Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 54 - 54 - Meeting The Father

Fan Xui waited and waited and waited but he did not get an answer from Wen uncle. He lost hope. Every day dragged on agonisingly painful. He held his aching head. "Bring me Advil."

"You need sleep."

Fan Xui glanced up. His assistant stood there with a deep frown on his face. Even he had dark circles all around his eyes sockets. "Looks like you are the one who needs rest,"

"I\'m serious. I\'m talking to you as a friend, not as your assistant. Get some sleep.. I will try my best to find him."

"Try contacting his manger again. Ask him for updates,"

"hmm.." Hans threw one last worried glance before he left the office room. Outside, at least ten people waited anxiously for him.

"Is our boss calm?"

Hans shook his head and walked back to his seat.

The ten managers dispersed, but along the way they started to gossip.

"Shit, I have so many documents that need his signature. This can\'t be delayed. What is going on with mister Fan? Why is our boss like this? Is he really heartbroken?" a manager whispered.

  "Did he really get dumped by his girlfriend because he is blind? That sounds cruel,"

One rumour morphed into ten different versions.

"No, I heard he was pursuing her and the girl ran away,"

"Gasp. Do you think she might be pregnant? Just like in the novels, the beautiful damsel sleeps with the overpowering CEO and runs away in the morning.. five years later they meet because of a beautiful child. How romantic~"

As rumours passed from one ear to another, it became so bizarre that in the end Fan Xui had to personally put a stop to it all. He called up a company video meeting with all ten mangers and sector mangers.

"I am not heartbroken," he said with a grim face. "Nor have I fathered a child with a runaway woman. These rumours have to stop right now!" he removed his glasses and glared at them coldly.

All trembled. Suddenly the manger near him dropped the coffee in his hand, dripping it all over himself.

It slashed at him as well. Fan Xui calmly wiped it off his sleeves.

"Do you all understand the severity of your words?"

"Y—yes boss..."

"Then put a stop to it." Fan Xui waved them all out of the room and laid his head on the table.

"Where is he..." he played with the phone in hand. Suddenly, an urge hit him to call the number. "Siri, call Yue\'s dad"

"Yes Fan Xui right on it,"

He placed it on his ear, waiting to hear the same busy tone, but to his surprise, the phone rang.

  "hello? Who is this?"

He sat up. "um.... is this Zou Wei?"

"yes who is calling?"

"I—I am calling regarding your house. You um... recently put it up for sale, right?" Fan xi anxiously tapped the table with his clean finger tips.

"Oh yes, yes. Do you want to come for a house visit? I can arrange with my friend nearby and let you know..."

"No, can I see you in person. I—I would like to talk about the property in detail,"

"O-okay... I will send you my address. I have to warn you though it is out of city borders."

"It\'s okay, sir. Just hit me up, sir." He glanced at the huge clock in the meeting room. It was currently 12.30 pm. "I will meet you today by 2 pm is that okay with you?"

"Yeah sure."

"Great, my name is Fan Xui, by the way. Thank you so much," Fan Xui cut the call and placed the phone previously on the table. "Thank god. Now I can check on them.."

He later got the message with the address.

"Wait.. 5pm is not far.." his eyes focused on the small coffee stain on his sleeve. "I need to get ready." He ran out of the meeting room. "Hans!! Hans!!\'

"Sir, what\'s wrong?"

"Oh, nothing, I just need to get ready. Buy me a new suit and a presentable tie," he mumbled softly.

"Okay.... but is everything alright?" hand worriedly glanced back.

"Everything is splendid," he chuckled happily.

Everyone gave him a weird look but he did not care at all.

He was going to meet Zou Yue\'s father and first impressions matter.

  On the other end, Zou Wei sat up straight. His brows frowned up and his hands clenched tightly. "So you have finally come to me, Fan Xui. Let me rip you to pieces."

"Whoa darling, what kind of language are you using!" his wife slapped his shoulders. "Who is this man that you have so much anger on?"

"Fan Xui. He..... Nothing. Darling, a guest is going to be here. Why don\'t you cook up a meal?"

"hmm okay~ I have some leeks and mushrooms maybe I can make a...."

Zou Wei fidgeted with his fingers. \'I have to send my wife away from all this mess.\' He interrupted her banter. "Do you have ginseng?"

"no.... why do I need ginseng for leek soup?"

"Cough I wanted to drink some ginseng soup." he pretended to cough loudly.

She gently tapped his back. "Did you catch a cold? Wait, let me go buy some. I\'ll take the car, yes?"

"Yeah, take your time shopping," he sent his worried wife off to the distant farmers\' market. It will take almost one and a half hours to get back to the house.

"My poor wife... I don\'t want her to see me in my worst,"

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