Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 311: Sitri - Torment of Azeroth

Chapter 311: Sitri - Torment of Azeroth

"Do you believe his words?" I asked, turning to Lilith watching Asmodeus or rather a pale imitation speak with Arsene.

"Abyssal Rune?" Lilith said, taking a sip of wine, growing relatively too comfortable for my liking. Ever since she broke out, she had been acting like she owned everything. It would seem she has clearly forgotten her place.

"Indeed, Asmodeus indeed got a few runes helping me out of the Abyss. However, why should I tell you if Arsene is telling the truth?"

Scuffing, I lifted her chin, glaring into the amethyst eyes, "They say a wife can tell if their husband is lying, and with what you are, I truly believe that holds true."

"I do not have to tell you anything." Lilith said, rising up as she smirked in my direction, \'Figure it out yourself."

Watching her fading body, I spoke, "Soloman, what do you think?"

"I cannot tell, I believe there are truth within his words, but there are some lies. Asmodeus and his wife indeed walk the depts of the Abyss and found Lilith. Giving Arsene an abyssal rune is a possibility." Soloman wisely said, flickering behind me, staring at the image of Arsene within the screen.

"I want to drain the Norse Gods realm leaving them bare," I said, awaiting the thoughts of the age-old king.

"Arsene knows he is talking to a fake. I think we can both agree on that." He solemnly said, "yet, he revealed some of his plans. Don\'t you think that is strange? It\'s like he wants us to interfere."

"And what of the deal with Asmodeus?" I softly inquired, crossing my arms.

"Why did you take Lilith?" Soloman kindly asked, ignoring my question, trying to probe into something he was not meant to. Although whether he found out or not had nothing to do with me. The link between Lilith and Yura is out there; one simply needs to look.

"Your a smart man Soloman, with a minor omniscient. I am sure you can figure it out." I coldly uttered, known Arsene and Lilith were two being that one could not track unless one used their own eyes. They were outside the fourth spectrum, in a sense. "But we are not here to speak about Lilith, are we?"

Gracefully smiling, Soloman chuckled, "It\'s fine, I will figure it out, but I believe we do not have a choice. We, or should I say you surprised Arsene with Bael. That much we can tell, but he still led us on. I believe it doesn\'t matter if we interfere or not. Arsene will still get what he wants."

"And what would that be? He is still a mortal. Even if he steals the divinity from those Valorkies, he cannot possibly hope to destroy my trial."

"Agreed, so it must be something from Asmodeus or something within the realm of a High God," I muttered. "Arsene needs to use a greater power to be doing this, but all High or Elder gods should have felt my power the moment they appeared on Midgard. You sure did, and your only an Eternal."

"You make it sound like you are so much stronger than I am." Soloman mocked.

Scuffing, I sneered, unable to help myself. "Soloman, even if you have a higher realm than me due to Aldrich, I could still kill you. We stand on different planes entirely. Like Elysium, The Realm of Blood has lost its legacy. While we devils strive, on the verge of creating a new demonic system to combat our growing power. You all could barely stop those from The Overworld from running amock after the War of Demons and Devils. "

"It truly is a shame," Soloman weakly whispered, his gaze slowly turning solemn and grim "it\'s not over yet. We are close, a legacy will soon be born, and Iluthath will rise once more."

"Is that what you and Aldrich have planned? The fools the both of you, but it\'s of no matter. The return of Iluthath is essential to all Twelve Planes, but we are getting a little side-tracked, don\'t you agree?"

Nodding, Soloman sighed, "Fine, but I agree. This is only Arsene\'s second trial. Let\'s see what he does. But let\'s prep Lilith. That was your end game, right? Having Lilith kill Arsene? Or the other way around."

"No, but that works. I had not considered interference from Asmodeus, but it seems we need to plan around Arsene destroying my plan."

"Agreed, but before I go. Arsene said something interesting. What do you know about his brother?" Soloman grimly said. Which also had me deep in thought

"He is in the Celestrial Palace and has no connection with the Norse Gods. It\'s strange, don\'t you think?"

"I wouldn\'t say that. Isn\'t Sigfried, the Dragon Killer, there? He was one from Midgard, and Yura holds his blade." Said Soloman, touching his chin with a hint of amusement, "Now... where is Yura? How strange? I do not sense her presence."

"He still there, and it seems his fate is still on hold with the death of Odin, but it\'s not him. They have yet to even meet, so it begs the question, who is this little brother?" I lightly stated, leaving Soloman to guess on his own.

Narrowing his snake-like eyes, The Age-Old King began to fade, "I will look into Arsene a little more. I will be in touch. Oh, Prince of Hell, Sitri."

Soloman, that man truly is a monster. Were he to come to our side, I am sure he would be a king. He may even have the potential to overthrow Asmodeus. Then again, what king or prince doesn\'t.

Opening my hand, an evil, chaotic force began to shimmer off my palms like embers. Slowly a sharp and long spike a meter in length began to form. While around the sides of this rod, Infernal inscriptions were glimmering, reading, "Torment of Azeroth."

Feeling the heavyweight within my palm, I could feel my soul beginning to scream as I flickered through the halls of my castle, arriving before Lilith in an instant.

Peering at me in the lotus position, she turned to the spike that had once been used upon Azeroth and then myself. She did not speak, move, nor shivered in fear but stared like a hollow doll.

"you are protected... Asmodeus made that clear, but these trials are meant for Arsene. We are meant to kill him or push him to his limit. I had no plan on using this, but it\'s for the best. What you will feel and see will not be an illusion, Lilith. It will be real. You will kill Arsene Snow and feast upon his remains like he has done to so many others."

"You cannot control my soul." She coldly said, naive on how dark the NInes Hells were.

"Lilith, there are many ways to control someone." I wickedly reminded. Jamming the entire spike through the top of Lilith\'s head, piercing through her brain, heading straight into her spine.

Opening her mouth wide, blood slowly began to fall from her head into her mouth as her eyes turned lifeless. Her body falling limp upon the ground.

"That felt fucking good!"

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