Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 495: Lilith - Blade of the Abyss

Chapter 495: Lilith - Blade of the Abyss

Having made my decision, I crushed the hesitation tugging at my heart and touched upon the wisp of Abyssal energy that felt, unlike anything I had ever felt before.

Stars could have come and gone, Demons and Devils could have risen from the depths of the Hells, but I would have remained, consumed in what would only be called home. I was indeed home. The Abyss was where I belonged.

Shedding tears over my return, the only thought that kept returning to me was the child I wish I could birth. A single wish, a single word, and I would be with child.

But. But. That is not how I wish it to be. Not yet, not like this.

Finding a bitter smile upon my lips, Aurelia\'s ethereal expression of sadness clawed at my soul. How much had she given? She helped with my creation, helped with Arsene\'s survival, she had given me everything, yet I had given her nothing but heartbreak.

Same for Zariel, and Vancurro. Both of them gave something.

Holding the Abyssal Wisp tighter, my gaze turned cold, "Show me how to unlock the gates of Illuthath."

Hearing my wish, my eyes flashed, and I saw four towering gates hovering over my head. Emitting an aura, I knew all too well. They were the Four Horsemen Gates of the Apocalypse.

"There shall come a Flame of Night to carry forth the cycle. Seven Stars born of Chaos shall awaken. Angels blood shall fall, bring forth a coming night, that shall stain the light, breaking its eternal war. Around this night shall exist, Four Gates of Apocalypse, that shall bring forth the End and Beginning."

Lost in the words that echoed from my lips, the wisp of abyssal energy covered me like flames. It did not burn, nor did it harm. Creating me anew, the feeling of rejection clawing at me began to fade.

It did not feel like I was breaking through but instead waking from a long eternal slumber I never knew I was in.

"I do not understand," I whispered, towards the wisp filling me with the knowledge I never asked for or wished for, but here it was, consuming me with concepts, worlds, relics, Gods, and various elements I could not grasp.

It was endless and chaotic, but it did not hurt, nor did I wish it to vanish. This was my inheritance. "But I only have one more wish, create me a blade of domination, a blade that could sever even the throne of heaven. That could tear away even the strongest of illusions. Create for me a blade of Abyss."

Wrapped in its majesty, I closed my eyes, allowing the Abyss to take me.




Opening my eyes to the shattering of mirrors, my gaze locked onto Arsene, who seemed to be captivated in a fear I never knew he had. he was shaking as if lost.

Howver, I was no better. A little dizzy, words became like a ringing siren in my ear as I got accustomed to my surroundings. Staggering to stand, my mind grew jumbled.

"You are about to become a god, boy. You will soon learn that this is but the End and the Beginning. There is always a higher heaven to reach."

"It seems kinda tense in here," I uttered, holding my head that felt like it was hit with a sledgehammer.

Glancing at me for a bit, my gaze locked onto Eroma, convulsing upon the ground. Seeing the traces of demonic divinity digging into his soul, I rushed ahead, ignoring the seemingly endless knowledge that was still flowing into my mind.

Holding his head, Greyson glanced at me with worry, "Can your power do anything?"

Running a quick scan of Eroma\'s soul, my heart shuttered as the knowledge within me began to show me a truth I did not wish to believe in.

"Did he gaze upon a higher being?" I asked in a bit of haste, glancing around everyone.

"He will be fine," Baphomet calmly claimed, "Mother simply blinded him for gazing past his level. He will have a few nightmares for a few weeks, but that\'s about it."

"Lilith?" Greyson said, wishing for me to confirm.

"Yes, but if this so-call mother wishes it, Eroma will be her thrall, and if Eroma isn\'t strong enough, he will willingly turn into her thrall."

"As I said, fine," Baphomet childishly voiced as if a little jealous.

"What is going on?"

Arsene closed his eyes, shaking his head, "I have no idea. One minute I was here, the next I was locked in the clutches of Bapohmets mother. The Mother of All Demons and Devils, Lilith."

"Stop being a little bitch; you are alive, right? Stop crying over the little things. Not like you can touch Mother. Why worry?"

"Because she said that I may need a god to worship once I became a god."

"But of course, who the hell do you think Tenebrae is to those of Noctem? Who, Lord Lucifer, is to the Nine Hells? Every realm, but the Realm of Blood holds a god they worship. In my case, I chose the Mother of my race."

"He is right, Arsene." I also added, "Gods will sometimes use their divinity to channel higher powers. Just like you did with Little Ty, you can do the same to entities above this realm. Booms like Godly strength of Elder Gods could be granted, or weapons that could banish you to a region in the Abysareis sometimes awarded to acolytes. It all depends who you worship."

"And why the hell am I the only one who doesn\'t seem to know any of this?" Sene angrily announced, still a bit shaken up.

"And I thought you were on your period. Get your bitch in check Lilith." Baphomet carelessly stated, "I\'m going to find something to eat, Adrienne your with me."

Taking his leave, I felt a bit guilty even though I had just found out about this. Feeling Sene glare upon me, I lowered my ears as tears began to cloud my vision.

"Don\'t yell at me." I weakly muttered."I-I-I just found out."


"I\'m telling papa you yelled at me! Asmo will toss you in hell!" I cried, glaring at sene angerly. Lilith did nothing wrong!

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