The Legacy System

Chapter 383 - 383: An Advocate Of Gender Equality & Bored Waiting

With his background and character, no one dared to mess with this pedantic and arrogant Young Master, as whoever did would only bring trouble upon themselves.

His big brother doted upon him, as he was the only family that was left for him. So, this guy would stride around without putting anyone in his eyes.

Just like in this case, he had only taken a liking to the girl that was shouting, so he had immediately started throwing his weight around to impress her, and then take her into his room.

The number of young women that had suffered under his hands, even if it didn\'t reach thousands it certainly reached hundreds.

What made things worse, was that this guy didn\'t care about their age or families. As long as a young lady entered his eyes, then she would be his.

There were even cases of him stealing brides from their weddings, just because he liked the way they looked in their bridal dress.

To say that more than half of Okinawa hated this demon wouldn\'t be an understatement. But even if they hated him, no one dared to deal with him.

After all, no one wanted to go against Dragon Fuji and suffered in the hands of that Devil. He was even more evil and vicious than his little brother.

So, seeing Eric break the neck of this Young Master with just one slap was something that not only shocked them but also frightened them as the Devil would certainly arrive.

On the other hand, Eric just looked at the guy accompanying this idiot, as he said,

"I am not in the mood for words, and if I hear even one of you sound another word today I will make sure that you have another hole to breathe from!

There are two options in front of you, either take him to the hospital and forget this issue or call whatever backing he has and tell them to rush over.

I will be waiting at the bar!"

With that said, under the shocked eyes of everyone around he started walking towards the bar, but then he seemed to have been reminded of something as he said,

"Oh~! And hurry up, I don\'t have much time to lose! You have 15 minutes at most!"

He didn\'t stop walking even for a second, and when he arrived at the bar he didn\'t even look at the shocked bartender as he said,

"Orange juice!"

\'Huh~!?\' x30

More than thirty people had question marks appearing over their heads as they heard Eric\'s strange request.

After that cool and bossy entrance, he suddenly asks for something so childish in a bar where one would only come for alcohol.

Hearing that, they couldn\'t help but think that there must be something wrong with this young man\'s head but seeing the still unconscious Young Master Akito on the floor no one dared to say anything.

It was only at that moment, that people around started awakening from their stupor, whispering to each other, and commenting on the situation.

The guy that Eric had spoken to just a moment ago immediately took out his phone as he started reporting the situation to whoever he was supposed to.

While that woman that had screamed to Eric until now shut her hole for a moment, but then thinking that Eric didn\'t dare slap her like Young Master Akito, she started screaming once again,

"You damn bast…"


She wasn\'t able to complete her words though, as another slapping sound reverberated through the place, as even the music had been turned off at this moment.

A scarlet red handprint was plastered to her face, and despite her neck not suffering any abnormal pain or injury, her face and reputation had been surely destroyed.

The sound of that slap was clearly a few times stronger than the slap that Young Master Akito received, and everyone else heard it sharply and clearly.

That managed to also awaken her from the state she was in, as she heard Eric say in a natural cold and detached voice,

"You know, I am not a man that likes violence, so I tend to stay away from it. But once you get on my bad side I don\'t care who is in front of me anymore!

Sometimes even if you don\'t speak, people won\'t think of you as a mute!"

That young lady wasn\'t able to believe what was happening, there was a clear incredulous look on her face, as she started mumbling,

"You…, You hit me!? How dare you!? How dare you hit me!? How dare you hit a woman? What kind of man are you?"

The moment that the crowd heard those words, they all turned their heads towards Eric waiting for his answer. It felt like they were watching some kind of film or show live.

They expected Eric to go and give her another slap, or say something in rage, but Eric stunned the whole crowd as he started laughing for a moment, before saying,

"Me!? I consider myself an advocate of gender equality! No matter whether it is a woman, or a man, in my eyes, a trash is a trash!

Now do you want me to beautify your face even more, or are you willing to shut up? No matter what you choose, I will gladly comply!"

It was clear that the young lady was unable to accept this but hearing those words she had a premonition that Eric would certainly live up to his words, so she didn\'t dare test him.

Still, she had no intention of letting this end here, as she immediately took her phone out, and she seemed to be texting something.

Eric saw her do that, but he had no intention of stopping her, he only looked towards her with a mocking smile, as he said,

"I have no intention of stopping you send that text, or even if you want to call someone! But you better think this through, as once a bullet has left the gun, it can\'t be retrieved back!"

Hearing that warning from Eric the young lady seemed to reconsider her actions for a moment, but the next one she pressed send, as she said,

"Let me see how you handle this bullet then!"

Even though she said those words in a weak voice, Eric was still able to hear her clearly as he just chuckled and looked at the bartender,

"Yo, where is my juice!? Don\'t tell me that you also wish to call upon someone!"

Hearing those words, the bartender felt like some kind of evil wind was blowing behind his back, which immediately woke him up, as he started taking the orange squeezer to make some orange juice.

This was the first time since he had started working in this place, that he was actually making orange juice for a customer.

Taking the drink from the bartender, Eric started sipping calmly as he looked at his glass. He seemed to be in his own world like whatever had transpired until now didn\'t matter in the least.

Slowly time ticked away, as seconds turned into minutes, and in no time more than 5 minutes had passed.

The whole bar was covered in whispers, as Eric was sipping on his orange juice, while that Young Master Akito was still on the floor with his broken neck.

Truth to be told Eric was extremely bored at this moment, so he couldn\'t help but say to that guy beside the Young Master Akito,

"Yo, bro, how long are you intending to let him stay there like that. If you don\'t take him to a hospital fast his neck might not be fixed later, or even worse he might lose his life.

I am sure that his big brother would fault you, even more, when he arrived!"

Hearing that, that guy was clearly startled and frightened as he directly jumped on his feet, and was about to pick his Young Master up and take him to a hospital, but then he heard Eric\'s clear voice,

"Are you an idiot? He had a fractured neck, if you pick him up without proper care then he will only get more injured. Call an ambulance for fu*ck\'s sake!"

No one in the crowd could understand Eric\'s intentions, as he was the one that turned Young Master Akito in that condition, but he was also the one who seemed to be more bothered about him.

Just what was he trying to pull off!?

But startles weren\'t over for them today, as they heard Eric\'s bored voice,

"Aghh~! How long will they take to arrive? I am getting bored already!"

Then turning to that guy, and the young lady he continued,

"Come on, call them to arrive here faster! I have other things to take care of, I am a busy businessman you know!"

Almost the whole crowd choked at those words, busy businessman? What kind of fu*cking businessman had that strength, and could say those words?

He sounded more of a hooligan than a businessman! But nobody dared to say those words to him, they could only look at him with complicated expressions.

The two appointed messengers did as they were told, as a devilish grin appeared on their faces, clearly stating that Eric didn\'t have to wait for long.

"Who the fu*ck is so brave as to harm my little brother!? I will fu*cking make you regret you were ever born!

Snake motherfu*cker, how did you allow my brother to get harmed inside your bar?"

It was clear that this guy didn\'t pay any attention to Eric, as he had already condemned him with torture, and wanted to ask for explication from the owner of the bar.

Before he could even walk properly inside the bar though…

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