Chen responded with a nod. He put on a pair of sunglasses before revealing a metallic device before them.


Passadin noted with mild amusement when he noticed the device Chen Chen held in his hand. “Hold on, I’ve seen this thing before. Isn’t this the one from Men in...”


A burst of white light. Their expressions quickly changed from one of confusion to a dazed look hanging on their faces.

“I’d like to thank the three of you for your work in the past two days. I’m very satisfied with your detailed analysis of the fossils I presented.”

When Chen Chen finished, he took a strangely shaped rock from his pocket and waved it in front of them.

The three of them gradually regained their sense as Chen Chen walked out of the laboratory...


“Boss, Cheng Cao and I barely had time to put on our sunglasses just now...”

Upon walking out of the laboratory, Qian Wenhuan went pale as he quickly explained, “I don’t really mind having my memory erased, what I’m worried about is what if something were to happen to you, Boss...”

Chen Chen shook his head and did not know whether he should laugh or cry at that remark. “Don’t worry about it. The strength of the radiation is inversely proportional to the distance from the source. As long as you’re not standing directly in front of the device, the amount of radiation received is negligible.”

“Why would you still need sunglasses then?”

“Always can use some little ritual to spice life up a bit, don’t you agree?”


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