The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 76 Is Grandpa Lu Scary?

"Grandpa Lu was the one who ordered me to contact you and book your plane ticket going back here today. He also wants to see you and talk to you. You need to go straight to your family mansion. Grandpa Lu will be waiting for you… including your parents."",

Hearing those last remarks from Matthew, Tristan was finally convinced that this was not just a small matter anymore. It seemed very serious that even his Grandpa Lu ordered him to return right away.",

\'But how come he didn\'t inform me by himself?\' Tristan marveled at that thought.",

Now, he had a bad feeling about this. There were only two possible scenarios why his Grandpa Lu didn\'t personally contact him. Either Grandpa Lu didn\'t want to call him because he would just get annoyed by Tristan or Grandpa Lu was really upset and disappointed at him this time.",

\'D@mn! What the hell happened there? I had an ominous feeling about this.\' Tristan suddenly felt troubled because of this.",

"Ok Matt! I\'ll hang up now. I will contact you again once we are boarding the plane. See you later." Tristan said before ending the call.",

"Tristan, is everything okay? Why are you having that kind of look on your face?" Zhen-Zhen asked him worriedly as she noticed his uneasiness and his bothered expression.",

Tristan shook his head and gave her a faint smile.",

"Don\'t worry, Zhen. Everything is fine. But I am afraid we can\'t continue our stay here. Our plan of exploring other places here in Oceaniz City just got ruined today. Grandpa Lu asked me to return and he wanted to see me. I have no choice but to follow." Tristan explained to her, feeling a little bit disappointed.",

"My Grandpa will turn into a scary monster if ever I will disobey his order." Tristan added exasperatedly while taking a deep sigh.",

"Is Grandpa Lu that scary?" Zhen-Zhen asked him innocently. There was a slight frown on her beautiful face. She was curious.",

Tristan couldn\'t help letting out a soft chuckle. He was badmouthing his grandpa to his future granddaughter-in-law. Tristan could imagine Grandpa Lu\'s face once he learned that.",

"Yes, he is so scary. But don\'t worry, grandpa will definitely like you once he sees you. Anyway, Zhen-Zhen, we have to go now and pack our things. Let\'s come here again some other time to resume our plan of exploring Oceaniz City." Tristan said while gently petting her head.",

"Hmm. Okay. Let\'s do that next time. We must follow grandpa, or else he will become a scary monster. But don\'t worry Tristan. I will protect you from Grandpa once he gets mad at you." Zhen-Zhen said, reassuring Tristan.",

Tristan chuckled once again. Then he pinched her cheeks. "Hey, Zhen… you are not allowed to hurt elders. You should respect and be patient with them even if they will start nagging you non-stop. You must bear it."",

Zhen-Zhen pouted after hearing that. She also raised her hands, pinching Tristan\'s cheek. ",

"I said I will protect you but it does not mean that I will hurt grandpa. I am planning to use my charm not my powers." Zhen-Zhen corrected him.",

Tristan let out another husky laugh. "Wow, Where did you learn that?"",

Zhen-Zhen smiled sheepishly and said, "In the television. After watching some dramas where the female lead is acting so cute in front of her grandpa. Then just like that her grandpa\'s anger will suddenly disappear. He dotes so much on his granddaughter."",

Tristan gave her two thumbs up. "Good strategy, Zhen-Zhen. I like that. Let\'s use that in the future."",

Then Tristan scratched the back of his head. "Hmm. Now I wonder. Am I not charming enough? I think my charm is not working on him. He always gets mad at me." he lamented to her.",

"Because you\'re a naughty grandson." Zhen-Zhen promptly said, there was a glint of humor in her blue eyes.",

p Tristan: "..."",

Tristan was taken aback for a moment. When he recovered, Tristan immediately reacted.",

"Hey! Who told you that? Is it Matthew?"",

Zhen-Zhen immediately closed her mouth while shaking her head. It meant that she would not tell him.",

"Zhen-Zhen??! Spill it out."",

Before Tristan could further complain, Zhen-Zhen already fled by running towards their hotel room.",

\'Tristan, it\'s FaMo. Besides, I\'m just joking. FaMo said I should try making some jokes once in a while.\' Zhen-Zhen giggled at that thought.",


After a few hours of journey, Zhen-Zhen and Tristan arrived at the airport of Empire City. Matthew was already there, waiting for them in the passenger\'s arrival lounge.",

Matthew waved at them the moment he saw Tristan and Zhen-Zhen. Zhen-Zhen waved back at him with a smile while Tristan simply nodded his head.",

"What happened?" Tristan immediately asked Matthew when they reached him.",

Matthew was about to tell him when suddenly four men in black uniform approached them. ",

Tristan frowned the moment he saw the four elite bodyguards of the Davis Family. \'Does grandpa think I will runaway? Why is it he sends these bodyguards?\'",

They slightly bowed to greet Tristan. Their leader was the one who spoke up. "Young Master Tristan, welcome back. Chairman Lu sent us here to fetch you."",

Tristan moved his gaze to Matthew, asking him if he knew that the bodyguards were there. Matthew shrugged his shoulders as a response to his questioning gaze. Matthew had no idea that the Davis Family Bodyguards would come personally to pick up Tristan.",

Meanwhile, Zhen-Zhen who was carrying FaMo in her hands just watched everyone in confusion. Now Tristan was very curious what\'s the problem this time.",

He nodded at their family bodyguards before he turned to Zhen-Zhen. Tristan held her shoulders as he spoke at her softly.",

"Lillie, you should go with Matthew. Visit your parents today. They are already here in the City of Empire. I will see you later... at home. Okay?"",

She knew that Tristan was referring to her adoptive parents, Alice and Thomas. ",

"Okay." She simply said but deep down Zhen-Zhen didn\'t feel at ease leaving Tristan alone with those men.",

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll be fine. I am just meeting my grandpa and my parents." Tristan reassured her upon seeing the worries in her blue orbs. He leaned over to plant a kiss on her forehead.",

Then he turned to Matthew and said meaningfully. "Take care of her."",

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