The Legacy System

Chapter 261 - 261: The Three Kingpins

There were three people known as the outlaw kinds of Earth! The first one was \'The Flesh\' this guy was the kingpin of human and organ trafficking around the whole world.

The number of people he would transport through the world, and the number of people he had bought the lives of, for their organs surpassed thousands each month.


To him human life was nothing more than a simple market product, that he could easily put a price upon, as he benefited from people\'s conditions to buy their lives, and their freedom.

Even though it was 21st century this guy could always find people that were willing to sell their freedom to him, and then sell them as slaves to others.

No one knew what he did to them, but each of the slaves they sold would never oppose their Master, and no matter what happened they would never say anything about what they were.

They offered the most obedient, and most useful slaves. Their price wasn\'t small, but whoever had bought some said that it was worth it.

The second was \'The Hands\'! This guy was the boss of the best assassination organization, and also the kingpin of gun dealing.

There were words about him that each gun found on Earth had once passed through his hands, and each assassination had his mark.

No one knew how he looked like, or what kind of person he was, as some said he was a Ninja from a Japanese ninja village, and some said that he was the only descendant alive of the Hashashin, the original assassins.

Yet every one knew one thing, if he or his organization had accepted an assassination, then no matter who it was, it would die in less than 48 hours.

For that reason, no one dared to become an enemy of theirs and they tried to stay in good terms with them through the back channels.

It was because of that, that he was the kingpin of gun dealing through the whole planet. The previous holder of the title had certainly refused his entrance in the market.

But in less than a week time, he had lost not only his life, but also his all bloodline. He didn\'t even have time to mourn them.

The third but not least was \'The Nose\' this guy dealt with all the drugs circulating across the planet. Name one drug, or medicine and he would have his own percentage of it.

Differently from the other two, this guy had a piece of both worlds. He existed not only on Underworld, but also the daily one.

There was news that he was one of the major shareholders of each drug company, and there was no place where he hadn\'t put his hands on.

But even though people knew about this they were unable to do anything to him, due to the critical position he held on World Economy.

More than once big country leaders would try to take a shot at him, but every time more and more leaders would come to his help.

By the time that they had decided to remove him, he had grown too strong, and too important. So, they had no choice but to tolerate him as much as they could.

The same was valid for the other two, by now they had become a part of Earth\'s powerful and high society, as they were holding a special position at the top echelons.

Furthermore, an illegal market that you can control is much more valuable than one you can\'t, so both sides needed each other.

It was some kind of a symbiotic relationship where the two big sides were benefiting from each other, as the one to suffer the consequences where the ignorant people on Earth.

There was no right or wrong in these deals, only benefits and interests. But one thing was true though, the rate of crimes was kept constant.

If the cops, or agents that worked on solving these cases learned about this, Eric wondered how would they react, but this was something that he didn\'t care about much.

If the situation was any different he may have thought twice before continuing with his plan to destroy this medium sized camp, but in two something years the S-day would happen.

The moment that S-day hit in his previous life, these three guys were hit with misfortune too. There were more than a few strait and honest cops who made these guys their life goal.

The moment they received the power to fulfill their wishes, they immediately set upon destroying their empires, and kill them.

Even though their determination was worthy of mentioning those cops weren\'t able to achieve their goals though, as the numbers, and the wealth these guys had accumulated was just too much.

As these three guys created their own empires after the big turbulence, and their power increased, but until then Eric was sure that he wouldn\'t have to worry about them, or their strength.

As a matter of fact, since he had the opportunity in this life, he might even help those honest cops from the shadows and give them a little push.

Perhaps this time they might achieve their goals, and kill those three guys. He had nothing personal against them, but they would surely have something with him after this trip.

The number of camps he was going to take down numbered around 100, so there were bound to be one or two that they were using under hindsight.

Even if he had better source of information he might not be able to find about them, and not to mention the current weak and not trustable network he had.

But he couldn\'t show a weak side either, as that would be an even bigger problem. He would be haunted down wherever he went.

So, the best thing he could do was take these places down completely and then move away without leaving witnesses.

He would certainly not kill the captives, but he wouldn\'t take them from there either. They would be nothing more than an unclasped grenade if he took them in.

With these thoughts in mind, he didn\'t answer to the commander, as he only took out his nighthawk, and immediately put a bullet through his eyebrows.

That was the action that put an end to the mercenary\'s bravery, as each and every one of them started to run in different directions, and escape form the camp.

Too bad that their fate had been sealed the moment that their commander had spoken, so Eric couldn\'t allow any one of them to leave this place alive.

With that decision made he didn\'t stay in the corner anymore, as he joined the fray, and started killing left and right, every mercenary trying to escape.

No matter where those guys tried to hide, he would find them using his Spirit Sense that now was able to expand to more than 100 meters radius, and then headshot them all.

He made sure to instruct even the ladies in order to not leave even one of them injured, and still alive. Each and every one of them had to be killed, no matter what.

It took a bit of time for the camp to be finally completely cleaned, as Eric made sure to have one or two rounds around the camp to make sure that there was no one left alive, as he made their bodies disappear.

Despite having a great use for their blood, in making up clones, Eric could even profit to learn his death laws, from the death aura they left behind.

Until now he had already reached a 3% proficiency with his death laws, and he could feel that the world was expanding in front of him.

The more he learned about death, the sharper did his spirit sense become, and even more so ability to sense the energy around him.

Not only that, but he felt like he could kill someone who was 5 levels higher than him with a thought to explode his heart. It was something unbelievable, and a great trump card for the future.

As for this camp, and its mercenaries, he would certainly not back up from a possible fight with these dog\'s owner, but he didn\'t want to become their target yet.

He wanted to take this step by step, otherwise, he might just make more enemies than he could afford, and have a difficult time taking care of them.

When everything was taken care of, he led the four ladies outside of the camp, opened the door of the captives, and then left the area without a trace.

He didn\'t know how that guy would react, but one thing was for sure, he was going to have a witch hunt for some time.

Too bad that the culprit would have left this place by that time, as without losing more time Eric went for his next target.

Just like the previous one, he let the ladies do most of the work and level up, as he kept control of the situation from the sides.

The four ladies were getting better, and better. Not only their strength, but even their mentality had grown a lot in one night.

He expected them to have a terrible sleep tonight but that didn\'t matter as he would be there for them.

While he wasn\'t the best psychiatrist they could find, he could make them think of something completely different, and forget about the bloodbath they had created today.

It wasn\'t going to be easy, but these four showed great potentials to becoming what he dreamed them to be.

The best fighter maids that one had seen…

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