Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 407 407: Military Man I

"Welcome dear aspirant, My name is Captain Baxard, if you are here to enlist you will have to fill this form, and sign the subsequent contract attached to it. You can move to the left and study it, if you have any questions you can ask me and I assure you I will help you as best as I can. I look forward to working besides you."

Cole scrunched his eyebrow and could not help but roll his eyes in the process too. This captain had on the fakest smile and the most bored look on his face. Possibly he has been doing this all day and he was beyond tired of it by this point…..sucks to be him. Cole shrugged and moved to the side, raising the form and the contract behind it to understand just what sort of benefits the militia would offer.

"the Militia offered education and training into any field of choice, but that would be after a compulsory six months training/ deployment stage where they would e sent out into the wild to clear dungeons, keep the peace within the territories of Te Boreas. Basically become cheap labor for their wars, at the end of the six months you are assigned a rank and salary based on your ranking and achievements during your six months service.

From then on you fall into your new position, wherever it takes you. Of course you could make things a lot easier on yourself by greasing some palms. You would get a good placement during the six months training and deployment and give yourself an even cushier position at the end of the six months. Cole did not care though, this would be an adventure, but ultimate he was here for those damn Animechs. This time it was not the quests, or goals of the system that would drive him, he would chase power but he would do it on his own terms.

Cole filled the form, putting Animech pilot as his expected division. After that it was a bevy of activities as he found himself with basic military gear and weapons and on the next wagon out of the city. Which was annoying, Cole had just managed to get into Te Boreas, but now here he was getting kicked out again.

They would first report to a military camp, spend a week in orientation and training where they would be assigned ranks and missions before they would be deployed. Basically this was to give the new recruits enough time to bond with themselves and also get the required information and effects that can be returned to their family in case of their deaths.

And that\'s when Cole realized that most of the Denizens here to enlist were scared out of their minds. Apart from the aspirants who were going through the motions once again and had a couple of lives to rely on, the denizens looked pale and terrible. Those three had mentioned it, not everyone made it back from the compulsory six months service, it was a wild world out there and it needed the combined might of the adventurer\'s guild and militia to keep Te Boreas safe.

As such they need to keep throwing bodies against the threats, that knock on their doors. It was propaganda through and through, but war was good business for Te Boreas. And Cole was about to get a first hand experience of it. No matter, this would be fun just as all the rest has been. Of course the other floors had come with their own fair share of troubles, but those too he had overcame.

It took them three hours to arrive, and while the wagons that had carted them out of the city were not cars, they had been moving fast enough that the three hours they covered with the wagons would take a normal person three days or more on foot to get to. Never the less the camp itself was in the forest, the same one Cole had spawned in front of.

During the course of the journey he had heard tales about the forest. Apparently it was endless, and a constant source of resources  for the adventurers guild and the royal family. Either way there were other territories, even among the leaders of the guild themselves vying for more land or to claim more mines, dungeons and fissures. Either way, whatever it is they would have to do, it would be within the forest itself.

Soon they were arranged and were being tested. You would be called forth, your rank tested and then you would be tried by combat, and after your specialties have been seen, you would be assigned. The problem was that most of the people here were from bronze, iron, and silver. There were only 5 gold ranker out of the 600 recruits here, and all of the rankers were aspirants.

Cole quickly noticed that the way people were treated differed greatly due to their ranks. The gold ranked aspirants were treated quite nicely, but this was still a military outfit so they would be trained for leadership positions. And then finally it came to Cole\'s turn. Somehow whether by providence or on purpose Cole was the last person to be tested, and sure enough he caused a clamor.

He had four stats in the diamond rank, and quickly after that from among the aspirants that recognized who he was, talks of the world breaker began to spread around the camp, prompting the commander himself to come out and take charge…..he would be responsible for testing Cole\'s combat abilities.

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