Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 70 - Borrowing skills

Chapter 70 - Borrowing skills

Ren was confused by all the visions, and why they started appearing now of all times. But these visions made him sure that there was something hidden deep within him. He had hunch that it has something to do with his soul.

\'At first I pushed it aside, since no matter how long I think about it I knew there will be no answer. Still I wonder why did I reincarnate with my memories intact? The only beings that I could think off that can mess with a soul from someone as powerful as me, would be Gods or ancient dragons. Actually that\'s only to my knowledge, their might be other beings capable of such feats.\'

Ren remembered those primordial monsters he saw in the visions. Those things looked like they could actually reverse time itself. While thinking about this, Ren then wondered how those people in the visions got to be so strong. The youngest he saw was around twelve and he was more powerful than the current Ren, and then there was that guy who looked to be around thirty something, and he was the one who fought that unbeatable being.

All of them were strong and so young. Though Ren was also strong for someone his age, and even stronger than most a.d.u.l.ts in this world, but he was nowhere near the level of the people he saw in his visions. They were strong as strong as him when he was still the Demon Lord Kretos, actually some of them were stronger still.

Ren then remembered how some of them casted spells, it was different from the way he casted them, especially the way they gathered mana to use the spell. Some of them gathered the surrounding mana and filtered them to use a spell. This was something Ren has never thought of doing.

In principle mana surrounds everything, the air, the earth, the sea, everything has mana. Still no one uses the mana from the surrounding area to use spells, since the mana needs to be purified before one can use a spell, and the only way Ren knows how to purify mana is by circulating it into ones body. That\'s why he was absorbing the mana in this place to strengthen his own, and increase his mana capacity. The mana here is much thicker and purer than normal, making it a good place to absorb mana.

That\'s the reason why Ren was so impressed by the magicians in his vision, since they didn\'t need to have great mana capacity or mana strength to use spells. All they needed was the mana in area.

Not only were the magicians in his vision impressive, the swordsmen in his visions were equally impressive, well most of them were magicians and swordsmen. Still the swordsmanship of these already impressive magicians were great. Especially that one guy who caught his attention that fought a dragon with ease. That person\'s swordsmanship was flawless, his defense and offense were blended well together that he could switch from offense to defense and vice versa flawlessly making it hard to predict what he would do next, and also making it easier for him to react to attacks.


Ren who was multi tasking, by thinking about the visions, absorbing the mana in his surrounding area, and trying to improve the overall circulation of mana in his body, finally felt a disruption. His body could no longer absorb mana from the surrounding area. He already absorbed as much mana as he currently can, and now he needs to stabilize it.

Ren finally opened his eyes, and as he expected Silika was there. He then felt really hungry and thirsty so he rummaged through his supplies, and started eating and drinking.

Silika simply stood there as she waited for Ren to finish his meal. She has been standing guard for the past two days, and was attacked only three times. All the attackers seem to be lost Orcs, it was easy for her to kill those things, even with her current restrictions.

When Ren was done eating his meal, Silika spoke to him.

"How are you feeling master?"

"Really great, also there are a bunch of things I want to try out." Silika noticed that Ren\'s mana capacity, and mana strength did improve. If it was anyone else, they would have difficulty absorbing mana this thick, but to Ren it was no problem at all.

Ren then extended his hands, and concentrated his mana.

\'So not only the strength and capacity improved, even the flow is much better than before.\' Silika watched Ren as he was weaving a spell, chantless. A few seconds later a huge body of water in the shape of a dragon appeared and it flew upward assaulting the barrier in the sky.

The moment the water dragon spell that Ren used touched the barrier it dispersed. Instead of feeling dejected Ren instead assaulted the barrier with multiple water dragons, until finally he wasted all of his mana and fell unconscious.

Silika who was watching Ren do such an explicable thing was confused. She caught her unconscious master, and looked at his excited smile as he slept.


Ren woke up and saw that his face was placed on Silika\'s thighs. He looked above and saw the veiled Silika.

"Did you have a nice sleep master?"

"Yeah I did." Ren then tried to feel the mana in his body and was pleasantly surprised. With this realization Ren couldn\'t help but laugh like a mad man.

\'It worked! It really worked! So that training for mana that one of those people in my visions used actually works!\'

"Master are you really alright?" Silika asked a bit worried by her master\'s sudden outburst.

"I\'m more than alright, I\'m great. For now Silika I\'m going to be training so we\'ll be staying here for a few more days, well just until we lose all our food supplies."

"Master, you do remember that we can\'t escape the forest?" Hearing what Silika said made Ren show an expression of shock and then a sudden realization.

"Oh yeah you\'re right. Well we\'ll figure something out later. For now I need to start training." Ren then took two branches, and cut them until they were as long as short swords. Ren then took a stance and started dancing with the two branches.

Silika who was watching was amazed. Though his movements weren\'t as sharp or fluent as the person in Silika\'s memories, but Silika knew of that swordsmanship, she knew of those movements. This was the same swordsmanship of a person very dear to her in a long forgotten past.

Ren who was moving a bit sluggishly at the beginning was now moving slightly better. Every time he swung the branches, every step he made Ren was slowly improving. It was like his body already knew the movement and was simply trying to remember.

Silika who saw Ren\'s astonishing improvement was simply staring at Ren in a daze. Though they look completely different Silika couldn\'t help but see him again in Ren\'s form as he practiced his newfound swordsmanship.

Ren was getting excited as he swung the two branches and his movement getting sharper. Who knew that copying those people in his vision would lead to something this incredible. With this Ren could finally see how he will surpass his former self.

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