The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 83 Gossip

The next morning, Tristan went to the company for work as if his embarrassing video didn\'t go viral. With his overwhelming confidence matched with I-Don\'t-Give-A-Damn attitude, he entered the Heavenly Star Enterprise Office building leisurely.",

But the employees who happened to see Tristan couldn\'t help but whisper with each other, talking about his viral video while giving him awkward, strange and ridiculing looks.",

He became the number one topic of gossip in the company. Employees got different reactions after watching the video. Almost everyone in the company had seen the video before it was taken down on the internet by Grandpa Lu\'s power and influence.",

The employees\' gossip spread like a wild fire in the entire company. Most of them were negative comments about Tristan.",

"Oh, I can\'t still believe it, sir Tristan is in love with his brother\'s girlfriend."",

"True, he even tried to plot and scheme to break the couple apart. Tsk tsk tsk. Vicious Brother."",

"Is it true? He asked one of his women to seduce sir Andrew?"",

"I think this is the reason why our CEO became a playboy, a certified Casanova."",

"He should wish them to be happy, instead of trying to break the couple apart."",

"Our CEO is jealous of Director Davis."",

"Now, I am starting to like Sir Andrew more than sir Tristan. I think Sir Andrew deserves to be the CEO of our company."",

Despite the negative comments, there were still some employees who were siding to Tristan and trying to defend their CEO.",

"Hey, don\'t talk like that. This is a personal issue. It has nothing to do with the company. Sir Tristan is still the best performing CEO of this company."",

"That\'s true. Despite his bad reputation involving women, our company\'s profit and sale are still high. It didn\'t affect the company. Besides, personal life and professional life are different."",

"I still admired our CEO. He\'s smart and very capable. He\'s good to us. Humble and down to earth."",

There were also some who remained neutral about the issue.",

Tristan slumped his body to his executive chair upon reaching his office. He knew what other employees were thinking. Matthew was right. ",

From the way his employees were looking at him a while ago, he could tell that they were thinking that he was some kind of a villain half brother who wanted to ruin his brother\'s happiness.",

He was marked as the Jealous Scheming Half Brother of their beloved director, Andrew. But he didn\'t care anymore. He wanted to ignore them.",

He was consoled by the thought that there was one person who was still thinking that he was a good man. That person was no other than but Zhen-Zhen.",

A gentle smile automatically formed across his lips the moment Zhen-Zhen\'s beautiful face popped up in his mind. Now, he didn\'t care if other employees were badmouthing him as of this moment. Their opinions didn\'t matter to him.",

So, Tristan remained optimistic for today, ignoring the negative vibes while absorbing the positive vibes. He didn\'t let the issue bother him. He focused on his work, finalizing the report about his field research in the Oceana Safe Haven Resort Hotel.",

He needed to finish his report by today and submit it to Grandpa Lu, the Chairman of the company.",

As Tristan was busy finalizing his report, several directors tried to talk with Chairman Lu, asking and urging him to call an emergency meeting today to talk about their CEO\'s scandal.",

They were worried that Tristan\'s bad reputation after that video escalated on the internet might harm the company\'s image. So before that happens, they needed to make preparations and countermeasures for the possible negative effects of it in their company.",

Because of their persistence and continues pestering, Grandpa Lu had no choice but to satisfy their request. He approved their suggestion and he permitted the emergency meeting for today.",

The memo was quickly spread to different departments, calling the attention of the concerned individuals.",

Matthew immediately informed Tristan about the emergency meeting.",

"I have a bad feeling about this. Some directors didn\'t stop pestering Chairman Lu until he approved this emergency meeting. I think this meeting has something to do with your scandal video. It seems like there are directors who are plotting against you, Tris. I think they want to make a big deal out of your scandal." Matthew informed him, looking at Tristan worriedly.",

Tristan just merely lifted his eyebrow as his gaze moved from his laptop to Matthew\'s face.",

"So, the other directors are slowly showing their true colors." Tristan sneered at that thought.",

Then a sarcastic laugh bubbled up in his entire office. "Did you get their names, Matt?"",

"Yeah, among them was Director Go."",

"Oh, as expected. Then let\'s show them who\'s the real boss here. Aside from Grandpa Lu, I am not afraid of any of them." A cheeky grin appeared in his handsome face. He didn\'t feel worried at all.",

Matthew also let out another chuckle. "Well… I didn\'t know you were afraid of the Chairman. It seemed like it was not the case. You are always fighting him so I don\'t think you are afraid of him Haha."",

Tristan shrugged his shoulders and said, "Grandpa Lu is scary. I wish Grandma was still around. She doted on me so much. I want to vent my frustration with her. People are badmouthing me and now trying to scheme against me."",

"Well… so what are you planning to do now?" Matthew asked him curiously.",

"What else? Of course, we will proceed to our original plan. Did you finish what I\'ve asked you to do? Did you visit the HR department this morning." Tristan asked Matthew.",

"Yes, I completed the task you asked me to do last night. I just came out of the HR office when I received the memo. I proceeded here right away to inform you. Are you sure about this? Do you think this will work against the scheme the other directors are cooking right now?" Matthew said, feeling a little bit doubtful.",

Tristan didn\'t say a word. He just gave him a reassuring smile. The kind of smile that was filled with overwhelming confidence.",

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