Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 761 Do Not Enter

Making our way into the cave under the cover of the approaching night, I decided to lead while Lilith shadowed me, followed by Ezra and finally Ren. Ty and Arkanos were attached to Lilith, so she was pretty much protected, not to mention she was a dangerous monster in her own right.

Moving without sound through the darkness, I had the satisfaction of lowering my hood, allowing my face to breathe.

Embracing the absence of light, I couldn\'t help but be on guard. Not just against the abyssal fiends that could be hidden, but the warriors of the Overworld.

When Ren first arrived here, he had mentioned that this place was being guarded by the denizens of the Overworld, which worried me. The act of simply mining is not an easy task. It requires tons of manpower, equipment, and most importantly, a Geologist. A few months ago, a few bloodstones fell from the ceiling and managed to cut through my skin, something that not even most Realms Lords are capable of doing. Due to my bloodlines, I was invincible to most elements and physical injuries.

The Flames of Hellfire that existed within me had worked so well for me that I could now literally fall into a vat of acid and walk out unharmed as a human. I hadn\'t even fought an acid user yet, but with the elemental nature of the flames of Hellfire, I was constantly adapting, not to mention my hacks.

Listening for any potential enemies hidden in the shadows, I willed my mind to fuse to the growing darkness, allowing its intangible nature to become my eyes. Seeing and hearing whatever the darkness touched, the Spear of Noctem on my back pulsed, enhancing my abilities. I instantly felt my senses push out past their limit.

Expanding far into the blood cave that was slowly beginning to glow a sinister scarlet, shadows seemed to flicker back and forth, escaping my senses.

"We have movement, " I quickly sounded, putting everyone on guard.

"It\'s been a few months; you think the Overworld might have sent a squad to identify what happened?" Ren questioned, his glowing eyes lingering on my back for a few seconds.

"I would. If these stones are as crucial as Asmodeus thinks they are, I would have sent a squad, if not an army." I whispered back.

"Armies are slow," Ezra added.

"Then it\'s highly likely they sent a small squad. But that\'s assuming the Overworld fully knows what these bloodstones are. I have my doubts, but I don\'t think they will send powerful gods, probably those in Heavenly Lord or lower." My eyes slid to meet Lilith humming without care. "Is your silence confirmation?"

She continued to hum, ignoring me, while the two little dragons stood on her shoulders, crossing their arms like two tiny-mini bouncers outside a club.

"Back up, Papa!"

"Yeah, keep walking, Papa!"

Blinking away at the two little loli\'s glaring at me, I chuckled at their cute attempt to be intimidating.

These two were so silly.

Shifting my attention back to the forefront, I drew my weapon, readying myself.

Creeping deeper into the cave, we slowly stopped next to a sign that read "Do Not Enter" My lips arched into a smirk, and my eyes rolled, "Does this ever work?

"Arsene, there is a formation," Ezra suddenly warned, walking past Lilith, her fingers skimmed over the surface of the wooden board, blocking the entrance. She squatted down, "The formation hasn\'t been activated, and it\'s a bit primitive."

Anticipation trickled down my spine, watching Ezra flick her fingers over the wooden board, revealing a shimmering formation. "It seems Abyssal."

Everyone looked at Lilith but was blocked by the two loli\'s, glaring back.

"Come on, let\'s go. Activate the formation, just in case something happens." Ren said, "you never know. "

"A warrior like you should take more risk," Said Lilith.

"There is a difference between being dismissive and foolish. Look at the Court of Nox. Instead of being cautious, they sent peons."

"He\'s got a point!" I gleefully remarked, pushing aside the wooden board, "If they had the foresight to kill us early, none of this would have happened. Although I was too badass to be killed anyway." Crackling up in laughter, I entered the hole that could fit a fully grown man.

Getting back in battle formation, the sounds of rattling echoed in my mind, and I knew we were approaching the shadows flickering through the darkness. And since we were not in the least bit silent, I was sure whatever was up ahead heard every word we spoke.

A shadow sword appeared in my left hand as tension traced over the spear of Noctem that held my heart, throbbing with excitement; our footsteps echoed without care.

"Who goes there!" I foolishly shouted, not caring who it was.

The rattling continued making me believe these things were not people but rather beasts. My brow scrunched, and for a second, I shot ahead, under the glow of the scarlet cave; I felt my perception couldn\'t keep up with my actual speed as the Spear of Noctem bolted out, carrying the crackles of thunder, with the grace of the darkness.

Greenish-red blood whipped over my face as the Spear of Ncotem curled around a large blood-red stalagmite. Leaping back, hearing the sounds of sizzling echo from my cheek, I frowned and broke into laughter.

"I\'m so awesome. I was just thinking about my resistance to acid!"

"Everyone, don\'t get the acid on you. Look at the ground!\' Lilith shouted.

Burrowing through the ground like it was butter, I watched in amazement and flicked my hair, topping myself off. " My greatness knows no bounds!"

Eight large legs appeared before my eyes, scurrying out from behind the various blood-red stalagmites from both the ground and the ceiling. Carrying over nine eyes, at the forefront of their heads, the size of an infant\'s head, even I felt intimidated by these abyssal spiders and their snow-white Exoskeleton.

Whipping the blood off my cheeks before it could break the skin, everyone readied their weapons as more and more spiders as large as two meters began to appear one after another.

"Who votes Ren to die first?" Ezra said.

"I second that!"

"Third," Said Lilith

"Screw you guys; I have the second-highest battle prowess here!"

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