Red Storm

Book 2-2.4

The warrior’s duty was to walk around the oasis getting rid of any monsters or wild animals, as well as being on the lookout for any potential invasions. It was a very important job.

It didn’t take long for one of his fellow warriors to look in that direction, and for the rest of the warriors to look in that direction as well.

“It is a dust cloud.”

“And quite a big one. In order for that much dust to be raised, it has to be hundreds of warriors.”

“They are coming very quickly.”

As soon as multiple warriors shared what they were thinking, the decision was made. They didn’t hear any news that a group of the tribe’s warriors went out, and they also didn’t hear any news about any group of warriors coming to them from any of Pareia’s other oasis. This meant that the individuals responsible for that dust cloud were invaders.

Instantly, there was a single warrior who turned his pirma around and headed towards the oasis.

He was not running away. His job was to quickly head back to the tribe and inform them if there were any invasions.

As for the remaining warriors, they let out a long whistle, alerting their fellow warriors in the area before heading towards the direction of the dust cloud.

They needed to verify the information.

If they confirmed that it was invaders, they needed to make sure the enemy focused on them.

The longer they could stall them meant more time for the warriors at the oasis to better prepare for battle.

As they were heading towards the dust cloud, internally, the warriors were more relaxed than usual. It was because the lead warriors of the oasis had increased the number of warriors on watch to at least double the usual amount.

With that many warriors on watch, they were guaranteed to notice the enemy at least one hour before they reached the oasis. Thanks to that, they didn’t need to feel too much of a burden with their duty.

Four warriors of the nearby Cool Oasis had already reached a distance not too far from the dust cloud. The young warrior in the front of the dust cloud lifted up his hand to stop the warriors following after him. He had an expression that made it seem like he knew they would be coming.

“We are Pareia’s warriors responsible for patrolling these oasis. The Cold Oasis you are approaching is part of our Pareia’s territory. Are you enemies? Friends? If you are friends, why did you not inform us that you will be bringing this many warriors over?”

One of the patrolling warriors shouted loudly towards the young warrior.

The young warrior responded with a smile on his face.

“I am happy to meet the valiant warriors of the Cold Oasis. I am the Desert Conqueror and your Young Glow, Yulian Provoke. I am here to meet with Chief Yarumaha-nim of the Cold Oasis. We are determined to wait until we can meet with him.”

The warriors were surprised at Yulian’s words. Even they knew why the revered Young Glow had left Pareia, and they also knew why the number of warriors on patrol had increased as well.

It was no wonder that they were shocked, seeing Yulian appear in front of them.

“There is nobody among us who can verify whether you are Yulian or not. However, if you stay here and wait as you stated, we will inform Yarumaha-nim.”

“We will wait.”

As Yulian sent a short reply, the four warriors started to whisper with each other again, before one warrior headed back to the oasis.

‘I’m sure they will watch me. As expected of Yarumaha-nim’s warriors. They are not afraid of death.’

Yulian admired them internally as he slowly looked around waiting for Yarumaha to arrive.

“Won’t they come with warriors?”

Maybe he was worried about Yulian looking so calm, but Pere asked from behind him.

“I’m sure they will. My name has yet to be cleared.”

“Then is it okay for you to wait here so casually? If Yarumaha-nim does not believe us, there is a good chance that we will be captured. Don’t forget that the Angry Brandistock (a weapon that is as long as a spear and has both an axe and a spear at the end) Vibli, one of Pareia’s proud third generation warriors, is under Yarumaha-nim’s command.”

“I know. But if we do not show even this much trust, we cannot ask them to trust us. If we explain with a honest heart and share the truth with him, I’m sure the wise Yarumaha-nim will recognize the real truth.”

“Please think about the what if.”

“If Yarumaha-nim also thinks about the what if and thinks that I really was responsible for that terrible deed, what would he do?”

At Yulian’s words, Pere thought that someday, his brother’s personality will lead him to great danger.

His brother was passionate and he had the experience and skill to match his grand dream, but he was too idealistic.

‘I guess if he was not like that, he would never have thought about something like unifying the desert.’

Pere thought like that before looking towards Grace, and Grace nodded her head as well.

The two of them knew Yulian’s problem that even Yulian did not know about.

The two of them realized at the same time that they needed to balance Yulian’s tendency with their objection.

“Pere-nim’s words are correct too. Everything is great, but it is also good to at least have one backup plan.”

Seeing Grace follow after Pere and object, Yulian looked around to find someone who would agree with him.

Tuma Takaka and Chun Myung Hoon held enough importance to be on Yulian’s side and say that the two of them were wrong, but neither of them had any thoughts about taking Yulian’s side.

Tuma Takaka had always been cautious by nature, and in Chun Myung Hoon’s case, there was nothing in the world he worried about. However, since he thought well about Grace’s energy and thoughtfulness, he didn’t want to say she was wrong and take his disciple’s side.

“If everybody feels that way, Tuma Takaka-nim, please prepare an escape route in the back.”

Tuma Takaka responded as he took a hundred warriors and moved to the back.

About one hour later, Yarumaha arrived with the warriors from his oasis.

Right next to Yarumaha was the Greatest warrior of the Cold Oasis, Vibli.


Yulian tried to step forward out of happiness, but Pere grabbed his clothes without the other side noticing, making him unable to move.


Yarumaha also looked towards with Yulian with a complicated heart. He knew that Yulian would definitely show up again, but Yarumaha never expected it would be this fast.

Yulian took a quick peek at Pere, but seeing that Pere did not let go of his clothes, he stood in place as he spoke to Yarumaha.

“I’m sure it is pretty chaotic right now.”

“You know it is. In this old man’s sixty years of life, it has never been this chaotic. I have not been able to think properly these last fifteen days.”

“I will explain everything. Everything that happened that day. I leave the rest for the wise Yarumaha-nim to determine the truth.”

As Yulian moved his hand back to remove Pere’s hand and stepped forward, Vibli, who had been next to Yarumaha, moved his pirma to block Yulian’s path.

“Yulian-nim, please stop for a moment.”

Although Yulian had never met Vibli who could not leave the Cold Oasis because he was fending off the Shuarei, there was no way he wouldn’t be able to recognize Pareia’s greatest warrior. The long brandistock next to Vibli, as well as his presence, proved that he was one of the greatest warriors.

“To meet Vibli-nim, one of Pareia’s Greatest Warriors, like this, it is an honor.”

“It is actually my honor to meet Yulian-nim, the Desert Conqueror. The hope of Pareia rests on your two greatswords. However, I’m sure you are aware of the charges against yourself right now. Until your innocence has been proven, this Vibli cannot allow Yulian-nim to approach Yarumaha-nim. Please understand.”

Yulian had a bitter smile at Vibli’s words. However, he believed in his own thoughts.

If Yarumaha-nim really thought he was responsible for the events of that day, he wouldn’t have tried to have a conversation like this in the first place.

“Yarumaha-nim, shall we talk here?”

“No. Vibli, please move aside.”

Yarumaha ordered the Greatest Warrior blocking his way to move, but Vibli shook his head as he spoke.

“I can tell that it will not be easy for me to take him on in a 1 on 1 battle. However, this Vibli has the duty to protect Yarumaha-nim and this Cold Oasis.”

At Vibli’s determine words, both Yarumaha and Yulian had bitter smiles on their faces. Yarumaha sent Yulian a gaze that seemed to say he was sorry, and Yulian just laughed again.

“This is frustrating.”

Chun Myung Hoon, who had been standing to the side, started to speak.

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