Red Storm

Chapter 163

After receiving the patrol warrior’s report, Kupepa looked toward Nakatin and Kinicks.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s hurry up and attack.”

Kupepa looked toward Kinicks after Nakatin’s response and started to speak.

“I’m concerned that it took them this long to do this. If they were going to divide up to search for us, they would have done so from the beginning. But why divide after taking all this time moving together? Wouldn’t this mean that they have a method to defend against our attack?”

Nakatin felt like Kupepa was ignoring him and started to speak in a slightly angry voice.

“Are you just going to just sit around being cautious and watch the enemy invade? It will be more troublesome if they start to drop some warriors little by little around the quicksand river.”

Kinicks thought for a moment before finally speaking.

“Wouldn’t Pareia have split up because they were getting anxious at the fact that they could not find us? Either that, or they are at least confident that they can run away. Our small boats cannot keep up with them if that large ship starts to gain speed.”

“I also think that may be the case, but the enemy Greatest Warrior Thriger is someone who has ruled over this quicksand river for a very long time......”

Seeing Kupepa hesitate like this, Nakatin started to speak.

“They said that the Golden Flag was raised. It was also raised on the ship that was separated on its own. If we can sink that one ship, Pareia will not dare to go to war. No matter what sacrifice we need to make, let’s catch at least that one ship.”

“That is the more concerning part. If Pareia’s Glow is on the ship, shouldn’t that ship get more protection? It feels like they are advertising that ‘We are here. Come get us.’ There has to be some sort of scheme.”

Kinicks started to respond to Kupepa’s answer.

“We at least know that the fact that the Golden Flag has been raised means that Pareia’s War Maniac is definitely on board. He has stood in the vanguard for all of their wars so it should be true this time as well. It could definitely be them mocking us to show up since they have not managed to find us.”

“That is why we should just catch that one ship.”

As Nakatin responded with frustration from the side, Kinicks agreed with his statement.

“It will not be good for the warriors’ morale for us to just sit around like this after being provoked by the enemy. Even if we need to make some sacrifices, catching the enemy Glow or killing him will help us not have to worry about war for at least a while.”

Kupepa wanted to move a bit more cautiously, but he could not give his suggestions with the two Glows coming at him like this.

“Then we will do as you wish.”

Seeing Kupepa’s unenthusiastic response, Kinicks added on to his statement.

“We have a lot of patrol officers around them, so there will be no chance of them surrounding us. If the situation does not seem good, we will disperse into multiple directions. We should not suffer much damage from this.”

Only then did Kupepa’s expression lighten up a bit as he nodded his head.

A single ship was slowly pushing through the desert sand. The endless golden light on all sides may make you get tired of it pretty quickly, but there was no reason to get angry or tired at a sight that you have seen everyday and will continue to see everyday for the rest of your life.

Yulian was sitting in the front of the ship looking out in front of him. He always felt happy whenever he was at the quicksand river. It used to be a useless area in the past, but now, it had brought a lot of benefits to Pareia, and it was a thankful place that was bringing peace to them as well.

“It’s peaceful.”

As Yulian looked toward Thriger who was standing behind him and made a comment, Thriger looked in the same direction and responded.

“It is always like this unless we see a monster.”

“I think the only people who like monsters are people on ships.”

“It would be extremely boring patrolling the river if even those monsters did not pop up. It will also be very bland. Hehehe.”

Yulian started to smile as Thriger started to laugh.

“They are not making a move. I thought they would jump on the chance.”

“I can see the enemy warriors out there on land so they should be aware of our movements. This just shows that the enemy is being cautious as well.”

Yulian started to become a bit worried as he responded back.

“If we do not catch them quickly, it will delay our use of the quicksand river to strike the enemy at the side. The special team on land has already headed out.”

“It will take a while if the enemy does not move, but it would be safer to use only six ships to move the warriors. It will take a lot more time than using our full fleet, but the damage from a single ship going down will be much less.”


Yulian let out a long sigh. It wasn’t that he was afraid. He did not have any thoughts that they would lose the war. The problem was how to reduce the damage as much as possible in the process.

He needed to look forward to the future. He needed to look toward the future after the desert was unified.

The desert was always lacking in population. But if the population goes up, you also need more food. They needed to aim for the continent for that and that required a lot of warriors.

“There is something up ahead!”

It was at that moment that a patrol warrior who was on top of the mast shouted out loudly.

Yulian and Thriger looked at each other at the same time.

Thriger returned to his position and Yulian looked out forward. A bit later, he could see something covering the quicksand river completely black.

“They are finally here.”

Thriger’s eyes started to sparkle as he shouted out.

“Everyone get ready! You know what to do, right?”

“Yes, Captain!”

The warriors on board shouted back vigorously from their positions.

“Volley Star, Mult-Arrow in position. Greaver, get ready.”

Greaver, who was serving as the First Mate, nodded his head and started to prepare to raise the sail with a couple of warriors.

It was a nightmare at first, but they were ready now.

Seeing many of the boats preparing to launch their fire arrows, Thriger shouted at his crew.

“Launch the prepared Volley Stars and quickly raise the sail!”

The Desert Runner 0 shot out four large arrows. It instantly sank four of the enemy small boats and dragged them into the quicksand river. By the time another large arrow shot out from the Volley Star, the boats of the united tribe had come pretty close.

“Use the Mult-Arrow to blast those bastards as soon as they are within range. Sail, what are you doing! What are we going to do if you are still only half way up!”

Thriger was shouting left and right as he urged his crew on.

The arrows of the Mult-Arrow started to fill the sky. Since they were prepared this time with trained archers and had the Mult-Arrows ready to go, the nearby boats could not help but get a lot of damage.


Once Thriger called out to Yulian, Yulian nodded his head, too a deep breath, and used his ki to shout in a loud voice.

“I am the Glow of Pareia! Today, I will clearly show you why they call me the War God of the Desert!”

Yulian’s voice was loud enough to make the ship feel like it was vibrating; it obviously was loud enough for the 20,000 enemy warriors to clearly hear as well.

There were some warriors who were shocked that a single person’s voice could reach all the way to them, as well as warriors who were afraid at seeing the rumored Yulian with their own eyes.

“Just one ship. Shoot everything we have as soon as we are within range!”

The lead warriors all shouted out in one voice from the back of the boats. If they could successfully win this battle, they could be safe from war. Thinking like this made the warriors bravely charge forward even against the endless barrage of arrows flying their direction.

The desert runner’s three square sails, two triangle sails, and the small assistant sail all opened widely at this moment and the Desert Runner started to move.

“Hmph, I was wondering how they were going to resist us with a single ship but they were just planning on doing a hit and run with such a large ship? Attack them before they gain speed!”

The Greatest Warrior of the united tribe saw the Desert Runner start to move and started to send a signal to the 2,500 small boats to his left.

“Chase after them. Team 3, do not shoot any arrows and pass them before waiting in front of them and firing.”

The Greatest Warrior who was responsible for the right side gave the same order as he urged the warriors forward.

“The enemy is trying to run away! Show them the strength of our united tribe!”

Around five hundred boats to the left and right stopped firing arrows as they rushed forward.

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