Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 967 Victoria Lionheart - Alone

"Gods, it\'s boring," Ezra started, leaning onto my shoulder as we rested outside the barrier. "Think you can destroy this barrier? I want to see Master."

"Probably not," I replied, cursing beneath my breath. " And can you get off me? Your head is heavy."

"Don\'t be mean. I just want to get to know my new sister."

I snorted, almost spitting in response to her words. " The only sisters I have are those from the abyss. Which you are not."

Ezra hissed in response, lifting her head. " Down, girl, no need to be so cold. I\'m not the enemy, you know."

"That is rich coming from a devil of the Nines. Change your blood as much as you want. It wouldn\'t change the fact you will always be a devil at heart."

Ezra held me in her sight with her cat-like red eyes, with a heavy frown. " You know what I think. I think you\'re just jealous. Even if I\'m Master\'s concubine, his toy, I think your jealous you don\'t have anything. No country, no lover, no friends, no career, nothing. You are nothing but an empty shell looking for a place."

She smiled, narrowing those damnable red eyes. "Tell me, what is it you even want? Every day I watch you mindlessly cook, clean, and cultivate. And the funny thing I see is that you don\'t even seem to see how miserable you look. You remind me of the tormented fools in the Nines. Walking towards their torment because that\'s all they know."

Biting my lips, I glared and stood up, ready to draw my weapon and cut her down. It would be so easy. So simple. She was so weak. I could end her fucking life with a simple swing of my blade.

"You don\'t even have the guts to kill me, do you?" Ezra remarked with a devilish smile, " I\'ve seen your type before. Just another with a false sense of superiority. Thinking they hold power when, in fact, it\'s the opposite. You are no different from me. Just another toy, for Master or Lilith."

Clenching my fist, my shoulder tensed, and with a jerking motion, blood swallowed my vision as a thunderous explosion filled my sight. Debris of wood, dirt, and rocks plastered my vision in a swarm of destruction.

By the time the dust settled, Ezra was on the ground a few kilometers away, spewing blood from her lips, with the most hateful laugh echoing from her mouth. Crazed and demonic, I could not help but tremble thinking of Arsene.

I had nothing… Nothing. If Master calls, I must respond. I have no home to call my own. My people, my family, are all dead. I don\'t even have a hobby as all I\'ve ever done was cultivate to help my Queen.

But my queen doesn\'t need me when she has her fourteen generals. Or the abyssal children. I am no better than them. I am just…

"What the hell was that noise!" Rar\'Caju shouted, rushing forward with arm disciples on his heel. "By the Hells, what happened?"

Ignoring his demand, I drew closer to the barrier and sat once more in the lotus position… And began cultivating.

\'I hate this.\'

Locked in a sea of endless chaos, soothing my throbbing nerve, a slew of silence washed through me, finally allowing me to think.

As infuriating as Ezra might be… She was right in some aspects. What the hell am I doing with my endless life? I\'ve no goal aside from protecting my queen. I have no home to run back to, even friends to speak to. I had none of those… I was alone.

Opening my eyes, a lone empty husk of a sigh left me.

"Hello," A soft, frightened voice said as my vision came into focus, revealing a young man around the age of twenty or so, trembling.

"Hello,\' I replied, " you are?"

"Son!" A loud booming voice echoed, shaking the earth.

"Grandpapa!" Said the young man stumbling as he rushed into Rar\'caju\'s arms. Eyes filled with tears, he pressed his head into his chest, like a child, and cried.

Arsene… you took that away from me… Should I create a child of my own? Abyssal Fiends are Asexual. I could make my own if I needed to. They would also be first-generation Abyssal Fiend.

No, I can\'t. That wouldn\'t be fair to the child. That would be so selfish. To have a child just to stop me from feeling lonely. But…

"Grandfather, who was that man? He was speaking to the statue of Tenebrae!" Said the grandson through tearful breaths.

"Arsene Snow," Rar\'Caju replied," But what about the others, Ja\'ran."

He shook his head, and I knew Arsene just allowed him to leave. Shadow Stepping required a price, and he was low on souls to sacrifice. Not to mention his main goal was to free Ja\'ran. I don\'t think Arsene cares what happens to the rest.

"Now, isn\'t this all nice?" A strange voice came from my rear, and before I knew it, the silvery glint of a dagger pressing against my neck fixed itself on my throat. "Move, and you\'re dead."

Quite indifferent. I didn\'t even bother to show shock, or any emotion for that matter, as I sensed the High God\'s power.

"Ro\'lar, what is this about!" Rar\'caju snapped, putting his grandchild behind him. "Arsene\'s people are to not be…."

"Sorry, but the Patriarch has other ideas. Ezra is already in custody. Thanks for that. I—"

My arms flashed, and carrying a slew of almighty essence, a mist of blood washed over my cheek as my palm gently tapped onto the stranger\'s side, painting the area with his entrails.

"Kill her. I don\'t care. My mission is to protect Arsene Snow. Should you attack again, I\'ll kill every man and child within the Sect of the White Rose," I stated flatly, wiping my stained hand with a handkerchief I created out of thin air.

Rar\'caju\'s expression had turned extremely pale, and he backed away with a worried expression. " I\'ll try to get Ezra back. She had lost consciousness after you attacked her. I—"

"I don\'t care. It\'s Arsene\'s problem. Not mine. Explain it to him."

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