Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 706 Avar And Arsene

Screw you, Lilith, just you wait till I fuck your mother! Let\'s see how you like being screwed over! Your lucky I\'m straight, or I\'ll fuck your dad too. No homo!

"LEVI!~CHAN" I suddenly cried," LEVI~~CHAN~~ IM READY!! LEVI~CHAN, LET\'S GO!!"

"Shut the hell up, Arsene," Ezra howled, slapping the back of my head." You\'re not fucking my mother." She said, already knowing.

A cold snort echoed, and I settled my intense gaze on Ezra, who immediately backed, "Yeah," I said, and the princess of hell crossed her arms, almost to hide, "Why did we never hook up?"

"Are you serious right now?" She said, and I nodded.

"Why not? I think it\'s a reasonable question. Ever heard of hate—"

A long cough echoed, and I turned to Avar, staring curiously, " Shall I come back?"

"Nonsense. " I expressed, waving off Avar\'s concern, "But what do you want? You were the one watching me, right?"

"Infomation," She said without hesitation, " For one, about Asmodeus, this Levi-Chan, and who you are."

"You know nothing is free," I said, but Avar didn\'t seem to show any concern. In fact, not even the Dao of devil heart was whispering secrets to me. This woman was icy cold as if she followed Form V.

"I could heal your friends—"

"There injuries can heal naturally," I calmly said and beckoned over near the fire. Taking a seat, I gestured for Avar to follow. She did. And I continued. " How about an alliance."

"An Alliance," Avar repeated.

"Arsene, what are you doing?" Ezra chimed in, but I glanced at Zan, who leaped over Ezra, covering her mouth. I Ignored the catfight, and my gaze settled once more on Avar.

"Yes, I am sure you are confused regarding what is going on. Most realms should be, by my count." I said under the crackles of firewood. Avar peered long and hard at the fire, her sky blue eyes swirling in thought.

"And you can speak for this alliance with the other realms, like Noctem, the Hells, and whomever else?" She said.

My heart sunk, but my smile did not slip away. I empowered the Laws of Darkness to keep myself calm and poised for battle. I didn\'t respond to her question; there wasn\'t a need to. Avar was just probing for data.

"You seem more interested in me, then—"

"The Realms like Hell and Noctem?" She finished, nodding her head. " Arsene, my realm granted Holocubes, space travel, realm travel, and abyssal travel to those of Iluthath. We are responsible for so many things, but there is one thing we are interested in: the secrets of the abyss."

"And what would realm that be?" I said, and it was her turn for there to be silent. Smiling at her reaction, I nodded.

"Fair enough."

"I would hope so.

"Oh, it is."


"Good," I added, rather liking this little minx. She knew how to play the game. Her gaze was sharp, and I could feel her constantly analyzing me, constantly probing into things I could not grasp. Where it not for me being anointed by the darkness, granting me even more grasp of the darkness, I was sure this woman would have found something.

Avar narrowed her mischievous eyes and rested her gaze over the others present. Landing her gaze on Ezra, who was coiling around Zanris, as she tried to escape her clutches. Zan seemed to laugh rather evilly, taking wild liberties with the princess.

"Come on, Ezra. Lemmie, just have a taste. No one will know—just me and you. Tell me you\'re not interested."

"Demons?" Avar said.

"Devils," I shamefully corrected, waving my hand, banishing them to the shadow realm, only to blink my eyes in amazement. I instantly stood up, and a burst of wild laughter resounded from my lips.

"YES!!!! I can banish bitches! Fuck! Yeah! Lilith! Get your ass down here! And let me banish you to the shadow realm! YOU OWE ME!!!" I howled, wishing nothing more than to point out I put a baby in her. She definitely owes me.

"You seemed overly excited." Avar pointed out, and I immediately coughed, cracking a laugh to mask my embarrassment, a little unsuccessfully if I say so myself; then again, this was all a mask to make myself seem human.

"Anyway, I can speak with Lilith about safe exploration through the abyss. You can even join us in the abyssal village, carrying its denizens. Many things are changing, and the abyssal fiends are not the mad dogs they once were."

"And you would know?" She addressed, now probing into my relationship with Lilith.

"You think me a concubine of hers?" I asked, perplexed by what would give that idea. "Well, I am her husband, her only husband," I said, emphasizing husband.

"But you are in a polyamorous relationship." She pointed out, clearly confused. A point outside looking in would make many bewildered.

"It\'s what people call in my realm being a fuckboy." I lightly informed, "And trust me, when I say, she will go out of her way to kill all those I end up having a sexual relationship with."

"Yet, you still—"

I laughed, cutting her short. "You have much to learn, Avar. I see relationships aren\'t your thing. You know this probe thing works two ways, right? Your curiosity is lingering on this topic more than who I am."

"I like soap operas," She said, nodding blankly. "In your case, they never do what you\'re doing. So I am confused. And I have never heard this term Fuckboy."

"Well, it\'s a term, not from the cultivation realm, but rather a mortal world," I patiently said, and she nodded almost as if taking notes. "So, is there anything you want to know?"

"Are you trying to make a baby with the one called Freya?" she asked, and I blinked.

"You were watching."

Avar nodded, blinking her sky blue eyes, waiting for my response.

"Ummm, no, she failed to—"

"Then why the mating ritual?" She stressed, taken back by my actions.

Ok, so this is getting a little personal. She is weird. I can tell she isn\'t interested in sex but rather the contradiction. Either she is disconnected within her realm, or everyone in her plane is like her, a theory that doesn\'t make sense since soap operas exist.

"For the fun of releasing stress."

"Then why do you plug—"

"Ok, unless you are experiencing it yourself, explaining will not make you understand. If you are willing, call me up, and I will be down to plug your holes."

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