Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 317 - Namor

Chapter 317 - Namor

While the humans were forming their alliances and generally panicking about what to do, Kretos was back in his newly created castle sitting on his throne awaiting the next challenger. On his left side was a sleeping seven-tailed golden fox and on the right was a stoic Lycan woman.

\'I wonder what kind of challenger will come next, it might be another human hero.\' Kretos was getting excited as he thought about the future battles. He then looked at Shera the Lycan standing on his left side. This Lycan was the second strongest Lycan after Kir. She might be among the top demons in terms of battle power, but she still pales in comparison to a demon lord. Kretos was no longer excited fighting those on Shera\'s level if it was one on one, but if it was one against many he might consider it.

Kretos then looked at the sleeping golden fox on his other side. This one, on the other hand, was a demon lord and based on what Kretos saw in the aftermath of the battlefield she was more powerful than some of the demon lords he has killed. Her ability to fight one against many was greater than most demon lords. Based on the skills she has shown she would\'ve been able to defeat Darius quite easily. This then raised a question, why did she never do anything and was always on the defensive?

"Hey, Tsukiko." Hearing Kretos call her name Tsukiko yawned and looked at Kretos. She turned into her human form and asked.

"What is it?" Tsukiko stretched her voluptuous body and continued to yawn.

"How about-"

"No, I keep on telling you I don\'t want to fight you," Tsukiko answered before Kretos could finish what he was going to say.

"Why do you keep on saying no, aren\'t you bored sleeping all day long?"

While Kretos and Tsukiko continue to bicker like usual, Shera who was at the side sighed. Unlike her former Lord Kir, Kretos was a more verbal and action-oriented demon lord. Kir could\'ve sat on his stone throne for centuries without complaining, but her current lord could not even last half a day on his throne.

As the three were going about their usual routine, a Lycan burst into the throne room. When Kretos saw this he felt that it was a somewhat familiar scene.

"Oh, what kind of army is approaching us now?" Kretos joked, but the messenger looked at him in surprise.

"Did you already know my lord?"

"Know what?"

"An unknown army suddenly appeared from the Northern Mountains. The army is an undead army full of elder liches, wraiths, Dullahans, and even Death Knights."

Shera and Tsukiko were shocked to hear the report. The Undead weren\'t considered monsters they were in fact considered as a race like demons and humans. Still among the races, they were considered the enemy of all living beings. Usually, once a lich or some undead were spotted they would immediately be annihilated by all the other races. So it was surprising to see an undead army grow to such a size.

\'Did they perhaps increase their size by using the corpses from the previous battle? That shouldn\'t be it since I made sure to burn all the dead bodies. Also, they can\'t be recent undead since it takes at least a millennium to become an elder lich. The requirements to become a death knight is also quite difficult. Then how did an army of this size go unnoticed for such a long time?\' Tsukiko started thinking about the reports she had read over the years.

While Tsukiko was trying to figure out where the undead came from, Kretos was smiling happily as he was once again brimming in excitement.

"Where is this undead army heading towards?"

"My lord, they are heading straight to this castle."

"That makes things easier, warn everyone to make way for this undead army. I\'ll deal with them personally."

"As you command my lord." The messenger saluted Kretos and left.

Kretos alongside Tsukiko and Shera stood outside of the castle waiting for the undead army to arrive. It was nearing sunset when Kretos finally spotted the undead army. Unlike the human army that simply had numerical superiority, this army of the undead had an aura of dread. Just watching that wave of undead marching forward would send shivers to anyone who bore witness to the scene.

Floating skeletons, flying specters, knights with no heads riding horses, and fully armored gigantic figures, watching these monsters in a perfect formation marching forward made Kretos smile viciously.

At the forefront of those undead beings was a skinny looking man wearing an armor made of bones riding a skeletal horse. When the undead army was a kilometer away from Kretos they stopped. Only the skinny looking man who seemed out of place in the army came forward.

The man arrived in front of Kretos\'s group and dismounted. He then slowly approached Kretos\'s group and looked at Kretos from head to toe.

"Are you the new demon lord?"

"Yes, I\'m demon lord Kretos the one and only remaining demon lord, so who are you?" Hearing Kretos\'s answer the skinny man nodded his head.

"Greetings demon lord, I am Namor the keeper of the dead, the most trusted general of the former demon king."

When the trio heard Namor\'s introduction they were surprised. The last time a demon was named a Demon King was around twenty thousand years ago. That was the time when the demons were at the peak of their power.

"You\'re telling me that you\'re one of those ancient demons that fought side by side with the demon king?"

"Yes," Namor answered without any fluctuation in his facial expression.

"So you\'re telling me the ancient demons used undead? The undead that all living beings including demons hate."

"I don\'t know about why demons would hate undead, as we were the ones who created them, but yes we did use the undead." Kretos and the others were once again surprised by what Namor said. Even though he said it so nonchalantly the news that the demons were the ones who created the undead was truly a shock.

Every now and then some weaker tribes would be annihilated by the undead, and Namor was telling them they the demon race were the creators of such a race. Kretos tried to control himself as he asked another question.

"So tell me if you\'re really one of the generals of the old Demon King, then how come you\'re still alive. It has been written that the demon king alongside the demon lords and his generals were annihilated by the Ancient Human Hero." Hearing Kretos\'s question Namor\'s face twitched and he frowned for a second.

"The Demon King didn\'t allow me to join the final battle, as he had given me another task that must be fulfilled."

"Alright, everything you\'re saying is rather shocking and hard to believe, but let\'s just say I believe every word you say, so what are you doing here?"

"I came here to meet the new demon lord, that is to say, you. This is the task given to me by the former Demon King."

"Huh, how could the Demon King from twenty thousand years ago know of me?"

"It\'s not you that the Demon King wanted me to meet, it was the strongest demon lord that has the ability to be the next Demon King. I have been in hiding for a long time, but I do send scouts out to learn of what transpires in the Demon Lands. I did think of meeting with the former demon lord Kir, as he too had the power equivalent to a Demon King, but he did not have the ambition. But you are different, after gaining your position as a demon lord, you united the whole demon lands under your banner. So as decreed by the former Demon King, I\'m here to test you if you\'re truly worthy to receive the loyalty of I Demon General Namor."

"So basically you\'re telling me to battle you?" As Kretos said those words he summoned his sword from his shadow. He was already raring to go.

"Yes, I\'m here to test your mettle in battle. If you prove to be worthy then I and my undead army will be under your rule. But if you fail then you shall become another warrior to walk eternity alongside my undead. So I ask you Demon Lord Kretos, do you accept the challenge?"

"OF COURSE! To be able to have the chance to fight a General that fought side by side with the Demon King would bring me the greatest enjoyment. If it\'s you, you might be able to fulfill my wish."

Namor nodded his head and extended his hand forward. From his extended hand, a bone came out. It was a bone in the shape of a sword. Namor gripped onto the bone sword and took a stance.

"I see, so you accept the challenge. I the Demon General Namor, the strongest general of the Demon King, commend your courage. Now then strongest demon lord of the current age, show me that you are worthy."

Once Kretos heard those words he laughed heartily as he charged forward.

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