The Last Primal

Chapter 222 - 222 - System Interference?

\'Should I do it? It would definitely increase my chances but I would be leaving them defenseless…\' Aiden was in deep thought thinking about if it would be worth it to go forward to the very last step in the process or not. He wasn\'t sure how long it would take him to evolve into the selected form, and on top of that, he had no idea what he would do if he would get some potentially dangerous mutation. Still, on the other hand, if he would not do it, he would have a much harder time to command some respect during the meeting. 

Goblins are considered barely above the status of slaves. They are used as scouts and cannon fodder to wear down the enemy forces before the main horde would arrive and get ready to go all out. They usually weren\'t told much, just the bare minimum they would need to complete their objectives.

Looking back at it, Aiden couldn\'t really wrap his head around what was the benefit for the goblins to join such an alliance with the orcs and the other races? What did they hope to gain? They were used as nothing more than meat shields, barely above the animals and slaves! 

However, if he were to pick any of the available options, he would turn into either some rare monstrous entity that while inducing fear to most of the tribe members, would also begin questioning his presence. Such violent and non-intelligent races would come alone and wouldn\'t have an \'envoy\' at all. 

Hobgoblins on the other hand were very rare, and whilst most likely would have a spot in the horde, they would already have their own envoy in there, and that could also potentially blow his cover.

Thinking about it for a second, he shook his head.

\'No, forget it, there aren\'t enough benefits… but I stand to lose much more…\' Coming to a decision, he was about to close the window when he spotted something that he was sure wasn\'t available there before!

\'What is this?\' Focusing on the blinking empty section on the fourth section of the screen. It was as if it was inviting him, telling to focus his attention on it, and select a previously unavailable fourth option…

"What the…" Giving in to the inviting blinking screen, Aiden focused his attention on it and selected the invisible button. Upon his selection, the list of choices once again expanded, however, this time there was only one element. A new one, that he hadn\'t seen before…

[List of Choices:

- Primal]

"Since when can I…?" mumbling with disbelief, Aiden was utterly shocked at the sight of the new possible ingredient in the mix. Absent-minded and completely shocked, Aiden was about to reach to select the only available option from the screen, when the screen buzzed again and updated. However, at the next second, it seemed that nothing has changed, the Primal option was still the only available there. Not sure what to think of it, he selected the option and looked at it as the floating window in front of him flickered and updated to show him the previous screen asking for his patience as it did some mysterious calculations.

However, the mutation probability also changed, showing a mysterious ?? of the previous 15-25% range. It seemed that whatever happened, the system was unable to predict the chances for a potential mutation anymore.

[Chance for mutations: ??

Calculating results… Please stand by.]

As the screen continued to calculate relentlessly, Aiden was left alone to his bubbling doubts, thoughts. Just why did the screen suddenly change? He was about to cancel when suddenly the screen reacted to his decision… Is something, or something trying to guide him, push him into going through with the Fusion? If so, then why?

\'Was it Enya?\' His first thought was the otherworldly presence that resided in his soul space. However, he quickly shook his head to shoo that thought away. \'No, she can\'t have been, she is still unconscious… Then who or what was it?\' No matter how much he tried to think, he couldn\'t come up with any thoughts.

His thought process was forced to end when the screen abruptly blinked again and updated. A new, never before seen message began to appear in front of Aiden, seeming as if it was coming from someone rather than the system itself.

[Please select an option from the below choices. Note, that this option is a one-time offer only, you will not be able to return to this exact list of choices in the future.]

Raising his eyebrows in confusion, Aiden accepted the text and waited for the list of options to appear. 

What appeared next shocked him to the core.

[Primal Fusions…

3 Fusion Results found!

Option 1)

Primal Draconian (Tier 2+) - (Primal + Ancient Dragon + ????)

Chance for Mutation: ????

Potential: ????

Draconians are a unique and revered, feared race that was birthed from the eventual consummation between Dragon and Human. Over the years the race has further evolved, incorporating other essences into their mix, but it has remained the same. They have a similar body posture to their human ancestors, however, their bodies are covered with thick scales. They also have an additional appendage at their backs: a snout and short stubby reptilian tail.

There are many variations and subspecies in their race with their own social hierarchy. Primal Draconians are a somewhat special and incredibly ancient subspecies extinct and nearly forgotten by today\'s world. They were a mighty existence with the blood of the Primals coursing through their veins. There is not much information available about them, but one thing is sure: Once they were considered the Apex of their race, the irrefutable kings, the true lords, rulers of all Draconians.

Option 2)

Primal Goblin Lord (Tier 2+) - (Primal + Goblin + ????)

Chance for Mutation: ????

Potential: ????

An incredibly mysterious variant of the goblinoids thought of extinct of today\'s civilized folk. There are no available records, only near-forgotten legends of this incredible race. There is no definite information about how they looked, but one thing that was certain from the available myths and legends: They were the true leaders of their race, possessing the inherent aura of royalty, all goblins had an instinctual reverence towards them.

Option 3)

Primal Symic (Tier 2+) - (????)

Chance for Mutation: ?????

Potential: ????

Symics are magic-born creatures of the world. They resemble tall 7-foot tall giant blue-skinned humanoids resembling a cruel mixture of reptiles, elves, and even humans. Their actual visuals depend on the life forms they incorporated into themselves. Similar to the now-extinct and ancient race of Primals, they had the ability to absorb other life forms into their own core gaining their dominant traits in the process. However, the main difference is that they incorporate the life essence of the absorbent into their core and are incapable of shapeshifting or using the base form any longer. 

Researchers are also debating about their intelligence constantly. Mostly they are used as mere constructs, and to this day, -mostly to the lack of subjects- it is not clear if they have a true conscience and soul at all.]

The new choices were incredibly unique and at the same time pretty vague. Many of the information was obscured and unavailable for Aiden. For example for the Symics, besides the name, the categorization, and a short description, Aiden couldn\'t see anything else.

Still, these choices are much better than the previous three. Even counting in the fact that he couldn\'t check out the chance for mutations during evolution, they were still a much better choice than before. 

The problem was if what the system said was true, this was a once-in-lifetime choice for him, offered for some unknown reason. What should he do?

He kept on going through the available information over and over again, trying to come up with a feasible decision. In the end, although he would have wanted to get all, he discarded the first option. Dragonians, while sounding powerful and a worthy addition to his repertoire felt much too similar to his already available temporary transformation through his [Draconic Heritage] innate ability.

From the remaining two choices, Primal Goblin Lord or Primal Symic he wasn\'t sure which one to choose. He could obviously disregard the text about the Symic Sentience, -regardless if it was true or not-, it would not affect him and his transformed state in the slightest. However, the potential was probably incredibly high for the race due to the fact that it could constantly grow stronger through the absorption skill they possessed, it could interfere with his Primal nature and cause a potential conflict. Or maybe, his Primal Core would weaken the Symic form, causing it to be unable to get other life essences to strengthen itself any longer…

Thinking it through, Aiden heaved a large sigh, as his attention focused on the second option once again.

\'Primal Goblin, huh?\' He smirked at himself, reading through the available text once more. \'I have no idea what you looked like or what abilities you possess but you do seem to be the best choice here. But as true leaders, royalties of your species, I do hope that my decision will be the correct one…\'

He sighed once more, as a small smile began to curve the edges of his lips. Slowly, he reached for the screen and focused his attention on the second option...

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