Red Storm

Chapter 113

There could be no other response.

Book 3-8.1

1st month of year 266 in the continental calendar.

The large marketplace in Pareia opened.

Since Edwin’s Merchant Guild was in charge of it, the size was three times larger than they had expected.


Runa happily welcomed Edwin, but Edwin responded with a complicated expression.

“I am scared seeing you welcome me like that.”

Ever since his discussion partner changed from Yulian, who was a beginner in trading, to Runa, Edwin had not been able to have as much fun.

Runa questioned everything, and used the fact that they gave Edwin a monopoly as a way to ask for compensation. Edwin could not say anything against that.

“I was waiting for you to arrive. Since you are the one to bring a large amount of materials to Pareia, as the person responsible for Pareia’s finances, Edwin-nim is like rain in the middle of summer.” [1]

Edwin was someone who had thrown away the easy life of a noble and decided to join the rough world of commerce.

‘Right, it needs to be at least this level to be entertaining.’

Edwin put on his work smile and started to speak.

“For one of Pareia’s warriors to rate a lowly merchant like me so highly, I am very thankful.”

“Now I am scared seeing you smile like that. Let’s head on in.”

As Runa offered Edwin the prepared seat, Edwin nodded his head and follow after him.

And then, the two men got straight to the point as soon as they sat down.

They had already felt each other out multiple times the last time they met, so they both felt like there was no need to share useless words.

“What is it you want this time?”

Once Edwin started to talk, Runa revealed the things he had thought about.

“The first is to increase the amount of iron by twice the normal amount.”

“Iron is not easy to get. Furthermore, with the serious tension in the Eastern continent right now, the other guilds are not willing to hand over any iron either. No matter what, the Silence Empire and the Rojini Kingdom will most likely go to war within the next three years. With the two strong nations going to war, it means that the multiple smaller nations under their control will be forced to take part as well. Knowing that is coming up, who would want to give up their iron right now? I’m sure that all of them are working hard to gather as much iron as possible right now.”

“Would I be asking you like this if it was easy to do? Furthermore, isn’t Edwin-nim’s guild based out of the Western continent where the situation is better?”

Edwin took a peek at Runa as he cautiously asked.

“Pareia should have gathered a lot of iron and weapons from the war against the Wikaly. Are you still that low on iron? Your number of warriors should not have increased by that much.”

Runa did not even blink before he answered.

“Since we will continue to go to war in the future, having more iron is always better. In addition, we need a lot of iron because we are trying to build a castle.”

“A castle? In the desert?”

As Edwin asked in disbelief, Runa just asked the question again instead of answering.

“So can you get it or not?”

“I’m sure you’ll threaten me again if I say I can’t?”

“I just explained the truth to you, I did not threaten you.”

Edwin glared at Runa who was calmly answering before finally opening his mouth.

“Fine, whatever. I will gather every little scrap of iron I can gather.”

Seeing the answer come out so easily after Edwin was contemplating for a long time, Runa started to smile internally.

Originally, he should have been afraid of the cards in Edwin’s hands, but the situation was different this time.

He was ready to take any attack. It was because he had a very strong card in his hand this time.

‘If I don’t ask now, when would I ask?’

Runa started to talk about the next item.

“Second, I hope you can find us some help.”

“I’m guessing you mean people?”

“Yes. In regards to this aspect, I can only trust in Edwin-nim’s reliability. We would also need experts in castle-building as well.”

“Hmm, there are many demands for castle renovations right now that I do not know if any such experts would be left.”

At Edwin’s fake tantrum, Runa slowly revealed the card in his hand.

“Aren’t you curious about the card in my hand? I plan on asking Edwin-nim for a lot of things today.”


Edwin, who had lost his smile at Runa’s stoic expression, could feel his heart beating loudly. This might be a jackpot.”

“I understand. I will find you the experts. Depending on the card that Runa-nim is about to reveal, I will even find a master-level castle-building expert.”

“I’m glad that your network is as wide as I expected. If it is a master-level expert, it wouldn’t be that easy for them to leave the country.”

“Well, that is my small talent so do not worry about it. How many people, and how long would you need them for?”

“The more people the better. In terms of the time, let’s just say until the castle is finished. Ten years is probably about right, don’t you think?”

Edwin rolled his head at Runa’s retort before answering.

“That should be long enough. And the next item?”

Edwin started to rush Runa to see his card.

Runa was stingy, but the trade with the desert was his monopoly.

Even Runa could not go against that. But since Runa was the person in charge, Edwin was just preventing Runa from cleverly hindering them, as well as raising his own prestige for the future. That was why Edwin was willing to take some losses right now.

“I want to acquire some wheat. Of course I am aware that it will be difficult.”

Seeing Runa take the lead like that, Edwin wondered just what kind of card Runa had in his hand to come out so confidently.

“That is also possible. Now that I am calculating it in my head, I think I understand what Runa-nim is trying to do. Are you going to ask for large amounts of stone and wood next?”

As Runa nodded his head, Edwin raised the number in his head much higher.

‘In order to build a castle, you need wood, stone, and iron. Is he already preparing for the war against the continent? Even though the desert is not even unified yet?’

That was what Edwin was thinking as he answered.

‘I will gather everything you have asked for. What is Runa-nim able to give me in return?”

“What can I give to Edwin-nim who already has the monopoly of the trade in the desert?”


As Edwin’s voice was starting to go up a little bit, Runa continued to speak.

“However, the slight change is that we will be able to guarantee the safety of a larger caravan with 100 percent certainty. Since our Pareia is slowly settling down, we will be able to provide warriors to protect the caravan. Other than the Silence Empire, we can even protect you into the country if it is a country by our border.”

It was something that completely caught Edwin’s attention.

“Then, from the beginning?”

“If it is a caravan with Edwin-nim in the front, you will be safe even if there were thousands of carts behind you. If you wish, we can even meet you close to the border.”

“Will you be able to handle it?”

Since it was an unexpected card, Edwin had to verify it even though he knew there was no need to do so.

“Have you ever seen a warrior of Pareia lie? Since I said it is possible, it is possible. The Glow has given his permission.”

“When I had asked before......”

“We didn’t have the northern territory at that time. However, the situation is different now. The Wikaly’s northern territory is now part of Pareia’s territory. Furthermore, if it is a group of bandits from the continent, our warriors are strong enough to handle thousands of them.”

Even Edwin knew that a veteran desert warrior was better than the average knight from any nation.

For them to guarantee 100 percent safety for an unlimited size of caravan was definitely a strong enough card for Runa to make all of those unreasonable requests.

“In addition, please invest in Pareia. As a merchant of course.”

Seeing Runa continue, Edwin asked a question.

“Invest? How so?”

“We need gold.”

Edwin looked at Runa with a confused expression.

“Why do you suddenly need gold?”

“Jewels are fine as well. We need to expand the views of Pareia.”


Edwin, who figured out why Runa needed gold or different jewels, raised his hand and started to rub his cheek.

‘This might shake the foundation of the guild itself. I need something that I can immediately turn into money.’

Runa, who could feel that Edwin was troubled, felt the need to give him some more carrot.

The amount of things he had requested was difficult for a single merchant guild to complete in a short amount of time.

“The stronger our Pareia gets, the more Edwin-nim’s merchant guild will continue to thrive. Pareia’s warriors keep the warriors who put their lives on the line with us in our hearts forever.”


Edwin let out a sigh as he answered.

“There is a bit of a burden to gather it right now. I am already reinvesting everything I make into Pareia thinking about the future. As time goes on and the size of the guild grows, this type of investment will not be a problem. However, I need something that I can turn into money right now.”

Runa contemplated after hearing Edwin’s words.

‘What is there to take from the desert? There is a limit on how many Monster’s Souls warriors can gather, and that is the same for black water and things like the skin of wild animals. Hold on... there’s no reason that we have to be the one to gather the resources, is there?’

“How about this? Please gather extra people, other than the ones to build the castle, to collect black water. The amount of black water that those people gather will be given to your guild for free. However, please do not put the pay for those workers onto Pareia’s debt.”

“Ah! There is such a method. I can’t believe I didn’t think of such a simple solution. Although only warriors can go to the Monster’s Field, anybody can gather black water as long as there are warriors to protect them.”

“Then is it settled?”

“Of course. Since the cost for black water is currently on the rise, it should be enough to help us. However, please work to ensure this does not make it to the Eastern continent through the other tribes.”

Runa nodded his head at Edwin’s request. It was not a difficult request.

“There are no tribes left in the Eastern Desert who can defeat Pareia. Since we were able to win the last war, the balance of power has pretty much been broken. That is why we are able to offer Edwin-nim protection for an unlimited amount of carts. If there are materials coming from the Western Desert, they will not be able to get past the quicksand river. We will make sure to pay attention to that.”

“Then there should not be any more issues. Is there anything else you need to say?’

Runa shook his head. He then reached his hand out toward Edwin as he started to speak.

“I know that I made many burdensome requests today. However, I meant what I said earlier.”

‘I’m sure he is talking about keeping me in his heart.’

Edwin grabbed Runa’s hand as he responded.

“Do not worry. I plan on reaping multiple times the benefit in the future. You will need to turn a blind eye at that time.”

“Hahaha, feel free to do as you please.”

The two of them shook hands vigorously as they started to laugh.


[1] Something wonderful

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