Fatal Shot

Chapter 211 - Hidden Profession “With a Future”

“It really is!”

Hearing this answer of confirmation, even with his composure, Feng Luo felt an uncontrollable rise in his heart rate!

“I’ll go! It’s a second basic profession!”

Probably every player in War could have comprehended what a second basic profession meant.

It was important to note that any basic profession in War had its own definite pros and cons. For instance, the Heavy Armor Warrior had high HP and defense but low attack power and movement speed, and it was easy to be made use of by Gunners.

Machine Gunners did enough damage and had high explosive power but were immobile once the machine gun was propped up, and they would be exposed with a gap in attack once the chain of bullets had been fired, thus making them easy to be counterattacked. Although Fire Manipulators had extremely high attack power and various ranged skills, their energy shields had low defense, and they had low HP. Thus, they were easy to defeat.

But if these basic professions were accompanied by a second profession to make up for their deficiencies, it would be completely “perfect”!

Imagine—a Sniper player with a Light Armor Warrior second profession. He could first continuously attack the enemy from 1,000 meters away and deplete its HP, maybe even finishing off the opponent.

Even if it was not finished off and a Light Armor Warrior from the opposing team moved in close, there would be no need to run. To the Light Armor Warrior’s shock, the player could raise his own alloy sword and parry without fear, swiftly finishing off the enemy head-on. Then the enemy would collapse with a vomit of blood, face full of resentment.

If there were too many on the opposing side, Charge could be engaged for an escape! For Gunners who were enhanced by agility, if the Charge was engaged, typical Light Armor Warriors, who were enhanced by strength, would never be able to catch up. Once he had “escaped” to a safe zone, he could then continue using the sniper rifle, killing at long-range! This was almost indestructible!

Another example was a Machine Gunner with a Heavy Armor Warrior second profession. Even though the Machine Gunner originally had high explosive power and also high attack power and range, his starting HP was too low. Furthermore, he was always the first target of attack by the opponent on the battlefield and thus required the protection of a Heavy Armor Warrior.

But if a Machine Gunner already had a Heavy Armor Warrior second profession, he would be able to straightaway raise an alloy shield to block in front of him after finishing a round of bullets, then steadily continue loading bullets while resisting the attacks—the opponent would probably be stunned! Especially since the Machine Gunner would already have a certain amount of physical attributes, and if it was further combined with the high HP and additional physique of the Heavy Armor Warrior, wouldn’t it be a surge in HP? Even exceeding his current amount of almost 6,500 “rad” HP wasn’t impossible!

A profession with high attack power paired with one of high survivability would be simply invincible. Also, these Profession Biochips even included Mechanist and Doctor choices. These two professions were already considered “special professions” among the basic professions! If the essences of the first and second professions were stacked, the enhancement from the four main basic attributes would be far beyond that of a normal player!

This could create a player with high attack, high defense, and high HP, who could be far, be close, fight monsters, and even assist.

Wait. If it really is like this, isn’t this Agent profession a little too overpowered?! Feng Luo thought, a little doubtful.

He had personally experienced the “Gun Mechanic Expert” hidden profession of War back then. The combat power was indeed incomparably strong. It could even be used with Sniper, Scout, and Machine Gunner weapons at the same time, at far and close distances and could take on even Commander-grade monsters in single combat.

But after careful consideration, it was still not as good as the power of two complementing basic professions joined together!

Furthermore, this Agent hidden profession had many unique exclusive pieces of equipment like the “Agent Wristwatch” and the “Agent Glasses”; if further added to the skills of double professions and the specialized complementary enhancements, it would be far beyond the Gun Mechanic Expert!

Both were hidden professions—with the other as War’s first hidden profession. Even with a standard differentiation that existed for hidden professions, it would not be such a huge difference, would it?

There must be something I haven’t thought of... Feng Luo pondered.

Feng Luo suddenly thought of a point, then looked at Haruko as he said, “Huh? Wait, what if the double professions used two biochips? Then would it be unable to use the two professions’ skills and specializations simultaneously?”

“Mister Kudo sure is shrewd,” said Haruko. “Only one of the two biochip cores can be activated at a time. For you adventurers, you would only be able to enjoy the specialized enhancements of one profession at a time and be able to use the skills of one profession. To use the other profession, it would be necessary to switch to the other biochip core. Usage of multiple biochips at once is a challenge in technique that, temporarily, has not been grasped. However, there perhaps will be a new breakthrough very soon. After all, the Federation has now already retrieved much of the technology lost from the great demolishment. It should be known that the Galaxy Empire in the past was already established in such technological research...”

Haruko smiled. Her eyes flashed with a sense of admiration, her words revealing a great amount of information.

“It also means that currently, this type of ‘double basic professions’ will be partially restricted, as the specializations and skills are unable to be added, so their power wouldn’t be as indestructible as imagined.”

But following the development of the game, the later Agent profession will even possess the true double... No, I should say multiple-profession hidden professions, because what she had said was “usage of multiple Biochips at once...”

Feng Luo had picked up the hidden message in the NPC’s words. Obviously, the “double professions” obtained after transferring to the Agent hidden profession at the time still had a partial restriction. However, with the progression of the game, this restriction would be eradicated with “technological recovery.” In fact, the second basic profession was not the end point of the Agent hidden profession—it was possible for a “third or fourth basic profession” to be introduced!

An ordinary person would definitely have found it difficult to catch the most important information in the words of the NPC, but Feng Luo, on the other hand, had caught on. The conclusion of the matter naturally brought him happiness.

“Even though there is still some restriction now, this Agent hidden profession is undoubtedly very powerful indeed!” said Haruko. “What’s more, it still has much of a future! Mister Kudo can choose any one of these 10 biochips. But I must remind you that there is a restriction set in this type of biochip: It can only be activated during the investigation mission period. If you cannot complete the upcoming mission, it’s a pity, but it’d be reclaimed tomorrow. It’ll also be reclaimed after completion of the investigation mission!”

Haruko, in her snow-white sakura kimono, said as she looked at Feng Luo, “Understood!”

Feng Luo did not feel that it was strange, as he had already guessed that this item must have been a mission item. After all, the real “second profession biochip” would definitely have been obtainable after completion of the mission and becoming an Agent.

It was also undoubtedly required of him to take up this profession mission.

Haruko smiled as she said, “Very well, Mister Kudo. The mission you have to complete has already been transmitted to your Agent Wristwatch. Now then, please choose one from the 10 biochips!”

“Hmm. I choose...”

Feng Luo’s vision shifted left and right across the 10 metallic chip syringes.

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