The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 58 Strong Attraction

After several minutes of FaMo fusing with Zhen-Zhen, he went out of her body and turned into his cat form once again. He tried to figure out what Zhen-Zhen had experienced or felt a while ago when kissing Tristan.

"What did you see, FaMo? What did you find out? Can you explain what happened to me?" Zhen-Zhen bombarded him with questions.

FaMo raised his paw on the bottom of his mouth as if he was rubbing his chin. His tail was kept on moving at his back while he was staring at Zhen-Zhen intently.

"Zhen-Zhen, I think Tristan is starting to affect your feelings and emotions." FaMo stated with certainty.

She looked at him expectantly and probed, "So what does it mean FaMo? What is that unfamiliar feeling I just felt a while ago?"

FaMo shook his head. "But too bad, that\'s the only thing I could tell you since this mighty dragon creature had no idea about human\'s emotions or feelings."

Zhen-Zhen sighed helplessly when FaMo said that. She could understand since FaMo was not human.

"However, I remember this kind of feeling. These unfamiliar feelings that you\'ve felt are similar to the feelings the Demon God had felt before when he first met your mother, Eva."

FaMo continued sharing the demon god\'s experience with Zhen-Zhen. She was quietly listening to FaMo. She was very curious and interested to hear more stories about her Fa-Fa and Mo-Mo.

"My Master\'s heart would always start beating rapidly whenever he was with Eva, every time he would see your mother\'s smile while looking at him straight in the eyes."

"His body would always feel hot whenever Eva was very close to him, every time their bodies would touch each other. It felt like there was a raging flame inside his system or bolts of electric current spreading to the different parts of his body."

"Then suddenly he would feel the intense hunger, craving for her, wanting her more as if he was losing his mind because all he could think of was her… your mother\'s beautiful image."

Zhen-Zhen smiled and giggled upon hearing that. "I think I am becoming more like Fa-Fa. I could also feel that with Tristan. It\'s like I am Fa-Fa and Tristan is Mo-Mo."

FaMo bobbed his head in agreement. "Yeah. It feels like that. So don\'t worry Zhen-Zhen. I think it is just normal. Your Fa-Fa had also experienced that before."

Zhen-Zhen felt relieved now after hearing that.

"Thank you, FaMo. Now, I don\'t have to be afraid of this unfamiliar feeling."

Unknown to Zhen-Zhen, the longer she stayed with Tristan, the attraction she had towards him was also getting stronger. Soon, that seed of attraction would grow and bloom into something more beautiful. Then later on, it would be called LOVE.

Zhen-Zhen and FaMo just finished talking about her concern when the doorbell of their room rang.

*Ding Dong*

"I could smell food. I think that\'s the food Tristan had ordered for us." Zhen-Zhen mumbled with a smile.

She got off the bed immediately and headed straight to the main door. When she opened the door, a cart that contained different foods which were covered by transparent glass food cover along with one hotel staff standing beside the cart greeted her sight.

"Good noon, Ma\'am. Mr. Davis requested us to deliver this food for you." The hotel staff politely said while smiling brightly at her.

Zhen-Zhen returned his smile and said, "Thank you."

"Ma\'am, Mr. Davis also wanted to give you this. He said thank you for cheering him up today." The staff gave her the beautifully arranged three white tulip flowers to Zhen-Zhen.

Upon seeing the flowers, it immediately brought a tantalizing smile to her lovely face. She gladly accepted the flowers.

"Really? This is from Tristan?" Zhen-Zhen asked again to confirm it.

The staff nodded as a response.

The surprise, genuine happiness and gratitude were written all over her face. The hotel staff couldn\'t help but admire her beauty. He was blinded by her mesmerizing smile. His mind seemed like it stopped functioning for a moment.

"They are so beautiful." A pleasant feeling surged inside her as her heart felt touched by Tristan\'s gesture of sending her flowers. That simple action elicited true happiness within her.

"Yeah… indeed… so beautiful." The hotel staff mumbled absentmindedly as he continued staring at her. He was drooling over her.

Meow! Meow! Meow!

FaMo\'s meowing awakened the hotel staff from his deep stupor. He scolded himself inwardly after realizing that he was daydreaming in front of their VIP guest.

He smiled at Zhen-Zhen awkwardly while scratching his reddened cheek, feeling guilty of unprofessional-like behavior. He shouldn\'t have done that, but Zhen-Zhen\'s beauty was truly captivating.

"May I come in, Ma\'am? I will just put the food inside your dining table." The hotel staff said, feeling a little awkward and embarrassed.

"Ah okay." She simply said, before stepping on the side of the door, allowing the staff to push the food cart inside the room.

Zhen-Zhen thanked the staff once again before he left.

"FaMo! Tristan gave me these flowers! So beautiful, right?" Zhen-Zhen exclaimed enthusiastically, sharing her joy with FaMo right away.

FaMo just bobbed his head but his attention was now focused on the food especially to the grilled Tuna Belly.

\'Why do I feel like I am now enjoying being a cat? I didn\'t imagine that I could also like and enjoy eating the delicious foods made by humans.\' FaMo thought to himself.

Zhen-Zhen giggled upon noticing the intense gaze FaMo was giving to the food.

"Okay, FaMo. Let\'s eat lunch now."


Zhen-Zhen and FaMo strolled around the front beach while waiting for Tristan to come back. He was still together with Andrew and Hannah. They also had a meeting with the hotel manager.

The hotel manager personally gave them a tour inside the resort that\'s why Tristan couldn\'t come back right away. Fortunately, Zhen-Zhen and Tristan were communicating over the phone, sending each other text messages.

His concern about Zhen-Zhen being alone with FaMo while roaming around the beach had diverted Tristan\'s attention away from Andrew and Hannah.

He always checked his phone from time to time to see Zhen-Zhen\'s message. If he got no message from her, he would be the one sending her a message, asking about her current whereabouts or what she was doing.

Andrew and Hannah had noticed that Tristan was not paying attention during the tour. He was not even listening to the hotel manager\'s brief overview of the hotel. His attention was fixed on his phone.The tour lasted for three hours. It ended at around 5 o\'clock in the afternoon.

Meanwhile, Zhen-Zhen and FaMo also went back to their hotel room. They didn\'t wait for the sunset since Zhen-Zhen wanted to watch it together with Tristan. She decided to do it tomorrow when Tristan would be available.

On the other hand, Tristan immediately bade Hannah and Andrew goodbye as he wanted to check on Zhen-Zhen.

"Heart, do you know what Tristan\'s room number is?" Hannah asked Andrew as she watched the retreating back of Tristan.

"I didn\'t ask him but I happened to see his keycard a while ago. Blue Ocean VIP room # 318." Andrew replied to her.

Hannah nodded with a smile.

"Alright. I am planning to stop by his room later. I am just worried. He looked distracted a while ago. I wonder if he has a problem."

"Okay. Try to ask him later. For now, let\'s go back to our room and take a rest."

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