Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 116: Decent of the King

Chapter 116: Decent of the King

Blood could be seen gushing from my palm as I clenched them shut. My face had not changed...No; I could not allow my mask to tear. Letting go, I smiled as I looked at bael through the image. "I will not repeat myself, Prince of Hell, Bael."

A look of disbelief appeared as Bael frown for the first time. Giving up my family was obviously not in his plan. Yet, as he looked at my family, he snapped as Richter combusted in a mist of gore splashing over mother and father as they just watched, unable to process what happened. Their mouths were wide open, leaking the blood of their firstborn as mother suddenly screamed, rushing to the various organs covering the grassy field.

Yet, my mask did not break as I continue to smile, neither speaking nor listening as Lilith screamed my name. Whether they died or not, It would not break, not before him... I was Arsene... I was a Snow.

Narrowing his gaze, Bael snorted as Father\'s head imploded into a gore of brain matter, showing mother as she cried out in anguish, clenching his dead body. Her face was stained by her firstborn and her only husband. Heartbreak was all that was all but present as she begged,

"Val? Val? please wake up... Don\'t leave me, Please don\'t leave me GET UP!!!!" She roared as tears ran cold from her eyes.

"Blame Arsene, blame that your damn spawn of yours. All he had to do was Kill Yura, and it would have been over. Yet, the fool could not obey his king\'s wishes. A mere mortal that has barely activated his bloodline. A MERE MORTAL!!!" Bael roared in rage, " I will **** her senseless, Arsene, and I will make you watch as she begs for me to kill her, beg for me to end it all. But her end will never come. She will scream once we enter the nine hells. HAHAHA"

My heart currently felt like shattering, but my gaze remained still and indifferent as my smile never faded, "Forgive me, mother," I curtly said without any emotion as I saw her turn towards me with dead eyes.

"Look away, Do not remember me like this, Sene. Rember my smile, remember our days together... and never are a Snow...and finally always remember I will Love you no matter what," Mother weakly said as I could see a lifeless look swallow the light in her gaze.

CLenching her throat Bael lilted her up, ripping her clothing off as he sent me a glance filled with disdain and contempt, "this is what happens when you defy your lord. You are but a mortal. Learn your place."

"And what do you call it when you mess with my daughter\'s Mother-In-Law?" A chilling voice sounded as I felt time stop. They were within another plane, yet time had stopped completely within mine as a heavenly woman with long aqua blue hair appeared.

"Bael, did you not hear Ezra say that Arsene was to be her husband? Did Asmodeus not announce that? Or did you miss such an obvious clue? You truly are brave. The Court of Nox must have really given you something to make you bend over backward for them." the Stranger said with a chilling tone as she snapped her fingers.

Time suddenly seemed to reverse as I gasped before laughing as Father and Brother appeared. A look of horror could be seen as Bael quivered like a child before this woman, "L-L-L-Leviathan."

Bael had not finished speaking as her arm plunged into his chest, gripping his heart as black blood gushed from his mouth, "Which Hell Bael...Eight or maybe Ninth? Tell me, or maybe I should send you to play with Baphomet. He would love to take apart a prince of hell. That sick bastard is quite the demon if you know what I mean."


"I do not ask for forgiveness, no Bael. For he is here. Out of all the Lords of hell, you have decided to disobey his direct orders. He is on his way, Bael. And Gods help you because once he reaches, I pray you survive his wrath...he is not a man you should have angered." leviathan said as she turned to me with a warm smile.

"I look forward to seeing you, Arsene Snow. Assuming you survive your next trail." She said as the connection was cut.

Closing my eyes, I quivered as I turned to Lilith, who was holding me up. Tears fell from her eyes as she released a breath of fresh air, "They made it they really made in time... they are safe, Arsene."

Yet my vision slowly began to fade as she began to speak, but her words fell on deaf ears, light began to fade from my gaze, twisting like stars. The last thing I saw was Lilith\'s panicked face as she yelled...




Rising up at the dark skies, I frowned in confusion as I looked around. Not understanding where I was. "Lilith," I called out as a flash of Amythe light appeared.

A look of shook appeared as she smiled, "You been unconscious for three days,"

Wrapping her arms around me, I smiled as I felt her embrace," I\'m sorry...I\'m sorry," she repeated as she wailed, "it\'s my fault..."

"It\'s not Lilith; you are but a first stage earth realm cultivator. You did nothing; Bael just wanted to express his power. He wanted to remind me I was his toy. Not to mention the shit with the court of Nox. They will be hunting me soon as well."

"No!!!" SHe yelled, slamming her fist against my chest, " Your wrong. Had we never met. None of this wouldn\'t have happened. He did all of this because he saw us, Arsene."

Looking down, I frowned, connecting a few dots from were words before, "You personally know Asmodeus?" I asked as she nodded with a pale look.


"I don\'t care, Lilith. I cannot change the past; I don\'t care for your relationship with him. I just wish to know if you still wish to travel with me. That is the only thing I care about. I gave them up for you...The woman that held me through the darkness, the woman whose voice I first heard. She was there for it all, and I gave her up for you."

Seeing my tear streaming down, Lilith quivered as she bit her lips, "I will and always follow you, Arsene."

Kissing her salty lips, I smiled as I tasted the sweet texture of her blood. Lost in my passion, I felt my vision slowly going in and out as she held me.

"I soul just needs a few more days, Arsene." Lilith softly said, "Go to sleep. I will be here when..\'

"No!!" I shouted in a childlike tone, "stay just like this," I said as I rested my head on her lap. Feeling warm and comfortable, I turned up as she looked down.

"Your breast is in the way,\' I suddenly exclaimed as he blushed,

"I can\'t do anything about that dummy."

"I know, just wanted to tell you that, but are they getting bigger?" I asked, feeling my daze subsiding.

"I am only fifteen," Lilith said as she ran her fingers through my hair.

Damn... I forgot about that. Am I a pedobear now? I am kinda fifteen. However, the age of consent is like twelve here. I like how I draw the line here, but not when eating people.

"Show me the real you," I asked as her face, hair, and body shifted. Feeling my heart pound, I smiled, feeling the connection return stronger than ever. "tell me a story..."

Feeling my head grown dizzy again, I pretended to listen as my mind began to fade in and out. I could not hear what she said, but as I gazed into her eyes, I grinned as darkness arrived once again.

"My Child of Darkness," Said a voice from the depts, " do not be fool by the false image you see. There is more to darkness than the Laws of Heaven reveals. Awaken thy will and shower the night with thy presence. Learn from the Light for it holes the secret hidden by all but visible in plain sight. become whole once more, my child. "

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