Fatal Shot

Chapter 481 - Relieving Good News

Chapter 481: Relieving Good News

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

[You’ve accepted the Legendary Grade Hidden Mission – William’s Request. Please find a suitable person to treat Sally within the 12-hour timeframe...]

[Legendary Mission – William’s Request Phase One has been completed. Phase Two is currently underway...]

Inside Lin’s biology lab within Storm City.

Feng Luo sat in the living hall and read the last two system logs he received before he logged off the game yesterday.

It had been more than half a day since the battle yesterday. At the moment, the in-game time was eight in the morning and the sun had just risen into the sky not that long ago.

At around one in the afternoon the day before, using their identity of being people from the special agent department, the group easily got through the NPC army’s blockade and entered Storm City.

While entering Storm City, Feng Luo explained their situation to Lin, and she agreed to help immediately. She even drove the lab’s specialized quarantine vehicle and brought along her mechanical assistant robot to the rendezvous point to pick up and transfer the group to the lab.

Haruko’s reply also came very quickly. With regard to Feng Luo’s request of placing little Sally with Lin so that she could receive treatment, the special agent department’s higher-ups agreed to it very easily.

However, Feng Luo quickly understood the reason.

To the NPC Federation special agent department, they were initially eyeing William’s G-virus information, the original virus strain, and William himself, who was an expert when it came to the G-virus. Saving young Sally was only to ensure that William could work for the Federation Government without any worries in the future.

However, their plan to protect William and capture Wesker encountered several unexpected developments.

William died after injecting the G-virus and mutating. In such a situation, the little girl, who had contracted an incurable disease and required a substantial amount of credits to treat, naturally had no value to them.

To the government, the most they would do was provide some humanitarian aid and some form of medical support to the little girl.

However, the Federation Government probably did not expect that the G-virus information and original strain that they highly valued were actually all hidden within the little girl’s body.

“The original strain and experiment data of the G-virus, huh? Once we get these things, it is highly likely that we will be able to create advanced versions of items such as the Permanent Enhancement Potion!” On this, Feng Luo was looking forward to things.

In the beginning of the Biohazard Crisis (aka Resident Evil) storyline the price of the Permanent Enhancement Potion dropped to less than 500,000 credits per potion. During a Huan Yu Company auction yesterday, the W-virus Permanent Enhancement Potion, which had been very popular and had been constantly understocked, did not receive any successful bid at the end of the auction, meaning that the profit from the Enhancement Potion obtained back at Roguetown, which also triggered the first phase of the Epic Level mission, had already reached its peak.

If Feng Luo wanted to continue making money from this mission, he needed to progress the mission a lot faster.

This time, the mission by William provided him the opportunity to do so. As long as Lin succeeds in healing young Sally, then the G-virus should enter the criteria of being something that could be developed.

With regard to the G-virus Pet Enhancement Fluid and Human Enhancement Fluid... Perhaps, they could also be manufactured too.

As Feng Luo deliberated in his mind, Lin, who had donned on a full set of protective gear, walked out of the lab. “What’s the situation?”

“Both research subjects are very valuable.” The “King Parrot” intelligent program rested on Lin’s shoulder.

At that time, even though she was walking, data and 3D images continued to stream across Lin’s technology spectacles.

Feng Luo looked a bit speechless. Clearly, to Lin, young Sally was not a “patient,” but rather she was considered a “research subject.”

However, the situation was not weird at all. After all, Lin was not a doctor; rather, she was a virologist.

Regardless, Feng Luo decided that he would still ask and clarify things. This was an important matter that was related to five stat points to all his basic stats. “I wanted to ask you something. In terms of the little girl’s treatment progress and success rate...”

“Ah, yes. The situation isn’t that good. Although the little girl’s body has residues of the inhibitory drug, she was sent here a bit too late. The Evolution Virus has already synergized to an advanced level.” Lin lifted her head and her technology spectacles projected a screen in front of Feng Luo, displaying a bunch of complex data and information to him.

Upon hearing this, Feng Luo’s face stiffened. “No way! I sent her over here without any hesitation or delay at all!”

Since Lin said that the situation was not that good, did that mean that they encountered something unexpected after all?

“It has been a while since she was injected with the inhibitory drug, that’s why her body is not in good condition right now. However, her life is still in a stable condition. I modified the treatment plan a little, the final result should be fine.” Lin pushed her spectacles up her nose bridge and stared at Feng Luo with a blank expression.

“Phew...” Feng Luo breathed a sigh of relief. He could finally relax but his face showed that he was still a little speechless.

He really wanted to tell Lin, “Hey Aunty, you shouldn’t be so roundabout when you speak, the five stat points deduction penalty for all basic stats was still considered quite heavy...”

“Compared to the little girl, the middle aged man infected by the T-virus is in a more troublesome condition. His human cells possesses a special power. Based on what you said, it should be the Force, which is why he has been able to endure for so long even after being infected by the T-virus. However, he has been infected for a very long time, so the T-virus has already merged with his genes permanently, and caused quite a bit of mutation. Even after he recovers, I’m afraid there will be some permanent changes.” Lin did not completely ignore Feng Luo’s expression. The image projected through her spectacles shifted. It switched to a middle aged Caucasian man being submerged inside a round-shaped device.

It was clear that Lin was quite renowned even within the Federation Government. That’s why the treatment of the special agent codenamed “White Wolf” was also left with her.

Lin did not object to the arrangement of the Federation Government either. After all, she would never reject free specimens handed to her straight in her lab.

When Feng Luo was contemplating the issue, the image projected by Lin’s spectacles disappeared. Then, she stared straight at him, “However, compared to him, I’m much more interested in your body.”

At the same time, the metallic floor beside her suddenly opened up and a blood extraction device with examination functions was already held in her hand.

“Hey, hold on! What are you trying to do?” Upon hearing Lin’s words and seeing her actions, Feng Luo was dumbfounded and reacted instinctively by backing one step away from her.

“Extracting your blood, of course. I no longer have enough blood to develop the W-virus. And I will need to obtain cells from other parts of your body. Specifically, cells from spots where you were injured.” Lin looked at Feng Luo through her technology spectacles as if she was looking at a test subject and thinking where she should start first.

“Extract my blood... Damn it, I actually forgot about this. But taking my blood has been enough before, why do you need cells from other areas now?” Feng Luo regained his senses and showed a bitter smile. He stood in place without resisting, but he still asked as he was curious.

“The Force piqued my interest. Since you have awakened the Force, it is only natural that I retest your body and obtain fresh stats. Truth be told, I’m looking forward to your body stats more than subject number three’s stats that really surprised me this time.” Lin had already injected the blood extraction tool into Feng Luo’s arm. She stared at the information of the blood extraction device while she spoke.

Feng Luo thought for a moment and asked, “Subject number three? William?”

He previously collected William’s blood as well as skin and bone cells for Lin because his instincts told him that those samples would be helpful to the progression of his Epic Level Evolution Virus mission, and now, Lin’s words were evidence that his judgment was correct.

“That’s right, subject number three’s samples... I found an interesting piece of data from within. There’s a 70% chance that it will be able to help my research breakthrough its current bottleneck. With your blood and cells, the probability of that happening will drastically increase.” Lin’s eyes under her technology spectacles were calm; however, her pupils showed a feverish kind of passion.

Her eyes were completely the same as Digital Cat’s, who had been modifying the T-750 prototype overnight based on the battle data of the day before inside the studio downstairs, when she talked about making mechas.

“These two women!”

Although one was a player and the other an NPC, Feng Luo felt that the two genius young women were quite similar in terms of their personality and character, as they both were workaholics with high IQ.

Feng Luo was looking forward to the breakthrough in Lin’s research regardless. As such, he let Lin reign free when it came to extracting and obtaining all types of samples and conducting tests on his body.

“You’ve received a message!”

Immediately after Lin’s tests were done, his communication device beeped.

After he connected it, Onishi’s voice filled the air. “We’ve already found a buyer. The time of the deal is in 15 minutes, inside private suite number 888 at the Star Galaxy Hotel.”

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